
Life in DxD Verse

This will be a story about a devil, who wishes to lead a pleasant life filled with love and adventures yet he rules over the world.

Urban_Flower_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

ChApTeR 3.

'This woman is really weird', I thought as I fell asleep.


[POV: Woman.]

I am Edith Hendrix, 21, A scared gear holder, more like a Longinous but an unregistered one.

I awoke the Longinus gear of apocalypse when my family was killed before my eyes. Although they were not my biological family, it caused me a lot of pain watching their demise as I hid inside a cupboard. I don't know if the murderer noticed me but as I saw them I see that they were weirdly covered under a large black cape and carried a scythe.

When they finally left, I noticed that a golden blackish golden aura surrounded me and I passed out.

Years passed and I started to build my own influence, but it was not as powerful compared to the beings from the other factions.

I could be just ranked under Sirzechs, but I noticed a seal placed on me that pulls my strength down just to be ranked the same as Yasaka of the east youkai faction in Kyoto.

I became famous for killing the noble devils as they tried to poach me into their pieces out of greed and lust. I started to hate the world, I hated the seal placed on me, I just wanted the world to burn.

Gradually I was contacted by one of the leaders of Fallen Angels, A fucking warmonger. Offered me the magical codes that can enhance one's magic, I pretended to agree to it.

Just as I thought that this world should really burn, I was approached by the real faction leader of the fallen angels, Azazel. A fucking pervert, but has a golden heart. He stated that he knew what his subordinate was doing and didn't want to kill him by himself as they are all brothers from the same father, At most, he would erase my details from their records.

I mean it's quite understandable. Azazel also said that the code given to me was an inferior one and he gave me upgraded magic that can nullify almost every magic and reflect it. I was grateful to him, I asked him why would he help me. But he just asked me to live freely with an awkward expression.

Although confused, I walked away from there and the lackeys of the warmonger fallen angel started to chase me, I think they overheard me and Azazel talking.

That fucking pervert, how could he not notice them, he just didn't want to kill beings from the same faction.

At first, I thought they'd give up, but later I learned that these lackeys followed me by themself to increase their status under their leaders.

I ignored them and started to walk away from them. Just taking a few steps, I heard the cry of a baby in the direction those fallen went.

I run towards that location to see what was happening. Surprisingly I see one of them was trying to devour a newborn baby. And this baby had white wings. I hesitated for a second and lashed out all of my anger toward them by remembering my own childhood.

I killed all of them and started to walk towards the baby in the basket, I squatted down to see him more closely. I felt a weird feeling looking into the eyes of this newborn.

I took him into my hands dematerializing my Longinus of the apocalypse. Life was so fragile, it is what I understood.

I once again look into the baby's eyes, and said, "I've decided, we'll be a family".

I had a feeling of the void in my heart is filled with this baby.

[POV: Baby]

"Uhh...", struggling, I wake up to see my surroundings.

Being in the form of a baby is quite frustrating, I see a large suite. I turn around to the woman who carried me from the alley sleeping next to me.

Although I am ashamed, I feel thankful to this lady next to me.

The woman opened her eyes, It seems that my movement woke her up.

She sat up as she took me into her arms, quite embarrassing for me.

"My name is Edith, Edith Hendrix, well, your name. There was a tag, but I don't think it's nice to name you after him. Never mind, let's fresh up then decide your name and other stuff.", She was speaking to me, I mean to herself as I could just blink my eyes at her.

Now it's really starting to get more embarrassing, I laid me naked in the bath on her thighs, as she slowly washed all over my body.

Clumsy yet caring.

Currently, she's completely opposite to how she was killing those black birdmen. I find her cute.

After a while, she tucked me onto the bed again as she continued to speak, "So, let's see." Taking the tag from the basket in which I was placed she read aloud, "Lucifer Morningstar, Morningstar has a ring to it, but Lucifer. Lucifer, naming you that will cause many people hostile to you. But, Let's keep the Lucifer name hidden until you are powerful enough."

I slightly widened my eyes, noticing that she continues with a grin, "I think you might be an angel, but not completely as I felt both vile and holy aura from your wings, so you will be definitely powerful as you grow up. So, in The family before I had lived in, Mom was pregnant with a child, we had decided that if it was a boy it would be Oliver, and if a girl it would be Olivia. So you will be named, 'Oliver Hendrix Morningstar', How is it?"

Although I like this, I felt attracted to the name of Lucifer and tears started to swell in my eyes.

surprisingly she noticed and she corrected as she took me into her bosom again, "Ok, Okay... it would be 'Oliver Hendrix (Lucifer) Morningstar', but till you become powerful the name of lucifer must be hidden, understand?"

It would have been weird if a normal newborn could understand words, but in this supernatural world, everything was possible.

So, I put my hands in the air with a smile on my face as if to approve her proposal.

'My name is Oliver Hendrix (Lucifer) Morningstar', I had a hunch that I would be rocking this world too.

But my thoughts were interrupted as Edith started to sing a lullaby patting my back.

I fell asleep, hu.... being a kid is exhausting.


Location Change: Hindu Pantheon Realm.

On top of the largest mountains known to the world, The Himalayas.

Inside a palace made of diamonds, sits a divine being with an additional eye between the eyebrows and an extra pair of arms.

He is one of the major gods of the Hindu pantheon, the god of destruction, and the main observer of the possibilities of this world.

His third eye opened suddenly and moved in all the possible directions.

It stopped a while later and he opened his eyes, "The possible future has been changed."

In this whole world, he is the only one capable of the end of a world, not even the great red could do it. But as an observer, he could not interfere with the main timeline as the worlds had placed uncountable rules on the observer.

He felt slightly happy to see that the end of this future could not be seen even with his own divinity, it was as if the end was pushed back indefinitely.

"Let's meet him when fated.", he muttered as he closed his eyes. He once again dwelled deeply into his meditation.

One of MC's Mentors is God Shiva.

Urban_Flower_creators' thoughts