
Life in the Black Nation

They say Black is not just a color but an indomitable attitude - a resilience forged through struggles and unwavering determination, a truth that resonates deeply within the Black Nation. Embark on a captivating journey through the life of Jonathan Cole, an orphan boy destined by fate to be insignificant. He grew up on the unforgiving streets, evolving from a beggar to a thief, and then a thug entangled in the perilous web of politics. His life was a rollercoaster, marked by reckless gambling that often led to losses. However, everything changed when a glimmer of luck shone upon him, resulting in a 20-million bet slip victory. But what is wealth without the chance to enjoy it? Jonathan's promising turn of fortune took a tragic twist when he was beaten to death and dumped in an abandoned house. but due to a miraculous fate, a presence intervened – The Mechatron System. With a second chance at life, Jonathan Cole bid farewell to his stagnant existence, filled with thorns, and embraced a new journey filled with life's adventures. Join Jcole in his relentless pursuit of stardom, wealth, military life and the revelation of a bizarre truth about the Black Nation. This is a story of rebirth, resilience, and the remarkable journey of a man who defied his destiny."

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However, what eluded Zainab was the depth of J Cole's intentions, which transcended the pursuit of wealth. He possessed a shrewd ability to extract ill-gotten gains from corrupt politicians with remarkable ease. Money was not his ultimate goal; it was merely a tool. The true allure lay in power, influence, and an expansive web of connections. Besides, there was an irresistible pull towards Zainab that defied logic.

Everyone harbors fantasies about their ideal partner, and in J Cole's case, Zainab occupied the pinnacle of his desires, both in terms of physical beauty and the unique connection they shared.

Zainab's simplicity and youthful radiance remained a captivating sight for J Cole. As she reappeared from the bathroom, dressed in her new attire, an undeniable allure surrounded her. Her ash blouse, brown jacket, fitted black jeans, and stylish black boots created a fashionable and charming look that left J Cole utterly enchanted.

Cole couldn't escape the surge of desire that coursed through him for this woman who had entered his life like a tempest. Their emotional connection had leveled up, and the magnetic attraction between them was almost tangible. He understood that their newfound relationship held uncharted territories to explore, and the prospect of another passionate encounter hung in the air like an enticing promise.


She strolled hand in hand with J Cole through the car park, her face adorned with an enchanting smile. It was a moment she had never envisioned in her youth, a world of dreams brought to life.

Her eyes widened as they approached the Range Rover Sport HSE Dynamic. "He must be well-off," she mused, her heart swelling with a mixture of surprise and gratitude.

As they settled into the luxurious car, Zainab leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on J Cole's cheek. "Thank you for everything," she whispered.

It's essential to acknowledge that in the northern region of the "Black Nation," traditional values held immense significance. It's also worth noting that a typical northern woman in the Black Nation believed in marrying the one who deflowered them, preserving their purity. Chastity was a matter of utmost seriousness, and in cases of unfaithfulness or theft, they could be subject to harsh penalties, including shariah law, which held a strong presence in the northern lands of the Black Nation.


The car roared to life with a satisfying vroom, and they were off, hurtling down the highway at a pace that promised to have them in LasGidi within a mere five hours. This time, J Cole had a passenger, and the journey was far from lonely.

In the span of those hours, the atmosphere within the car was transformed into one of joy and connection. They delved deeper into each other's lives, their attraction growing stronger by the minute. The couple found themselves singing along to tunes, playing games, and sharing laughter through shared jokes.

Four hours later, they arrived in the bustling city of LasGidi, where life never seemed to pause. It was believed that activities continued round the clock, and the city's energy was infectious.

Their destination was JAIKE CITY MALL, a hub of luxury and shopping, a paradise for those seeking retail therapy.

Zainab couldn't hide her astonishment. "Shopping?" she questioned with a hint of surprise.

J Cole responded confidently, "Why not? You mentioned losing all your belongings during that pursuit. So why not replace them? But I lost my card too," Zainab admitted with a tinge of disappointment.

J Cole chuckled. "Silly girl, it's all on me. Let me pamper you a bit."

Zainab was taken aback by J Cole's generous offer. She had not only lost her belongings but also her card in the process. J Cole's willingness to pamper her was a gesture that touched her heart deeply. With a grateful smile, she accepted his offer, excited about the prospect of replenishing her lost possessions and starting anew in the city that never sleeps.


The bustling mall echoed with its customary cacophony of chatter and footsteps, yet on this particular day, an electrifying buzz permeated the air. What set it apart? Two individuals, so strikingly attractive that they seemed to radiate an aura of perfection, had unwittingly become the epicenter of attention.

As the couple strolled through the labyrinthine aisles of the shopping complex, all eyes were irresistibly drawn to them. A sea of curious onlookers couldn't help but steal glances and surreptitious snapshots of this captivating duo. It was a spectacle to behold, a living embodiment of love and allure.

J Cole, the embodiment of effortless charm and sophistication, effortlessly played the role of the perfect boyfriend. His adoring gaze never strayed from his partner, and every gesture he made, no matter how inconsequential, exuded devotion. Whenever she pointed to an item, without a second thought, he would procure it, making it seem as if fulfilling her wishes was his life's sole purpose.

The magnetic pull of their relationship seemed almost mystical, transforming Cole into every woman's dream - their prince charming made flesh. He was the epitome of the perfect partner, a standard to which all others paled in comparison. But while he was the embodiment of charm and adoration for the ladies, he became an undeniable source of envy and resentment for their male counterparts.

"Zaddy, can I get another Louis Vuitton bag?" A young woman with heavy makeup leaned in, her voice dripping with charm as she made her request. The recipient of her affections was a suave 40-year-old gentleman who looked at her candidly and replied, "Sure, no problem."

With a triumphant grin, she signaled the salesperson to prepare the purchase. Her confidence swelled as she basked in the success of her clever request. However, her elation was short-lived as the elderly man added a caveat, "Good! But don't expect anything else from me for two months, and you can forget about any birthday presents this week."

Her expression darkened, and she paused her video selfie to look at her "zaddy" with watery eyes. "Why didn't you say that in the first place? Everyone heard me make the statement for her to wrap it up. I even got it on my video. How am I supposed to take it back now? Come on, zaddy, can you make an exception just this once, please?" She pleaded desperately.

But "zaddy" only snorted dismissively. "Forget it, sugar. Your antics won't work this time. That's a whopping 1.5 million naira. Open your eyes to real life. No one, and I repeat, no one treats money like a fart!"

Boyfriend duties..

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