

life may seem cruel to many cause it truly is, we are all faced with challenges along the way and we all get hurt, either by loosing someone special or being hurt by someone you love, maybe it's when the society criticize you or when your own family doesn't accept you, the point is life is harsh and hard, you may have good moments sometimes traumatizing moments but it's just a temporary journey and this is the journey and life of a Muslim black Melanin.

Aisha_Muazu · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Ready to loose all for her

(Asif's pov)

I woke up around 8:00am, the couch wasn't comfortable but it was worth it knowing that rahma slept peacefully.

I stood up and made my way towards the bed where I saw rahma still sleeping soundly, she looked breath taking mashAllah, I squat down a little to get a better view of her face.

I probably looked like a creep cause I kept staring at her for six minutes, I mean I couldn't help it, her dark beautiful skin, her thick lashes, her cute pink lips.

I think I should stop before I end up doing something I might regret, well maybe I won't really regret it though.

After taking one last glance at her, I left the room and made my way towards my room, I took my bath and changed my clothes, I made my way out of the room and headed downstairs.

Today's the weekend, and I didn't really have much plans apart from spending the day with rahma and getting to know her more, I wanted her to open up to me and maybe share some of her experience with me.

That's a good start right?.

When I arrived at the living room, I saw everyone seated at the dinning table.

"Salama'alaikum." I greeted everyone at the table, while taking my seat.

"Wa'alaikumusalam." They all replied back.

I noticed that everyone was taking glance at me from time to time and it was even more weird that Asad was glaring at me.

"So you brought a girl back home?" My dad asked me without beating around the bush.

"Yes." Was my short reply.

"Why?" My dad asked patiently, but I knew too well that it was just a mask.

"Why not?" I asked my dad in a daring tone but immediately regretted it so I quickly said.

"I'm sorry dad, i didn't mean it that way." I apologized and my father didn't ask me any questions after that.

I could still feel Asad's glare on me which made me curious as to why he was looking at me with the deadly eyes suddenly.

After breakfast, Aleena decided to go check up on Rahma and give her some of her clothes to wear for the day.

"Asif I need to talk to you." My mom said while walking into the kitchen making a sign that I should follow her which I did.

I wanted to talk to Asad and ask him what's up with the looks but I guess that wait.

When we entered the kitchen my mother didn't wait a second to ask me.

"What's your relationship with her?" I was taken aback by the sudden question but I still replied.

"She's just a friend that I met in school." I replied knowing fully well that it's a lie, well she's not just a friend to me but I think I'm just a friend to her.

My mom chuckled sarcastically.

"I gave birth to you."  Yep I still remember that, but I knew that wasn't the end of her speech.

"You said she's just a friend?, You literally got your emotions out of control in a single second in school when you almost killed a boy for her, and then yesterday she was in trouble and you decided to bring her to your house, and slept in the same room as her, just to make sure that she was alright."my mom said while looking into my eyes.

"You don't do all that for just a friend Asif." I finally sighed in defeat, why do I have to have such an observant mother?.

"Asif." She called my name in a gentle tone.

"I'm your mother and you can talk to me." And with that I embraced my mom while she hugged me back.

"You like her don't you?" My mother asked.

"She's basically a part of me now." I replied.

"How old is she?" My mom asked.

"She's sixteen." I replied.

"And you're eighteen, are you serious about her." My mother asked with worried eyes.

"Do you love her?" She carefully asked.

"Never loved any one as much as I love her." I said.

"You met her two weeks back." My mom pointed out.

"But it feels like I've known her for years, she has a pure heart, I know she's broken probably about a lot of things and I want to heal her, she doesn't smile or laugh much but when she does, she makes me speechless, her happiness means a lot to me, and I don't know if we're meant to be, but what I do know is that, I have her now and inshAllah I won't loose her." I said to my mom meaning every word.

"I'm not against you falling in love but you have to know that love isn't something to joke or play around with, the road is never easy, it's not a child's play, once you give your heart to that one person they become everything and when you loose them it's painful and it's like loosing everything." My mom said in a concerned voice.

"Don't worry ummi, Allah didn't make my path to cross with hers for no reason, he has a reason and plan for everything and I'm sure he has a reason for this too." I said to her.

"Does she loves you?" My mom asked the question I didn't have an answer to.

"I don't know but what I do know is that summer holiday is coming soon, and I plan on taking a trip with her."

"Does she knows about this and have you asked your dad for approval?" My mom questioned which made me chuckle.

I kissed her forehead and said.

"I love the fact that you worry and care about me a lot but, trust me everything will go in order." I told her while also trying to convince myself that everything will go perfect inshAllah.

"I hope you know what you're getting yourself into." My mom whispered as we hugged once again.

I also hope so.

My mom was the first to break the hug and said.

"I'll go talk with your father now." She said while turning around to leave the kitchen.

She was about to walk out when I called her.

"Ummi." She turned her head to look at me.

"I'm ready to loose everything I have, if it means being in love with rahma." I said and she just smiled at me and left.