
Life of feng shui

Feng shui

Stephanie_Julie_5982 · Histoire
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"Colour is par excellence the part of art that holds the magic gift. While the subject, the form, the line are addressed first of all to the thought, the colour has no meaning for the intelligence, but it has all the powers over the sensitivity, it stirs. »Eugēne Delacroix -Journal.


Chromo therapy

Many researchers and doctors have shown that by diffusing light sources through colour filters, they could cure mild and even more serious ailments. This energy medicine treats both physiological and psychological problems.

The power of colour

In our everyday life, we notice that red calls for heat, green for drought, orange for cold. The colours penetrate us and we is difficult to escape. Reds, yellows and all the warm colours have a stimulating, even exciting power; blues, purple and all of the cool colours have a sedative and soothing power. A brilliant colour is bright, active, positive a matte colour is off, passive and negative. Apart from their aesthetic aspect, they therefore each have specific vibratory qualities. Used in the purest possible state, that is to say without solid support, but simply conveyed by light, they will influence our moods as well as our vitality. Consequently, they will act positively on disorders as well. various than depression, anxiety, sinusitis, asthma or sprain.

"Colours are actions of light. Goethe, On Colour Theory"


The knowledge

 It is not the action of the radiation itself, but rather the reaction of the body to this radiation that is medically speaking, active. The art of chromo therapy is precisely knowing how to use the different colours, on which organ (s) and for how long in order to provoke the reactions necessary to restore the momentarily deficient balance, to stimulate and accelerate the self-healing process. However, there are several techniques, some practitioners offer exposure to filtered solar rays through coloured glasses. More commonly, others use a chromo therapy lamp or a halogen lamp whose end of the optical fibber is optical and matched with coloured fibbers. The latter system allows thus makes it possible to obtain very precise wavelengths.


Who are they?

 RED: it stimulates, warms and strengthens. It is the colour of blood and passions, but also of love and sexual energy. In chromo therapy, it is used for colds, lippie, colds, an injury ... Do not throw it in case of high fever and high blood pressure.

ORANGE it carries a gentle action. Like gold, it symbolizes wealth and seduction. Orange suggests summer, like yellow fruit flesh and tan colour. In chromo therapy, it stimulates the respiratory system and is antispasmodic; it is diffused for cramps, pains due to tension or stress, asthma, kidney problems.

YELLOW is invigorating and restorative. It evokes the sun or gold, when it is shining. it stimulates the central nervous system, helps digestion and gives muscle tone. In chromo therapy, it is used for constipation, liver disease, eczema.

GREEN is refreshing and stimulating, it is the colour of the veins of chlorophyll ... Symbol of nature, it is also that of hope since green .. I hope In chromo therapy, it calms the nerves and increases the vital force; it is projected for insomnia, back pain, hypertension ...

BLUE: it is the colour of the sky and the water. She calms and relaxes. In chromo therapy, it is used for all infections and contrasts with the heat effect of the colour red; it is used for infections, fevers, toothaches, burns ... Do not throw it in case of colds or colds!

ROSE like all pastel tones, pink expresses softness. It is the colour of little girls.

The PURPLE represented in religion and mourning in the West, it becomes the colour of temperance and reflection.

WHITE, symbol of purity and virginity in most western countries, white, which is also an absence of colour, reflects the sun's rays, rejects heat.

BLACK remains the colour of darkness and darkness, "Black is the refuge of colour. »(Gaston Bache lard). It is associated with death and misfortune, Black absorbs heat.

GRAY: it is a dull and sad intermediate value (like white and black) unless it shines like silver. Otherwise, it is attributed a notion of soiling.

Apart from the care that we can obtain with the basic colours of chromo therapy, it is preferable to adopt the appropriate tones to decorate our office or our bedroom, to enrich our wardrobe. dress ... and to associate them with the bases of our food, so that these colours, penetrating in our organism through our senses, bring us good health.


The power of associated colours

No longer when it comes to chromo therapy, but in our daily life, we are equally influenced by the vibrations that the colours reflect on us. The vivid tones express "violence", the strength of personal emotions and produce reactions of the same order in the viewer, And their union denotes a real inner "revolution". Primary colours assembled, such as bright red, green and bright blue obviously form a very aggressive whole. Our observation of such an assemblage can produce in us either an intense visual and emotional reaction, or conversely, a strong repugnance. Softer tones, on the other hand, associated with curved lines and "smooth" shapes, arranged in a harmonious arrangement, will generate enchantment.


Colour and habitation

Our home, nature for the eye which perceives only spots of light modelled by colour - are only an assembly of colours arranged in a certain order. And a spectator contemplating our environment sees and receives this panorama as ... a cool and calm place, a sparkling and full of life place or a souk ... and would feel the desire or not to flee, to regenerate there, to breathe or settle there. It is therefore important, to evolve positively and improve our moods, to surround ourselves with colours and beauty.


The diamonds, the seasons, the sounds, the colours, the darkness, the light, the elements, the food, the noise, the silence, the movement, the rest, everything acts on our machine and on our soul, "Jean- Jacques Rousseau, The Confessions