
Chapter 10 Are there any dissatisfactions? _1

The night sky was pitch black, the light in the corridor dim and yellow.

Qin Yihan sat on the long bench, his gaze steadfastly fixed on the woman who was only two meters away from him.

The young girl was dressed in a pink evening gown, her whole being fragile and delicate, with a long bloodstain etched by fingernails visible on her left shoulder.

She was soft and pure, her words seemingly naive as if they bypassed her brain completely.

Yet somehow, they seemed to strike the softest spot in his heart.

He narrowed his eyes at her, their color deep and bottomless.

Perhaps sensing the man's stare, Su Xiaoli paused, "I...I'm going to go if there's nothing else!"

Having said that, the young girl picked up her dress and ran quickly towards the direction of the main house.

Watching her hair being lifted by the night wind as she ran, the man slightly furrowed his brows and took out a pill bottle from his pocket, poured out a pill, and swallowed it.

Bai Cheng, standing nearby, watched him take the medicine and quickly approached with concern:

"Second Young Master, are you feeling unwell?"

"Your body has always been very strong, why do you carry medicine with you?"

"Your breathing just now was also a bit unsteady, should we take you to the hospital for a check-up?"

Qin Yihan frowned and glared at him coldly.

Bai Cheng then shut his mouth.

The man closed his eyes and leaned back on the bench, "I asked you to take her to buy a gown, not to get her something so exposed and enticing."

Bai Cheng was startled and instinctively glanced in the direction Su Xiaoli had left.

The lady's dress is not revealing at all!

Aside from the shoulders, everything else is tightly covered!

And it's not enticing!

It's very pure!

"Go to the mall again."

The man still had his eyes closed, his voice indifferent, "Buy her a shawl."

Bai Cheng: "..."

"The lady only had her shoulders exposed... do we need to cover that up too?"

Qin Yihan furrowed his brows and gave him an icy glance, "Didn't you see her shoulder was injured?"

Bai Cheng: "Alright, I'll go right now!"

After speaking, he left at a speed as if lightning had struck, swiftly disappearing.

Qin Yihan leaned on the long bench again for a long time, struggling to calm the turmoil inside him.

He was grateful for the medicine from Wen Sunan.

Otherwise, he might not have let her leave...

"Be careful with it, don't take too much, it can impact bodily functions!"

Wen Sunan's earnest warnings echoed in his ears.

The man raised his hand to touch his chin, his gaze following the direction Su Xiaoli had gone.

This medicine, it seems he really can't take much longer.


Su Xiaoli ran far away.

Only after making sure that Qin Zimo, that freak, could no longer see her, did she finally breathe a sigh of relief and took a look at her reflection in the mirror.

On the fair and round left shoulder of the young girl, a serpentine and ugly bloodstain crawled on the surface, looking quite unsightly.

She tilted her head and thought for a while, then took out the hook line pen she usually used from her handbag, dipped it in the lipstick she carried with her, and along the line of the bloodstain on her left shoulder, she drew a lifelike vine of flowers.

Actually, she had a bit of a talent for drawing; when her mother was still alive, she had even enrolled her in art classes.

Later, after her mother died and she went to live with her uncle, depending on others' charity.

Her uncle also proposed sending her to study art, but his family had limited means and Su Xiaoli didn't want to burden her aunt and uncle, so she gave up on art.

After dealing with the wound, the commotion of the banquet starting also rose from the main house.

Su Xiaoli quickly lifted the hem of her dress and entered the banquet hall.

This was her first time attending a wealthy people's party.

The scent of fine clothes and hair, the clinking of glasses and toasts.

Everyone wore extravagant attire, talking in small groups and drinking amidst the crowded hall.

Su Xiaoli seemed out of place here.

Relieved, she found a corner to sit down in.

In front of her was a small table adorned with various colorful cupcakes.

The young girl pursed her lips, observed for a while, and realizing that everyone was eating casually, she stealthily took two and quietly snuck into a corner to eat them.

After finishing the two cupcakes, the meeting finally began at a leisurely pace.

On the stage at the center of the venue, the host slowly assisted the old master of the Qin Family up to the podium.

"All present here are distant and close relatives of the Qin Family and have, more or less, some shares in the Qin Group."

"As of now, Qin Yihan is critically ill, and the control of the Qin Group has been handed back to his brother, Qin Zimo."

"Today we have gathered to discuss the matter of redistributing the assets of the Qin Group and those of Qin Yihan..."

Having finished speaking, the old patriarch sighed and began calling out names from a long list.

Each person whose name was called would stand on the other side of the venue.

By the end of the roll call, only Su Xiaoli was left on this side of the venue.

The crowd looked at the young girl sitting alone on the sofa with shock and began to whisper amongst themselves at a lower volume.

Though Su Xiaoli had only married into the Qin Family a few days ago, besides Qin Zimo and Zheng Zihao and his sister Zheng Qingqing who were forced to attend the wedding, no one knew her.

This showed just how little the Qin Family valued anything related to Qin Yihan.

Standing on the podium, the old patriarch furrowed his brows and gave the butler a look.

"Young lady."

The butler, accompanied by the servants, approached Su Xiaoli and spoke politely, "Tonight's banquet is an internal meeting for the Qin Family to divide their wealth."

"Since you are not a member of the Qin Family, please leave."

Su Xiaoli flattened her lips and lightly hopped off the sofa, "Who says I'm not a member of the Qin Family?"

As she spoke, the murmuring within the venue grew louder.

From the noisy crowd, Zheng Qingqing let out a cold snort, "How disgraceful!"

Qin Hanshuang, Zheng Qingqing's mother, frowned, "Qingqing, do you know this young lady?"

With a twist of her mouth, Zheng Qingqing raised her voice, "She is the country bumpkin that Qin Yihan married a few days ago for luck!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the hall erupted in laughter.

All eyes filled with malice turned towards Su Xiaoli.

"Just a bride for luck, and she dares to attend the division of assets?"

"Typical of someone from a poor mountain village, someone who's never seen money—a bumpkin who couldn't resist sneaking in at the mere mention of dividing money."

"Truly disgusting. Who doesn't know she married Qin Yihan for his money?"

"Kick her out already... The stench of poverty is polluting the air here..."


One unfriendly voice followed another.

Su Xiaoli twisted her brows, her hands silently forming fists at her sides.


Up on the stage, the old patriarch finally learned of her background.

With microphone in hand, he spoke to her from his elevated position, "I remember when you married into our family, I had an agreement with your father regarding a collaboration with the Su Family in exchange for your marriage here."

"Have you come here because there's something you are dissatisfied with?"

"Or perhaps..."

The old man looked at her, his gaze suddenly turning cold, "Do you really want to partake in Qin Yihan's wealth?"

Su Xiaoli bit her lip and was silent for a while.

After a long pause, she raised her head, "Grandfather, as a member of Qin Yihan's family, may I speak up there?"

The old patriarch was taken aback, then he chuckled, "You can just speak from there."

Su Xiaoli frowned, feeling that her words would not carry enough force if she didn't speak from the stage.

The girl quickly thought and turned around to strip the cloth from a nearby table.

Then, under the shocked gazes of everyone present, she carefully stepped onto the table.

"Ladies and gentlemen."

She took a deep breath and tried to raise her voice as much as possible, "I am not here today for the money."

"I just want to ask everyone."

She stood tall and proud, feeling like a heroine:

"If you all believe that Qin Yihan is a man on his deathbed."

"Then why rush to divide his property before he has even passed away?"

"Do you think you will die before him?"