

ELSU:You guys are cruel

ALASTOR:It's how we do...now let's start your sword training

ELSU:What exactly will I be learning I don't get it

ALASTOR:Your swordsmanship is decent but too rigid


ALASTOR:I mean what I said you aren't really flexible you don't mix in tricks with your attacks look we are not knights but men trying to survive

ELSU:Ok and what I'm I to do

ALASTOR:Showing you will be faster let's duel don't worry I'll go easy

ELSU:So you weren't going easy on me in that last duel

ALASTOR:Oh no I actually was


Alastor and I began practicing

ALASTOR:Too slow,too stiff and too rigid

ELSU:Wait I'm beat

ALASTOR:Cherry will help you out but in the meantime you have to learn to relax and throw some tricks in while fighting learn to improvise and use your environment to your advantage

ELSU:Like how?

ALASTOR:You will have to figure that out yourself my style of fighting is just me trying to finish my enemy as soon as possible

ELSU:Like deliveries fatal blows?

ALASTOR:Yes so first try to figure out your way of fighting because right now it's like that of a common foot soldier

That's because I was one in my previous life

ELSU:Ok thanks for the lesson

ALASTOR:You are welcome,Cherry is here get her to heal you and begin your lesson on magic immediately