
Life in DxD After Becoming a Legend

After an unusual demise not tied to fate, our protagonist doesn't meet their end due to destiny, but rather because of an error by an entity known as ROB. As an apology, ROB reincarnates the protagonist to the last place they were seen before their death. Awakening in the world of DxD, a dreamland for men filled with rampant fan service, our protagonist realizes the dark underbelly of this supernatural modern world. Behind the veil of entertainment lies a realm where premature death isn't uncommon when certain entities go on rampages. Aware of the imminent danger, the protagonist seeks power to survive in this perilous world. However, the rules governing each universe differ, and ROB can only provide three useful things, albeit not the instant cheat advantages the protagonist hoped for. Endowed with the granted powers, the protagonist is transported to another world, inhabiting the body of Petra living in the same year amidst a great war. Now embodied in Petra's soul, our protagonist struggles to survive in this harsh world. But it's not merely survival they seek; it's also about transforming an ordinary existence into a colorful adventure, ultimately becoming a legend.

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70 Chs

Legacy of Magic: The Search for Petra II

"Grayfia... your father, he doesn't have enough time left since Lord Lucifer died in the great war. The contractual bond between me and him has weakened," said the old man in a fragile voice, his body looked weak on the bed. "It was fitting that I was already dead when Lucifer died because I myself belonged to Lord Lucifer. However, difficult circumstances in the underworld still await."

The 10-year-old girl in a beautiful noble-style dress listened with an expressionless face, looking at her father blankly.

"Meet my father's friend, Petra. That man will help you whatever problems you face in the future," said the father in a weak voice, his eyes blurred.

"I understand, father," said the girl in a flat voice.

Years later, the girl grew into a beautiful woman.

At Lucifuge's residence.

"Grayfia, in the name of Lucifer, I order you to take part in this plan to maintain the traditions of our ancestors," said a handsome young man with dark silver hair, wearing luxurious clothes in the style of European aristocrats. His hand reached out towards the beautiful woman before him, who stared at him expressionlessly.

"Apologies, Rezivim Livan Lucifer-sama. I firmly reject involvement in this proposed great war. Currently, our kind is in the recovery stage, and reckless actions like these will threaten our population towards extinction. I hope you can understand this." here," said the woman politely, even bowing as a sign of firm refusal.

Rezivim Livan Lucifer, with a sharp gaze and a voice full of authority, looked at Grayfia with deep disappointment. He wasn't used to being rejected, especially by someone from his own clan.

"Grayfia, you don't understand the urgency of this situation," he hissed in a firm tone. "Our ancestral traditions are the foundation of our power and honor. If we retreat now, we will appear weak in the eyes of the other races. What's the point of surviving if we lose our dignity?"

The woman remained firm in her stance. "Rezivim Livan Lucifer-sama, I respect the traditions of our ancestors, but we must also be wise in choosing the battles we face. Now is not the right time to get involved in a major war that could threaten our survival."

When Grayfia refused again, Rezivim's expression changed to one full of disappointment and anger. "Do you know what cowardice means, Grayfia? You and the Lucifuge clan have become cowards who are no longer worthy of the Lucifer clan!" he said in a voice shaking with anger.

Grayfia, although flinched at those words, remained firm in her stance. "I would rather be a coward than lead our clan to certain extinction if we follow your reckless plans!"

The conversation ended in a stalemate, leaving Rezivim in deep disappointment and giving rise to a conflict within the Lucifuge clan that may be difficult to overcome.

Shortly after his daughter Areon's heartbreaking rejection, Rezivim Livan Lucifer drowned in a sea of resentment and hatred towards his subordinate clan, the Lucifuge. He felt betrayed and insulted by them, leading to deep anger and the decision to seek revenge.

With his great power, Rezivim used every means to exclude the Lucifuge clan from demon society, even though they had made great contributions over the years. This left Grayfia, as Lord Lucifuge's heir, and her mother, Layla Lucifuge, caught in a whirlpool of slander and baseless accusations.

The situation became even more complicated when civil war erupted between the demon camps, splitting them into two opposing factions: Pro Old Demons who wanted to continue the great war, and New Demons who wanted better changes for their future.

In the gloomy circumstances that plagued the Lucifuge family, Grayfia sat at the dining table with her mother, Layla Lucifuge. A silent and gloomy atmosphere filled the room, decorated by the presence of several pieces of boiled potatoes which were their meal. The Lucifuge family's finances suffered due to the boycott carried out by Rezivim, leaving them in deep decline. Meanwhile, Grayfia's younger brother has chosen to defect and join Rezivim's side, setting aside his own family to gain personal gain under the cover of the heir's evil plans.

Seeing her mother full of distress, Grayfia felt depressed. Last night, when she was outside preparing a simple dinner, she was attacked by a group of demons from the pro Old Demon faction. One of the demon commanders of Lord Asmodeus's subordinates, a lustful and amoral entity, demands Grayfia to be his. In a situation where the Lucifuge family was so weak and marginalized, the demon commander saw an easy opportunity to obtain what he wanted, especially seeing Grayfia's beauty and poise as a worthy target.

As the situation grows increasingly tense, the reckless actions of the demon commander and the support provided by Lord Asmodeus places Grayfia and her mother, Layla, in increasingly real danger. Grayfia quickly got rid of the demons who attacked them, but the threat from Lord Asmodeus who supported the demon commander made the situation even more out of control.

In desperation, Layla even knelt before Lord Asmodeus, begging for forgiveness for the incident they didn't want. The threat hanging over them was immense, and Grayfia felt overwhelmed by the pressure coming from all directions.

Even though there was help coming from the new Demon faction, Grayfia didn't feel confident in their loyalty. The faction's higher-ups seem to have just as cruel motives as the others, making Grayfia hesitant to trust them completely.

However, in the midst of despair, Grayfia remembered her father's last message. He mentioned someone who would help him, someone known in the human world even to the underworld. That legendary figure is Petra Handerson, who is said to have reached the peak of magic power and is respected by many parties. With new hope growing in her heart, Grayfia vows to seek help from Petra, even if it means facing a journey filled with danger and uncertainty.

Although her face was always filled with a seemingly unwavering calm and strength, within Grayfia's heart, there was deep worry and unspeakable despair. She felt trapped in the middle of the current of conflict that hit her family, without a clear solution to overcome all the problems that befell them.

Every night, when she closed her eyes in exhaustion, Grayfia was trapped in a terrifying dream. She dreams about the destruction of her family, about her inability to protect her mother from increasing threats. In those dreams, she felt hopeless, trapped in a darkness that threatened to swallow everything.

"I'm sorry, father. I've messed everything up," she whispered in deep sadness, the voice almost audible over the howl of the cold wind that hit.

Suddenly, she is drawn by a bright light, and awakens from the haunting dream. She found herself in a small, warm hut, flanked by walls made of rough wood. Dim light radiated from a weak light source, giving a warm touch to the narrow room.

In front of her, she saw a man sitting in front of a small fireplace, with a calm and thoughtful expression on his face. That man was Petra Handerson, the figure who had become her last hope. Even though they had never met before, the man's face made Grayfia feel familiar, as if they had known each other for years.

"Oh, are you awake?" said the young man with a warm smile, welcoming Grayfia who had just woken up from her dark and suffering sleep.