
the next new beginning

A/N:- Well hello and hi you guys... this is my first story to write seriously and I'm glad you're reading this. I'll try my best not to disappoint and please keep up with me. Love you all you can check my other story called best mess, but I'm currently focusing on this one so..... you're welcome to begin the journey of our new couple as we may call it Rayandro or Leania, or maybe you guys should just tell me... hahaha I'd really love it and like it if you guys could communicate with me throughout this story...lol😘😘😘

Author's POV:

Raynia was seated at her favourite restaurant having breakfast while chatting with her friends. It was her break off work hours, so she decided to chat with her friends as she felt that she was neglecting them too much.

She was biting her doughnut when the restaurant's door opened after a long time...it was a Sunday so there were no people around in that street, nor in the restaurants there. Her curiosity made her lift her head to see who was coming in, but little did she know...it was better if she didn't see.

The person who entered made her freeze...I mean it; she froze like a statue. Hahaha... it wasn't magic you guys... the person stared at her as their gazes met, and he smirked dryly as he started moving toward her.

That made her jolt up like lightning and she literally ran through the back of the restaurant...she was not going to wait for another second.

Amazingly, her office was in the next two streets but it took her only a minute till she found herself in the elevator...oh believe me, adrenaline has its own way of functioning.

Saying that Raynia was scared is the lowest understatement ever..... hahaha...she was SUPER TERRIFIED and that made the guy laugh in amusement as he watched her leave.

Are you questioning yourself as to why Raynia is so scared?... she has an exciting mysterious past that we soon have to discover. Her heart was honestly not beating or racing... it was undergoing an electric impulse as she stood for what felt like a eternity in the elevator... she looked around to make sure that Leandro was not there.

When the elevator stopped Raynia ran out to her office without looking right or left as she didn't want to take any risks of him being around, and she checked her office twice before getting in, then she entered and locked the door fast and jumped on the sofa quite dramatically with her face in the pillow.

She didn't expect to meet Leandro ever again... but well I guess those were just her expectations then because now she did meet him. And she knew it very well that him being around meant trouble, and man you can never escape that trouble.

She actually cried to prepare for the hell she was going to face especially in school. Okay lemme maybe just tell you so you don't be confused.

Raynia is a high school student, but she works as an employee in one of her mom's amazing companies in free weekends and holidays and still gets her full pay... well just the benefits of working for your parents I can say.

Raynia's POV:

Oh thanks karma for all the sarcasm and trouble you're pushing towards me now... my life would have continued being normal if I didn't meet Leandro today.

Goddammit it I hate everything in my mind now. 😒...seriously Lee, did it have to be today when I was so peaceful and happy, out of all days? Aghhhhh...I buried my head in the pillow as I wished to wake up from this awful dream.

I sighed when I heard the door open and I knew it was RosĂše cause she's the only one apart from my mom who enters without knocking ...

RosĂše is my best friend and literally my sister because she's a bit more mature than me though we're the same age, and we've been together for like almost forever... fuck we've lived together since we were born.

I could feel her hard stare without even looking at her and I knew she was standing there with her arms crossed waiting for me to turn. I wasn't going to turn this time...if only she didn't FREAKING INJECT ME WITH A FUCKING NEEDLE!!!!! WHAT THE....

I looked at her with a deadly stare and she surely knew my eyes would kill her and I was about to scream but the annoying her pushed my hankie into my mouth. I groaned and sat up straight and crossed my arms as I looked at her with a bit of swollen eyes. "What now rose?" And she almost fell back by shock... note the drama.

"Oh my god Nia... you are so beautiful I'm left speechless... just look at those chubby eyes... so red and rosy" I sighed and rolled my eyes and I didn't answer anything back.

Instead I just looked away as I pressed my favourite button in that office and the sofa turned to a bed and I laid there comfortably and off course RosĂše came to lay beside me.

"What's with the attitude and drama?...I know something is not right so don't even bother telling me everything's okay...", she said as she switched her phone on... "I'll wait because you eventually have to tell me." And I sighed knowing that it's true...I tell her everything so this won't be an exception...even if I don't want to tell her she'll part my mouth and take the words out of me.

At least I know I can tell her and she'll maybe give me some useful technique of how to run away from Lee... she knows him anyway and they almost dated. "Stop looking at your phone cause I know you're on the home screen... you just love me too much" I said with sarcasm to draw her attention...I know it's true she wasn't doing anything with her phone.

She rolled her eyes and folded her legs while turning to look at me... the principal is that we sit that way facing each other if there's something important to talk about...but I'm in my period and the news aren't really entertaining so she'll just have to tolerate my rudeness today. "I'm not sitting..." she rolled her eyes again..."I expected that so just spill" I rolled so I could face her and I rested my head on her laps...

"I met with Leandro today." off course she coughed...no one knew a better reaction anyway. "Are you sure my ears are in place babe?" I nodded and pinched her ears and she winced with an "ouch...it's true".

Then I just explained the short accountance since I sat to where he came in and I stared like a dummy to when he was approaching me for death and I practically flew to my office... and how he had already killed me half there....off course I exaggerated and she knows it, but oh come on all of that would probably happen anytime soon.

And I'll grow wings to get me to my office if I always meet him at the restaurant there. Or my secretary will just have to bring me coffee...like in the movies.

Believe me, if this is a movie, then it's a horror one and there's no and will never be romance if you think it will be between me and that freaking crazy Aleandro.

She was playing with my hair and I know she was thinking of something to say... "let's just not think about this right now...okay Ray?....please let's just like... I don't know. Oh God...this is all just so tiresome to deal with right now." I smiled a little..."I know right?...well at least you also saw it that way...I know I might have overreacted but I really couldn't calm down and wait for him to catch me at the corridors of my own goddamn work place."

She nodded..."well I guess I could have done worse if I was in your shoes... you've just got this air of courage that I don't have. I might have fainted if he was in trouble with me in the first place and I fucking met him now you know." I laughed and off course I knew what she was saying is true.

Rosùe might be mature but she's scared as hell... she almost peed on herself in second grade when she realised she had left her homework on the coffee table at my home. 😂😂😂maybe I don't have the worst reactions after all. "Now don't tell me you've recalled the day I forgot my homework at your home..." she rolled her eyes again with a smirk and I just laughed loudly this time...

Hahaha I almost forgot that I have to work all of this week's work 😅😅😅 stupid you Leandro.

When my laughter and eventually RosĂše's died down, her phone rang from her extra dramatic boyfriend, Jean, who couldn't survive an hour without her. So she kissed me goodbye and mouthed me an "I'll see you later" before heading out fast probably because Jean said his muscles are stiff again... I just wonder how his arm muscles could move to make a phone call.

I laughed and moved to my desk where I just pulled the papers, awoke the computer and continued with my work.

After some hours mom came to check on me and left when she knew I was okay...(off course I could never tell her about Leandro...), so I was fine with everything else.

I took a glass of champagne and I sat again and continued with my last part of work. I yawned and decided to leave because it was too late and I had to go to school tomorrow.

I always forgot I had to go home when I worked overtime, and my mom already gave up trying to make me 'change my habit'... but oh come on, you can't really blame me if I just love being stuffed with papers and working with no one else around.

I packed my purse and locked the door before heading out of the now empty hallways of the building. Then the thought of Leandro being somewhere around here overwhelmed me and I ran downstairs for dear life...no I couldn't risk taking the elevator just in case...what if he'd be inside there?...oh hell no.

These are the times I really wish I could have wings... but then we'd meet in the air and it'd be much more riskier...no way.

When I reached down the stairs I asked one of the guards to escort me home, and as an order she did.

The day was over like that and I assure you, everything changed today... you may not know why and how, but you'll soon know why.

When I reached home I just took a slice of bacon and I went upstairs. I took a bath and checked to see that Krayne had already prepared my uniform and was well kept in my closet, then I slept with my earphones in my ears... another habit my mom doesn't appreciate, but then again I just couldn't stop so she always had to come remove them after I slept.

And my day couldn't get any creepier nor my night any better.