

Before I knew it morning had come

TOM:Rise and shine sleepy head


TOM:The commander has an important announcement to make.

LUCAS:Any idea on what that is?

TOM:No clue,we are about to find out

Tom and I go way back we both went through a lot before we entered the military if there's anyone who I can trust to have my back its Tom. Well I got up and headed over to the courtyard

COMMANDER:The time has come it's time to kill the demon lord


COMMANDER:We received report from our scouts that the demon lord has decided to lay a full siege against our Kingdom and so we have decided to bet everything on this one last fight we will do our all to kill the demon lord and obtain the peace we so desperately desired.

Everyone was happy giving off shouts of joy and I was no exception

LUCAS:Finally it's time to end this

TOM:It's finally going to be over

LUCAS:Still though I haven't really decided what to do when this is all over

TOM:Well first we have make it back alive though

COMMANDER:Go now and move to your different squads and prepare for battle

LUCAS:I believe so see ya

TOM:Ya see ya.

I went enthusiastically to prepare to end this. This will be a chore at least that's what I thought.


Here I am surrounded by the corpses of my comrades it was hell. We were marching preparing to end the source of our suffering all of a sudden we were attacked by top tier demons.

LUCAS:What it's too soon!

I was surprised but before I could blink the war had began I kept killing them over and over and over but they never stopped coming

LUCAS:How many are they?

Many varieties of monsters were charging at us goblins, hobgoblins, ogre, orcs many more


I managed to killed a lot of them and slipped away at one point. I lost a lot of blood I administered first aid on myself and hidden myself away. I was ashamed when I'm here trying to recover my comrades were putting their lives on the line.

LUCAS:Why is this happening?! It's silent.

I came out of my hiding spot and saw the battle field filled with bodies of my comrades and I saw my friend Tom missing one of his arms and legs I went to him to check on him


Ha he's dead


Wow who I'm I kidding shit why is this happening to us.

LUCAS:Rest in piece my friend you are free now , well I guess it's just me

Just then a felt a presence behind me


COMMANDER:Yes it's me you have done a good job staying alive Lucas....what are you doing?

I drew my sword immediately

LUCAS:Who are you? I have never told the commander my name before.

DEMON LORD:.....Impressive you are smarter than you look

LUCAS:Who are you bastard?

DEMON LORD:Well you know me as a demon lord best correct?

This guy


I clearly was thinking straight when I charged to him


I was grabbed by the demon lord and my head was smashed to the ground

DEMON LORD:Be quiet you make a lot of noise



LUCAS:Why do you kill people, just why?

DEMON LORD:Because you humans are weak