
Life in DxD After Becoming a Legend

After an unusual demise not tied to fate, our protagonist doesn't meet their end due to destiny, but rather because of an error by an entity known as ROB. As an apology, ROB reincarnates the protagonist to the last place they were seen before their death. Awakening in the world of DxD, a dreamland for men filled with rampant fan service, our protagonist realizes the dark underbelly of this supernatural modern world. Behind the veil of entertainment lies a realm where premature death isn't uncommon when certain entities go on rampages. Aware of the imminent danger, the protagonist seeks power to survive in this perilous world. However, the rules governing each universe differ, and ROB can only provide three useful things, albeit not the instant cheat advantages the protagonist hoped for. Endowed with the granted powers, the protagonist is transported to another world, inhabiting the body of Petra living in the same year amidst a great war. Now embodied in Petra's soul, our protagonist struggles to survive in this harsh world. But it's not merely survival they seek; it's also about transforming an ordinary existence into a colorful adventure, ultimately becoming a legend.

Poponioko · Anime et bandes dessinées
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72 Chs

Imperfect vessel II

"Yes, Petra-sama?" Lady Lucifuge replied calmly, maintaining her composure as she answered Petra's call.

[Ah, yes, Grayfia... The situation has worsened because Damaidos is playing with that outer creature.]

"What can I do?" Grayfia asked, ready to provide assistance in the dire situation.

[Of course... Although I can't go there directly at the moment, there's something I want to discuss about the staff in your hand, Grayfia.] Petra provided interesting information, arousing Grayfia's curiosity about the staff.

Grayfia observed attentively. "About this staff? What do you want to discuss, Petra-sama?" There was curiosity in her voice, although she faced a dire situation.

[As I mentioned, the staff is similar to a Sacred Gear, which means there is a soul inside it. The power of the staff will fully emerge when your soul and the soul inside the staff resonate perfectly.] Petra explained firmly, highlighting Grayfia's crucial role in activating the full power of the magical staff.

Grayfia pondered for a moment, considering the information she had just received. She realized that it was important for her to synchronize the soul within the magical staff with her own soul and will. However, she also realized that this was not an easy task.

"How can I synchronize my soul with the soul in this staff?" she asked thoughtfully.

Petra patiently provided guidance. [There's no specific way. Just immerse your mind and channel your magic into the staff, then focus.]

Without hesitation, Lady Lucifuge immediately practiced it. Grayfia took a deep breath, focusing her mind on the magical staff in her hand. She let her magical energy flow into the staff, attempting to synchronize her soul and will with the soul within the object.

Every fiber of her being focused on one goal: to unite herself with the hidden power within the staff. She set aside all doubts and fears, fully focusing on achieving this alignment.

In the silent stillness, Grayfia felt a gentle vibration in the staff, as if responding to her presence. It gave her courage and confidence that she was on the right path.

Her energy became very calm, and her submerged mind entered the subconscious realm of the soul within her magical staff.

Her mind arrived in a magnificent ice castle. Before Grayfia stood a captivating figure, a woman radiating an aura of unyielding elegance and purity. Her white hair flowed like untouched snow, enveloping her body with a shimmering beauty. Her skin was pale white, as clear as crystal, giving an impression of tranquility and extraordinary elegance.

But the most striking feature was her sparkling blue eyes, like reflections of a calm yet deep ocean. Those eyes implied wisdom and immeasurable power, as if they were mirrors of controlled ice power.

Snow Princess, Snegurochka Snowy, in a grace that transcended this world, appeared before Grayfia.

In inner tension, the snow princess opened her mouth with a beautiful expression. "I know your situation, even though I have to bypass the existing procedures. You have to fight briefly with this power, Grayfia..."

In the silence of the ice castle, Grayfia stared at the Snow Princess with a mixture of awe and confusion. She realized that she was facing an entity much greater than herself, a power beyond her comprehension.

"We don't have time left, quickly shake my hand," the Snow Princess extended her hand to Grayfia who was still puzzled by what happened.

Grayfia, although hesitant, approached the Snow Princess and grasped the offered hand. As her hand touched the snowy white skin, she felt a warm and soothing energy sweeping through her.

"Don't hesitate, Grayfia Lucifuge. This power has been waiting for you for a long time even though you are not yet ready," said the Snow Princess in a calming voice, strengthening Grayfia's resolve.

With a pounding heart, Grayfia gazed into the sparkling blue eyes of the Snow Princess. In the silent stillness, they both began to enter a deeper field, entering the subconscious realm hidden within the magical staff.

Back in the real world. Serafall shook Lady Lucifuge's body in panic because the monster had approached them with an intimidating roar.

"P-please! We can't die here, Grayfia!!" With a pleading voice, Serafall continued to try to awaken Grayfia who suddenly fell silent after answering Petra's call.

Meanwhile, the monster opened its mouth, showing its sharp teeth and emitting purple breath, indicating its intention to unleash a concentrated fire attack like a gamma laser.

Serafall even closed her eyes as she saw the dazzling purple light from the monster's mouth at the last moment.

In an instant, the atmosphere became tense. Serafall continued to try to awaken Grayfia, while the monster prepared to unleash its deadly attack.

However, in such dire moments, a miracle occurred. Blue light emanated from Grayfia's magical staff, shining brightly and filling the surrounding area. The light was so intense that even the monster seemed disturbed.

Serafall, who was almost exhausted of magical energy and on the verge of despair, suddenly felt a new surge of energy flooding her body. She opened her eyes and saw with amazement how Grayfia, who had been silent before, now shone with newfound power.

At that moment, Serafall, with her eyes wide open, was mesmerized by Grayfia's transformation. Instantly, Lady Lucifuge appeared as a direct manifestation of unmatched ice elegance and power.

"Grayfia..." she murmured, her voice filled with indescribable admiration.

Grayfia, now standing proudly, wore an elegant long dress in blue with shimmering crystal snowflake details. Every movement was full of grace that symbolized the tranquility of the calm snow. The crystal snowflake crown on her head shone with captivating light, while her fur-lined gloves and white shoes added perfection to her appearance.

Her magical staff had transformed into an extension of her being, as tall as herself with crystal snowflake designs emitting dazzling blue or white light at its tip. The staff looked graceful and majestic, depicting the strength and beauty possessed by Grayfia.

Soul Synchronization - Eternal Winter Queen

As the fiery breath from Damaidos's monster approached them, Serafall, who was almost depleted of magical energy, felt panic. She wanted to create a magical barrier, but her strength was almost gone.

However, suddenly there was a gentle hand touching her shoulder. Serafall turned and saw Grayfia with a sweet smile that made her blush. With courage, Lady Lucifuge stepped forward, facing the deadly fiery breath.

She pointed her magical staff towards the monster's fiery breath, and with a graceful yet cold voice, she chanted a word that sounded like a magical mantra.


As the word was uttered, the blue energy emanating from Grayfia's staff filled the air around her. The fire from the breath stopped momentarily, frozen by the ice power filling the space around it. Then, quickly, cold energy spread from the point where Grayfia stood, spreading towards the terrifying monster.

In an instant, the raging fire turned into ice, freezing instantly. Even the monster itself was hit by the icy attack, gradually freezing.

Serafall, who witnessed the scene up close, was stunned and couldn't believe what she saw. She looked at Grayfia with admiration, realizing that the power she possessed was truly extraordinary.


On the other side.

"Hey... Tell me since when did you create another Sacred Gear?" Azazel asked, astonished by Grayfia's extraordinary transformation on the screen.

Petra smiled proudly, although he knew that the magical staff was not a Sacred Gear in the true sense. "Haha, this isn't a Sacred Gear, Azazel. This is a magical staff that I developed, combined with the natural power around it. However, I didn't expect that Grayfia could resonate with the soul inside it so perfectly. She's truly remarkable."

Azazel nodded in understanding, but still fascinated by Grayfia's power. Meanwhile, Petra continued to gaze at the screen with pride, feeling satisfied with his extraordinary creation.

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There are 15 continuation chapters available for this story.

And continuation of several other stories.

From the Author "It's a good thing to keep adapting to circumstances😁"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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