

I came out of the bathroom wearing a towel and stood in front of my bedroom mirror admiring myself. I do this for like five minutes everyday but today, I stood in front of the mirror with a reason.

' I just don't get it. what did he see in pink freak that he didn't see in me?I got the shapes. I'm sure my apples were bigger than hers and my ass was bigger in size. JUST WHAT THE FUCK DID HE SEE IN HER?' I couldn't stop asking myself this question and I don't know why.

' Relax Gwen, Colby is a loser. he doesn't deserve you.you deserve someone better than Colby. get over him!' I told myself in the mirror. I wouldn't let emotions get the best of me.

With that, I groomed and cladded my self in a black pair of ripped jeans, a black tank top and black long sleeve jacket with black boots. to add to the beauty, I wore a layered necklace around my neck.

I looked myself in the mirror once again admiring my self "YOU RE SEXY"I told myself and with that,I picked up my black bag and went down stairs.

"good morning Mom".I greeted her placing a kiss on her cheeks. breakfast had been prepared and set up on the table. my mum was waiting for me at the table.

"Good morning sweetie. how was your night?"I heard her question as soon as I sat my ass on the chair.

"Splendid" I answered. "how was yours?"I returned the question.

"Great"she answered.silence reigned for like two minutes or more after mom gave her response. All that was heard was the noise of the fork hitting our plates. From the look of her face, mom wanted to tell me something but she just didn't know how to and I knew I had to strike a conversation.

"Mom?"I called her. breakfast was not always like this especially now where nothing was heard except the noise of the fork hitting our plates. the atmosphere of breakfast was always bright as all of us had something to say that made us smile especially when Jeremiah was here.

"Yes darling" she drifted her eyes that were on her food to look at me. "is something wrong?" she asked me with motherly concern in her eyes.

"Colby broke up with me" I told her. I didn't want to tell mum about it but I had to, she is my mother.

As soon as she heard me, she dropped her fork to look at me. she was searching for hurt in my eyes but that was the thing, I wasn't hurt....I WAS ANGRY.....ANGRY THAT I WASN'T THE ONE WHO BROKE UP WITH HIM.

"Are you hurt?"she asked. I could see the worry in her eyes.

'NO MOTHER,I AM ANGRY'. I said in my mind

"A Little. I am mostly bubbling up with anger."I told her honestly.there was no need to lie about it because I didn't feel hurt,I felt rage.

She smiled at me and at a point she chuckled. I didn't know why she was chuckling but at least she wasn't feel pity for me.

"you are angry you didn't get to break up with him."EXACTLY, SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS ME.

"Thank God,you get it. Who gave him the right to break up with me? I am the one who gives the heartbreak not the one who gets the heartbreak."OHMAGAD,I finally get to express my anger and just for you to know, my heart is not broken,it's angry.

"Who did he leave you for?"she asked as she took a bite from her food.

"you remember Mitchelle, the one who used to come over?" I didn't want to talk about her but for reasons I am not aware of, I found myself talking.

"Oh.. your best friend?"she asked taking another bite from her food.

" EX. best friend"I corrected her emphasizing so much on the ex.

"Wow, your ex Is dating your ex, that's pretty messed up" yes, it's messed up. it's like Mitchelle was doing this to punish me but too bad for her, she was boiling anger in me.


"Why did it have to be her? I'd prefer diggey Joey to steal my boyfriend than her" I said cutting a large chump of bacon. I stabbed the bacon and placed it in my mouth.

"Relax baby,the bacon doesn't deserve the stabbing and who is diggey Joey?"she asked.

"the girl who goes around digging her nose." I told her. I leaned onto the table wanting to ask my mom a question "Do you think I will find someone better than him?"

"Why won't you? Colby is just an idiot who didn't know what treasure he was leaving behind. he will come back of you and when he does,do not accept him. I don't think I want him as a son- in- law."OHMAGAD!My mother ways of cheering me up are quite funny.

"Mom" did she have to say the last part? Nevertheless, she was doing a good job.

"Look all I'm trying to say is you would find someone who's not Colby, who is better than Colby and who deserves you" I am taking my mother's word for that.

"Thank you Mom" she really did well. at least,I know she doesn't want Colby as a son- in-law.

"I am always here for you baby" after that , we went back to eating and then, I remembered mom wanted to tell me something.

"What did you want to tell me before this whole conversation started?"I was being clear.

"Eat fast! you're almost late for school. I will tell you on the way to school." she said as she wiped her mouth with the napkin and stood up from her seat and went upstairs.

* * * * * * * * * * *

"Your dad wants you to come stay with him in Florida" I heard her say

"Why? I am doing quite okay in California" I told her. I don't think I want to go to Florida.

"He wants to have you around and spend some quality time with his children and besides, it's been a long time since he last saw you" My mom was trying to convince to stay in Florida with my dad but that was not what I wanted.

"Then I will just go there doing the holidays, besides he has Jeremiah around. I have big plans and I am not going to Florida until I accomplish them" I said with arms folded across my chest. this was me being clear about not going there.

"Okay, Okay,okay! I am not forcing you.if you want to stay in California,FINE! you can stay. I am okay with it and I can just tell your dad you refuse and you can come there over the holidays and you can stay in California and weep over your heartbreak" I really hate it when my mother puts thought into my head.

Again,I'm not heartbroken,I'm suffering from rage...Do not mistake that!!

Thinking about it,If I stay in Florida, I can begin a new school and forget about my EXES other than staying in California and thinking about how to get revenge on my EXES.

"Fine. I will give it another thought" why take your offer back after putting thoughts in my head?

"That's my baby speaking. you have till tomorrow to make your decision. Your flight ticket has already been booked for Miami and I need to cancel your flight Incase you decide to stay....in California"


I sighed feeling exhausted. I haven't even done anything this morning and I was tired. 'SEEMS LIKE YOU'RE PREGNANT' I Told my self.

* * * * * * * *

History class is so boring. someone has to agree with me on this one. is it only me or my eyes were dropping gradually. Mr Murillo was making a lot of noise. he was no Less than a bee buzzing around my ear.

I need to get the hell out of here. I couldn't wait for the bell to go *ding*.WHY WON'T THIS DARN FORSAKING BELL RI...

"DING!!" I heard the bell ring. finally, RECESS!!!

a break away from class drama. Don't get me wrong, school is so boring today. I can't even wait to get back to my bed.

Like a flash of lightning,I just remembered that I haven't told Keira I might or might not be going to Florida. TIME TO GET MY ASS OFF THIS CHAIR.

* * * *

"I will be going to Florida next month"I mentioned it to her. she deserved to know.

"I'm sorry,you are what?"this is the part where Keira pretends she didn't hear what I said.

"I will or will not be leaving for Florida next month. I have till tomorrow to make a decision. it seems like my dad booked a flight two months ago and my mom failed to mention it to me"

"So wait! you're leaving me here alone?All.by.my.self? Are you serious?what Happened to the promise you made me that you will never leave me alone?"

"First of all, When did I make that promise?" I don't quite remember making that promise to her except she was making it up.

"Forget it. you are not serious on leaving me alone are you?"she asked. it seems like she wasn't keen on me leaving.

"I haven't made a decision yet. I am still to thinking about it."she heard me say.

"So what happens to tomorrow when you finally make a decision and decide to leave me in California?"

"Look at the bright side, you still have me here with you for the rest of the month and maybe,I am gonna stay in California....."I would have added to what I wanted to say but immediately, someone came into the bathroom. she sauntered towards us looking so flat in her midriff top. Okay This Me Being Rude...

"Hey bitches" If there was one thing I and Keira had in common,it was the dislike we had towards this girl.