

I wonder when I started getting used to killing well can't say it's a nice feeling I just wanted to stay alive it's kill or be killed and I rather be the one doing the killing.

Ha I'm being spoken to by the commander

COMMANDER:Good job get some rest

So you might have been wondering what I have been killing demons obviously monsters from the pit of hell why well that's personal it's not really a pleasant story on my part


Oh by the way I'm Lucas a soldier of the

kingdom of Gregori we have been plague by this process for the past 5 years now

LUCAS:I'm home

By home I mean my room in the barracks my real home was destroyed a few years back


I clicked my tongue remembering the experience at the time it's like a trauma how I wish I could forget about it.Tears naturally come out remembering that memory

LUCAS:Everyone I'm sorry couldn't save you

Naturally I fell asleep remembering after remembering that memory