
chapter 2

Lilia decided to try to adjust in school but when she tried talking to people they all snobbed her so she told her mom that she wanted to change school

Lilia; Mom I want to change my new to another

Mrs Daniel; which school

Lilia;I want to go to kelade international School

Mrs Daniel; I have heard of that school I heard it teaches well

Lilia; yes it does

Mrs Daniel; okay I will tell your dad

Lilia; thanks Mom

later that night

Mr Daniel; honey I'm back

Mrs Daniel; welcome sweetheart how was your work? should I give you a massage so you will go home and freshen up and eat

Mr Daniel; okay give me an head massage

Mrs Daniel; okay,I want to discuss something with you

Mr Daniel;hmm what is the matter

Mrs Daniel;our daughter wants to change school

Mr Daniel;why did they bully her if they did just tell me and I will deal with them

Mrs Daniel;no,no,no it's not that she says she wants to go to kelade international School

Mr Daniel; kelade wow it's a good school

Mrs Daniel; yes I know so can we register her

Mr Daniel;of course so we can, , I will get her registered tommorow okay stop worrying let me go freshen up

light faded