
Chapter 7 Aren't You Afraid of Retaliation?_1

Qin Yihan raised his eyebrows, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes.

He lifted his gaze and glanced at her, his voice indifferent, "Do you also want to claim a share of the pie?"

Su Xiaoli furrowed her brows and remained silent.

Qin Yihan watched her, the smile at the corner of his lips growing colder, "You are Qin Yihan's wife—you should, by all rights, receive more of his assets."

Setting down the spoon in his hand, the man looked at her, his eyes shadowy and cold, "Do you want to take what belongs to you?"

Su Xiaoli bit her tender lip, "Just because I want to attend, does it necessarily mean it's for the money?"

"What else then?"

The man asked coldly, "Qin Yihan's fortune is worth hundreds of billions. For a country girl like you, raised in the countryside, it's an astronomical figure."

"Just a few billion could easily ensure your whole family lives without worry for the rest of their lives."

He had always thought she was a special girl.

But what was the reality?

Upon hearing that Qin Zimo was looking for her, she arrived with a backpack full of schemes.

Upon hearing the Qin Family wanted to divide his assets, she eagerly wanted to take part.

He had overestimated her.

A girl from a small mountain village, no matter how pretty and graceful, when faced with enormous temptation, is also greedy at heart.

She would be no exception.

"I may be from a small mountain village, but I have my pride," Su Xiaoli clenched her teeth, forcing out each word as if through the gaps between them, "I can do without a single penny of Qin Yihan's fortune."

"But tonight, I must take part."

Her voice was soft and sweet, yet the words she spoke were surprisingly forceful and assertive.

Qin Yihan's gaze slightly widened in surprise, "Not a single penny?"

He remembered she was in desperate need of money.

Her cousin Cheng Nanshu had been ill for many years; she and her uncle's family couldn't even scrape together three hundred thousand for the surgery.

Now, facing the huge temptation of several billion, could she really say she didn't want a single penny?

Determination filled Su Xiaoli's eyes, "Yes."

"If it's not for the money, then what are you going for?"

Taking a deep breath, the girl earnestly lifted her gaze to his face, "I want to see for myself how the Qin Family will divide his assets while my husband is still not dead."

"I want to remember the face of each person involved, remember the share each person receives."

Qin Yihan was stunned.

She wanted to attend the Qin Family meeting for him?

After a moment of silence, the man's voice deepened, "Why remember these for him?"

"Do you actually believe he'll one day rise from his bed to exact revenge on those people?"

Su Xiaoli's hands balled into fists by her side.

Still stubborn and resolute, she lifted her gaze to meet his,

"What if?"

"One has to believe in miracles in this world, right?"

Qin Yihan narrowed his eyes and shifted to a more comfortable position on the dining chair, "Do you realize that by going tonight, you will annoy many people?"

"Aren't you afraid of being targeted for revenge?"

"Not afraid."

The man chuckled lightly, "Just for a one-in-ten-thousand chance, you're willing to offend people at this meeting—it's really not worth it."

"I didn't marry Qin Yihan to do business; I won't consider such gains and losses."

Upon finishing, Su Xiaoli earnestly lifted her gaze to the man's face, "So, Second Young Master Qin, may I attend tonight?"

Qin Yihan narrowed his eyes as he looked at her.

The girl was fragile and gentle, yet her eyes were unexpectedly steadfast and defiant.

It seemed that once she was determined about something, she would pursue it at all costs.

The man's lips curled into a smile, his gaze sweeping up and down over her jeans and plaid shirt, "Tonight's Qin Family meeting will be in the form of a banquet."

"Your outfit, I'm afraid, won't do."

Su Xiaoli frowned as she glanced at her reflection in the glass beside her, "Isn't this outfit I'm wearing pretty good?"

The plaid shirt she wore was a graduation gift from her homeroom teacher after her college entrance exams.

Qin Yihan helplessly rubbed the spot between his eyebrows.

After a moment, he took out his phone, "Bai Cheng, take this little friend who hasn't seen the world to buy a gown for the banquet."

"And give her a crash course on what a banquet is."

Su Xiaoli cast a dissatisfied glance at Qin Yihan and was about to say something when her eyes suddenly lit up!

By having Bai Cheng take her to buy a gown, did that mean—

He had agreed to let her attend the evening's meeting!

In an instant, excitement filled the bright eyes of the young girl.

She even gave him a bow, "Thank you, Second Young Master Qin!"

Watching her dance around in excitement, Qin Yihan's lips couldn't help but curl up, "Are you really that happy?"

"Of course!"

Su Xiaoli nodded with a beaming smile, "Thanks to my husband, Qin Yihan, I have the chance to get the money for my cousin's treatment."

"He has done me such a huge favor, yet there's so little I can do for him."

"By attending a meeting in his place today, I'm helping him too!"

As she finished speaking, there was a knock at the door from Bai Cheng.

"Go ahead."

The man spoke indifferently, "Since you're representing Qin Yihan, you can't afford to embarrass him, can you?"

Su Xiaoli quickly nodded, "You're right!"

With that, she turned and left.

When she reached the door, she suddenly turned back as if she had just remembered something, "If you like the chicken soup I've been making, I can continue to make it for you in the future."

The man gazed indifferently at the bowl of chicken soup on the table, which was nearly empty, and elegantly curved his lips, "Alright."

After receiving his reply, the young woman cheerfully opened the door and followed Bai Cheng out.

The door closed behind her.

Qin Yihan leaned back on the sofa, staring at the firmly shut door, the image of her earnest and stubborn declaration to attend the meeting on his behalf and remember those faces for him coming to mind.

And also the excited look on her face upon learning that he permitted her to attend the meeting.

After a while, a gentle smile played across the man's face.

She indeed was a special girl.

With a sigh, he stood up and returned to the sofa to resume working in the room.

Ever since Qin Yihan was declared brain-dead, he had taken over the Qin Group under the guise of Qin Zimo, whose face had been disfigured many years ago.

Qin Zimo was an illegitimate child not accepted by the Qin Family.

Therefore, to the outside world, Qin Zimo's residence was this presidential suite of the hotel.

Before he could finish reviewing a document, his phone rang.

It was a photo sent by Bai Cheng.

The photo showed a debt acknowledgment note written in delicate handwriting:

"I, due to financial difficulties, have borrowed 30,000 yuan from Qin Zimo to buy a dinner gown, and hereby write this IOU as proof. — Su Xiaoli"

Following the photo was a message from Bai Cheng.

"Sir, Madam insisted on writing an IOU for you..."

Looking at this IOU, Qin Yihan could even imagine the stubborn little girl picking up a pen to write these words.

He casually curved his lips and replied:

"Let her write it."

"From now on, make her write an IOU for every transaction, and bring it back to me."

Bai Cheng: "...You're not really going to make Madam repay the money, are you?"

"Of course not."

Qin Yihan curved his lips, envisioning the serious kiss from the little woman on their wedding night.

He would make her... repay it in other ways.