

Sitting on the bed happily playing with her siblings, unknown by the fact that what's gonna be happen with her in the future.

" Mom they are beating me ", said by Mark. " Don't beat each other, just play, okay?", said by mother. " By the way, mom where is dad? when he is gonna come?", said by a beautiful little girl, named "Angelina". " He is on his way". Mom said, lifting her up in her arms. " Okay". She said pecking her mom's cheek and got down from her embrace and went towards the dining table for dinner.

"Stop troubling each other, and eat your dinner quietly". Mom said to those little children. They were eating peacefully then they saw the door opening, indicating that there father is here. The children jumped out of excitement, left there dinner and went running to there father and hugged him tightly. He also knelt down and hugged them. Then they peacefully ate there dinner and played with their father then the children went to bed. He love his children and wife endlessly. Parents were sitting on the couch, watching a random movie. "Merry tomorrow I'm going on a trip with my friends. I'll be back in one week". John suddenly spoke, sitting beside her. "Oh, okay". Merry, his beloved wife replied.

Their marriage was a typical arrange one, but still, they love each other unconditionally. They are there for each other whenever they need each other. It was a blessing for them to have each other.

It was 2 in the morning when they went to bed because today was Sunday, that's why they slept at this hour.

Author's POV:

Today is sunday. Of course everyone's favorite day. Merry is preparing breakfast for her family, John and the children are playing. It is a beautiful day just like the other days in the week.They are running, laughing and chasing each other until the voice came from the kitchen..

Merry's POV:

"BREAKFAST IS READY ". I yelled from the kitchen and they came

then I served them and served myself too. We ate quietly, then John got up because it's his time to leave.

John's POV:

As I was done with my breakfast I got up and ready to leave for my business trip with my friends. I bide them a goodbye and hugged them then I went for my business trip. They looked sad but I can't do anything I have to go because I was working hard for the sake of my family.

Author's POV:

The whole week passed by playing, laughing and missing their father and for Merry, her husband. Today, John is coming, they were very excited to meet their father after a whole damn week. They were waiting as Merry's phone start ringing, she picked her phone and it was an unknown number, she was confused at first but then decided to answer the call. "Hello, is this Mrs. John?" The unknown person asked. "Yes." Merry replied. Sorry madam, but your husband got into an accident....