

ELSU:Ouch...my head

CHERRY:Oh you're awake

Oh yeah I fought and lost against Alastor

CHERRY:Master Alastor needs you to meet John near the forest


Well I lost I should at least do as he says

JOHN:Oh hey you're awake


JOHN:Honestly I thought you would take longer but your tough

ELSU:Well thanks, so what do you need?

JOHN:Teaching you how to viewing

ELSU:What are you talking about?

JOHN:You see Master though that we should teach you a few things before leaving, you know just to ensure your safety

ELSU:Oh that was the reason for the duel,

JOHN:Ya you catch on quickly it's not that you are not strong but he wants to teach you things you need to survive

ELSU:Well I can't complain it will be helpful

I need to do all I can to be strong enough to protect my mother and myself also there's no telling when the demon lord will be unsealed knowledge is power it will only serve to make me stronger

ELSU:So where do I begin?

JOHN:First let's test your speed follow me

John started climbing the tree trunks

ELSU:Wait!Damn hes fast.

Following after him is tough

JOHN:Elsu don't just run climb after me

ELSU:Yeah easier said than done

JOHN:Come up here


I climbed up to meet John

JOHN:You took your time

ELSU:Shut up it was hard you know

JOHN:Alright now I need to teach you about viewpoints


JOHN:You see being this high up gives us a bird view as such we can see what happens around a certain distance so you can easily find places you are searching for.

ELSU:Ok that's helpful now how are we getting back down we are 12 feet above the ground right now

JOHN:Oh that's easy here hold on to me

ELSU:Sure but what are you planning to...huh

John jumped

ELSU:Hey hey hey we are falling

JOHN:Don't worry we will be fine

ELSU:I'm gonna die

John stretched out his palm and generated a gust of wind to slow down our fall

ELSU:You madman I thought I was dead

JOHN:Ya sorry about that it was the fastest way to get down

ELSU:You used magic?

JOHN:Yeah one of the things you'll be learning now go to our chief for some training

ELSU:Ok and while I'm at it I might as well try to admire how nice the ground is