
Bringing them together

As you yell at your mom, she slaps you across the face. "Why did you ever marry her!", you walked back to work on Monday afternoon. As you walk up the steps to deb technical you see the new coworker approaching you, " Hey Elliot! What's up? how's your weekend?" He said like he had "Fun" at work when I was gone. "I'm fine, it wasn't the best but yeah, and nothings up, because I am just going to work, I mean this because I'm tired!" I said like I was having the worst sarcastic day in life. "Great to hear that your having the best day!" he said trying to break the mood.I walked inside deb technical and got straight to work on my writing for the meeting this morning , "Hey girl!How's it going!" Cassady asked very enthusiastically. "Nothing much you?" "Oh nothing much too. just getting ready for the meeting today." She said tiredly.

Next day

I walk up to my doorstep just to see Jamal sitting and waiting for me! "Jamal?" I said confusingly "Yes, you are here. I need to ask you something that I have been wanting to ask for years!" He said shyly "What is it Jamal?" I asked "W-Will you b-b-be my girl fri-". " BE HIS GIRLFRIEND?" My friends shouted interuppting him from what he said "Oh my-, YES YES a thousand times YES!!!" I said happily "Yay! We bring them together!!!" My family screamed. Mami didn't look happy, she was frowning angrily next to Papi. So I walked into the house and started to talk to Papi. "So, Papi what ya think of jamal?" I asked hopefully "He's the one for you. He is caring, even smart, he is also wealthy! Maybe he can take you on a vacation to Hawaii where you always wanted to go!" He chuckled "Papi?" I said "What its true?" he said laughing again. I walked off to my room, and I sat on my bed to read a book. It was 2 hours before dawn 10:58. I got up and put up my book, as I did I picked up my clothes and backpack from my old college. I made my bed and got dressed in to my tomboyish pjamas. As I got into bed I felt slightly dizzy. I blacked out the before next morning.