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Before entering the Janitor's closet, I checked my self one last time before pushing the door. I entered and I closed the door behind me as soon as I got in.

"Hey." I said to him closing the distance between us. Colby Maxwell had the ability to impress everyone. though he didn't impress me, I don't know what attracted me to him.

"Hey." He returned my greetings.Colby was looking good in his blue t-shirt and his dark jeans though he didn't top it with his leather jacket.

"We...we need to talk" I heard Colby say and this made me wonder. 'what do we need to talk about that was more important than our anniversary?'.

I decided to ignore his statement like I didn't hear a thing.

"Happy Anniversary"I said to him with all smiles.

"How do I look?"I asked him. somehow I wished his compliment or what he thinks was gonna elate me.

"You.... you look...."I waited for what he woud say and when he finally did,I went wild.

"You look good"he told me. his compliment made me angry.

'Good?just good?I adorned my self for you just to hear you say good? even Keira is better than you at giving compliment.' I was already fuming with anger on the inside. HOW DARE HE JUST SAY I LOOK GOOD?

"Look Ashley we need to talk"he told me...AGAIN. did he know how I didn't want to hear that....AGAIN?

"Talk about what?" I had my arms folded as I looked at him. "let's reverse the part you didn't wish me happy anniversary and the part where you said I just look good,what more is there possibly to talk about?"I had placed a stress on the just look good.

"I can't do this anymore". he said and walked out of the Janitor's closet. he told me like I knew what he was talking about.

"Can't do what?"I asked him as I followed up behind him. he didn't give me a reply.


one minute he called me to the Janitor's closet and the second minute, he storms out of the room telling me he can't do this anymore.WHAT THE FUCK CAN'T HE DO ANYMORE???

"Colby wait up! what can't you do anymore?"I asked but no reply. we didn't stop until we got to the middle of the hallway where students flocked around their lockers. he turned to look at me and that made me feel something big was going to happen.

"I am breaking up with you"the people in the hallway gasped out of Astonishment as soon as they heard him while I just couldn't believe. I felt like it was joking with me.

"What? are you kidding me? Colby seriously today is our fourth anniversary. no more jokes" I told him. this was me trying to tell myself that it was all a lie but STUPID COLBY seems to say otherwise.

"it's not a joke Ash and neither am I kidding. I'm serious" now the lies I was trying to tell myself were falling apart.JUST GREAT!!!

"You can't be serious Colby, on our fourth anniversary, you're breaking up with me. I mean if you wanted to break up with me, why not do it before or after today? why today?" I couldn't rap my head around it. I knew we would break up sooner I just didn't expect it to be on our anniversary and he would be the one to break up with me. YEESH!!!

"Ash you're great but I found someone better"he said. it was like he felt nothing. he felt so carefree about it.

"what do you mean by someone bet....." I was cut off by a girl and literally at that moment,I was S.H.O.C.K.E.D and at that instant, my mouth formed an 'O' in awe.

"Hey baby" she said as she kissed him.

OHMAGAD!!! of all people,she was the one?? HOLY HELL!!he can't be serious. the students who were once by their lockers sides gathered around us and they all had their phones to capture this moment.

"Hi Sweetheart. did you miss me?"he asked her and she nodded and the next thing they did was share a kiss...a long one...IN FRONT OF ME!!

you know the kind of kiss where your boyfriend shares a kiss with another girl in front of you and their lips do nothing but slam in rhythm and you have nothing but jealousy pumping through your veins.THAT'S THE KIND OF KISS THAT UNFOLDED IN FRONT OF ME!!

"I miss...." I cut him off. gone was the girl that was trying to reason things calmly. standing here was the bad ass and she was ready to pull a fight.

"SHUT UP!! I am standing in front of you do you mind because I do. seriously Colby, you dumped me for PINK FREAK on our anniversary? seriously, you couldn't find any other girl other than PINK FREAK, my Ex Best Friend,the one who dumped me for pink?"he couldn't be serious right now.

"Excuse me?I have a name if you don't mind?"Colby's new thing was sure disrespectful.

"Of course I do pink freak. now if you will excuse me, I am talking to Colby"I told her in her face and turning to Colby I said "So you're serious? couldn't you find anyone other than this thing?" and by this thing, I was referring to pink freak.

"This thing has a name.its Michelle Incase you don't remember" COULD SOMEONE TELL THIS GIRL TO SHUT UP CUS I'LL REALLY LIKE HER TO SHUT UP...

Either way, she will always be pink freak to me and I don't care what she thinks.

"Colby do me a favour and tell your play thing to shut up or I will do it myself" HOLY FUCK!!! I AM SO GOOD AT BEING A BADASS and besides, I was tryna be strong here and all she's doing is making me annoyed.

"I'm so sorry Ash but Michelle and I have been in love with each other since last summer..." did he think saying this is gonna make me understand.well if he did, HE WAS WRONG CUS I'M GETTING MAD. "We started dating secretly and I was afraid of telling you so I wouldn't break your heart...." CONGRATULATIONS, YOU JUST BROKE MY HEART!!! "We didn't want to keep our relationship a secret anymore so...."YOU DECIDED TO BREAK UP WITH ME ON OUR ANNIVERSARY? YOU'RE SO DEAD!!!

I don't even Know why I am listening to him. THIS BULLSHIT HAS TO STOP RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!!

"Spare me the story.i don't wanna hear it."I said trying to pull myself together before I murder my boyfriend....oh wait I forgot.....my ex boyfriend.

"You know what? Fuck You And Your Messed Up Story!!"OH YES, I SO SAID THAT IN HIS FACE!!

"And you....."turning to Mitchelle I said BUT FUCK, SHE INTERRUPTED ME!!

"You re not gonna give me a fuck. are you?" she asked. I swear at that moment,I could see her eyes sparkling with victory but lucky for me, my dictionary never runs dry.

"Of course not. you don't deserve it any way"I told her and this earned a frown in her face and at that moment, the hallway was filled with murmurs coming from different directions and man all I could hear was

'MAN, THAT WAS A POWERFUL STRIKE!!.' I couldn't help smiling to myself saying 'MAN, MY COMEBACKS ARE SO GREAT!

This made pink freak stomp out of the throng to God knows where.

Well,today has been.....I don't know...but it's time to make a dramatic exit.....and this is the part where I love.

I turned my back to leave but not without leaving my middle fingers in Colby's face...

Man, it was hard to make a dramatic exit with this throng around but being a queen, they make way for you....

"What are you looking at... SCRAM"everyone retired to their lockers as if nothing happened as soon as they heard Colby's voice and that was the last thing I heard Colby saying before I walked out.