
chapter 1

I would never look at the world as a happy place nessecarely. What is truly right or what is truly wrong can never be differed by the thoughts of many humans. I guess i was the child who alway thought more than others. Then again, i could not since when i was in my 2nd grade there would be some kids who thought the same thing as me. Wheather or not they were faking just to get to know me it is something to take in consideration. I am an 11th grade high schooler now and its interesting to see how shitty the world really is. When we are young we are always taught that the world is a happy place and that we should all get along, sing the happy songs and the rainbows and unicorns right? yea, bullshit lets get to the real talk

High School

oh what a fun world this actually is. Met a couple of friends the bums in the back not doing any work besides bullying the kids in front. Mostly why i try to stay my distance from their seats and fake being everyones friend. Easiest way to live high school basically, and when it comes down to it you dont have to get into all the rumors and snapchats, instagrams or even anything to ruin your day. Maybe your thinking hmm, a friend or 2 isnt tht bad right? WRONG one could destroy your perfect streak of faking friends and turn you against everyone. And so i began the details of high school and well this was my first thoughts and ideas of living high school this did not happen. Instead i made friends with alot, lead to my downfall and well damn tht. But now its my side of how i lived it instead