
Life in cultured world make me wonder, Is this good ?

becoming something that you desire is good in many way, because you can feel them in first person. While enjoying life is either hard or easy as people speak despite they have many reason to tell you how to do it, No, life doesn't work that way. in this "Cultured" World where everything you see and Anything you feel is Questionable yet morally speaking is not. As long is enjoyable and "Fapable" is all good. =================== Hello, This novel using a translator because my first language is not English so in this description of the novel i tried using my minimum Vocabulary that pop up out of my vein. Yeah, you already guess it. This Fanfic i will share the "Cultured video" not the "Number". Maybe some of you asking what happened to other fanfic , This site limiting my update on that fanfic because some uncultured people get offended by "loli". I dont mind at all, after all everything in this novel is imagination of a reader trying to make a story. so yeah, I will try not to approach a loli (a literal child not that petite type girl) one, but don't judge me because of some "Cultured Video" tag that is weirdly fuck up , i just taking their character despite i already have a milkshake on them (Stroking genital with compassion and love). Anyway, Thank you for reading also, the schedule is not consistent because my work schedule and university make my update was slow. Either way, if you looking some "Daily dose of video recommendation" Come on in, I will share it with you. if you looking for story, i'm so sorry for inconsistency of plot or some not build up character or shitty mc. because writing novel is a hobby not my passion at all. so thank you for your attention Ps. This novel contain NTR, Because you know some of this cultured Video has many NTR included either good NTR or bad NTR(Either is Plot or Art).Im taking their Female Character as story building also alter their background reason(Or should i say Cultured Video Plot)without changing their personality in their original Cultured Video. As vanilla enjoyer like i am, I honestly wish that some of you cultured people who didnt Enjoy or despise NTR. Skip this novel, I mean it. Anyway if you looking some kind a Sauce for Cultured Video, Check Author Thought. ill leave the sauce there. As master Oogway says, If there is a hole there is a goal. If the daughter cant be breached the mother you shall reach.

Shaywalloppp · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
18 Chs


On this sunny morning, I'm sitting beside the pond feeding the koi fish here, I'm happy to see them eating with pleasure.

Speaking of education, in one week I will be entering an academy quite far from here Ichisakura Academy.

I was accepted with mediocre grades there because my name is literally at the bottom of the admission list, Soga seems to take education a simple manner, not a good example.

I then swept the yard and mopped my wooden floor with great enthusiasm and motivation, it was exercise after all.

I heard someone knocking on my gate, I wrung out my mop and put it in the bucket, I walked to the gate and saw a woman, more precisely an aunt.

"Good morning, you must be Soga tatsuo right?" This aunt why is too excited, I'm hesitant to reply but let's just assume it's fine.

"Good morning, That's right I'm Soga Tatsuo. What's the matter, Auntie?" This woman chuckled while covering her mouth.

"My name is Katsuragi Shouko, I live across the street. I saw you yesterday buying groceries and entering this house, do you live alone?" Aunt Katsuragi seemed to be worried about me, judging from her sad look I had expected this.

"That's right auntie, this is my parents' inheritance. I have to keep this inheritance even if I'm alone" Aunt Katsuragi sighed then rubbed my head gently.

"You're an independent child, I'm glad to hear that" I was quite touched to hear that, I invited Aunt Katsuragi into the house.

<Telling the truth>

[Asset, Take?]

[Specialized Vehicle, Take?]

[Tea Brewing Skill, Take?]

[Special Skill, Take?]

Special Skill? I'm not sure, I just took the tea brewing skill.

The whole tea brewing skill immediately came to my mind, This will be a good first impression for aunt Katsuragi.

I escorted her to the living room, I picked up the tea and started brewing it, the fragrant smell of the tea was refreshing to the mind.

I came over to Aunt Katsuragi who was watching the room, I served it to her on the table.

"Please Auntie" Aunt Katsuragi took the glass and drank it slowly, Unexpectedly she immediately dropped the glass in her hand after drinking it.

I was shocked and ran to get a cloth to clean up the spilled tea, I returned with the cloth.

"Tatsuo, please forgive me for the carelessness I just did" Aunt Katsuragi wiped the spilled tea, I knew Aunt Katsuragi wanted to tease me but I didn't want to be presumptuous at the first meeting.

It's a different culture here and in America, so I should know the name of restraint.

Aunt Katsuragi finished and I picked up the cloth and took it to the bathroom.

I came back and brought a kimono for Aunt Katsuragi, as her clothes were soaked with tea.

"How generous, thank you" I immediately left here because Aunt Katsuragi seriously wanted to tease me, she didn't even hesitate to take off her clothes in front of me.

I went back to the toilet, washed and rinsed the cloth and hung it up.

I brought back fresh tea, Aunt Katsuragi finished changing her clothes. I served the tea in front of her again.

"Thank you, you have a talent for entertaining people. If you are lonely here, you can visit at auntie's house" Aunt Katsuragi winked at me, I pretended to be innocent and just nodded.

"Of course aunt Katsuragi, I will make time there" Aunt Katsuragi smiled then drank back my tea until it was finished.

Auntie was thirsty, I offered her my tea that I still hadn't drunk. Aunt Katsuragi giggled and declined.

"Thank you for this meal, I will return this Kimono after I wash it" Aunt Katsuragi got up and I walked her back to the gate.

Aunt Katsuragi waved and I waved back to her.

I went in and closed the gate and locked it, I sat down by the gate and breathed quickly.

"Thats dangerous, male pheromones are very strong. If I didn't restrain myself earlier, lust might have taken over" I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down.

<Resisting temptation>

[Asset, Take?]

{Culinary skill, Take?}

[Super Computer, Take?]

[Specialized Breathing Skill, Take?]

3 very tempting choices for me, but now I still don't need a Super computer, for cooking skills I also don't need it yet because the canned food I bought is enough for the next 1 week.

Asset I don't know what kind of asset will be given but at least I know one thing, this asset will be with me forever and I hope my staff can manage it well.

I took this special breath, a very familiar special breath.

The name of this breath is Sun And Moon, Sun Breathing is a breath that helps increase strength, stamina and makes the use of energy in all forms of activity very minimized, while moon breathing is a breath that makes calm in mind, mentally and body muscles.

And the great thing is that I can use these simultaneously, which is great for training and meditation.

Time to work out.

I followed an exercise routine of push ups, sit ups, Squad, hand stand push ups, Kegel for thickest thight.

I took a short break to feed the Koi fish in the pond, then back to work out again. I didn't feel hungry because this breathing is great for warm up, core and cool down.

In the afternoon I fed the koi fish again, then went to bathe in the hot spring.

"Refreshing" It was so good, I used the moon breath to relax my muscles, the sensation was even more intense.

After I felt that I had soaked enough I wiped my body then went back to my room to rest.

I checked the development of my muscles which were quite full, No. Discipline first, this is still lacking.

I then put on my nightgown and went straight to bed for the next day.

In the dark and silent night where the sound of owls and night insects made the atmosphere more serene, a girl dressed as a Miko walked towards the gate.

"The smell of him is here" The girl opened the gate and closed it again and locked it.

"It's full of his smell" The girl walked into the house and her ears moved as if wagging.

"Ah, he's sleeping" This girl ran down the corridor and opened my bedroom door, I was sleeping peacefully facing west with my back to her.

"Master" This girl closed my bedroom door and immediately knelt in front of my bed, her tail moving quickly like she was excited.

In the morning, I opened my eyes and got up from my bed, did a little stretching and saw a sleeping fox girl.

I got down on the bed and gave her a blanket to sleep on, The girl growled and opened her eyes, She yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"Good morning, how did you get in here?" I sat down beside this girl, this girl touched her finger like a girl caught making a mistake.

"I entered from the back gate" I took a small breath, I was careless to forget to lock the back door.

"Next time don't enter people's houses carelessly, let me take you home" This girl panicked seeing me wanting to take her away.

"No, no, I have a reason for coming here. I apologize for entering your house without permission, I'm here to return the favor when you gave me meat" I remember this girl, she's the fox I helped on the path. so there are spiritual beings in this world, I will remember that.

"Go ahead, but I have to punish you because you are still wrong, come with me" This girl followed me into the kitchen, I picked up the canned meat on the shelf then led this girl to the front of the Bo tree, I sat in front of the Bo tree.

"Rest your head here" I patted my thigh, this fox girl fell asleep on my lap.

"This is her punishment" I then rubbed her head and rubbed her fox ears.

"Hiii" The fox girl made a cute sound, I kept rubbing her hair and ears.

"Enough, enough" I stopped and saw the fox girl covering her ears.

I smiled and opened this can of meat, I then gave it to this girl.

"No, no, I should be the one to repay your kindness not the other way around" I took a spoonful of meat and fed it to the girl.

"Aaaaaa" I fed this girl, she was panicked and confused about my behavior, I raised my eyebrows and brought the meat spoon closer to her mouth.

This girl opened her mouth and ate it cutely, I took another spoonful of meat and went back to feeding.

This girl's tail wagged quickly because she was excited, after finishing feeding her.

I then threw this can into the trash can in front of the house that I had lined with plastic bags.

"What's your name?" The fox girl bowed her body respectfully as well as me.

"Kitsu Nene" I smiled and nodded.

"Soga Tatsuo, I'm usually called Oberon" Nene nodded and excited, she then approached me.

"I will return the favor to you, ask for whatever you want" Anything? I looked at Nene's innocent and adorable face.

"Then, when I'm not home please take care of this house" Nene nodded, Then I took Nene around the house and explained everything about taking care of this house from the front wall to the back wall of the whole house thoroughly.

Then I taught Nene the manners and the whole science of ethics.

<Pitying the criminal>

[Driving skills, take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[Full wardrobe, Take?]

[Special manipulation skill, Take?]

<Teaching manners>

[Cooking skill, Take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[Motorcycle vehicle, Take?]

[Physical enhancement, Take?]

Special manipulation skill? This is quite a difficult choice, judging from this world where there are spiritual beings I can't help but choose it.

As for the second choice, cooking skills, I want Nene to be able to cook if I'm not at home.

This special manipulation skill is called Shinsu, what a cool name. This Shinsu lives inside me, this energy has no limitations in manipulation as long as I can imagine it and the control is very free.

And the great thing is that I can imagine something alive with this shinsu, I will use it only when necessary.

As for my cooking skills, I can cook all forms of food in the old world and this world accurately and even more deliciously.

"Nene, pay attention" I taught Nene medical skills in times when I was sick or she was injured, and then taught her cooking skills.

Nene loves to cook and loves to eat my food which is more delicious than her own cooking.

<Teaching Knowledge>

[Driving Skill, Take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[Super Computer, Take?]

[Shunpo's Martial Skill, Take?]

Hmmm, Shunpo? I've heard of that skill but I forgot where it came from, I'll just take it.

This Shunpo skill includes foot speed movements, being able to move where even the eyes can't keep up.

Well, I tried shunpo and I crashed straight into the foundation post of the house, I fell down with blood pouring from my forehead, luckily this post is strong.

"Oberon!" Nene panicked at the sight of the blood pouring from my forehead, I didn't expect the speed of shunpo to be like riding a jet without brakes.

I have to learn to master it again plus work out time, Nene and I are treating my wound, Nene is now feeding the Koi in the pond while I am in the dojo doing my daily exercise and practicing Shunpo which is getting used to it and increasing my stamina.

I made an after image of myself spinning around the dojo arena, after getting dizzy enough I stopped and used moon breathing to calm myself down.

Then back to doing Push ups, Sit ups, Squads, Hand stand Push ups, Kegels and Shunpo in circles. I repeated all of that until dinner time.

Nene and I ate together in the kitchen, Nene's cooking was so good that my body felt refreshed.

I then took a bath in this hot spring, I had told Nene if she wanted to take a hot bath please do so, if she was bored please take a bath in the bathroom with a tub.

I then came out after my muscles had relaxed, I then went back to my room. I've allowed Nene to sleep in the guest room, she's already a resident here basically.

Tomorrow I have to buy more food stock.

Kitsune Musume no Ecchi na Oyado

is where Kitsu Nene Came From, A Simple plot of cultured video about a Kitsune who want repay a Onsen Owner.

Good art and story from my prespective the down side was the Male counterpart dominated by elderly people.

There is 2 Video in your favorite site, keep in mind this series maybe already ended. so there is no future update in next batch of seasonal cultured video.

Thank you for power stone kind cultured people

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts