
Chapter 1

"We gonna take her off"

"N-n-no, not my baby girl"

"It's been three years, three months and two weeks"

"No! She still has her whole life in front of her, she is gonna wake up, she just has to!"

"I'm sorry Mrs Greener, I really am if it was my choice I would keep her on."

"Her brothers still need her, they still need her, I need her!"

"I'm sorry..."

It's all quiet now all I hear is the beeping of the heart monitor and the ventilator. I have come accustomed to these sounds after a time.

I hear everything around me, never knowing the time. I know every secret of this hospital and of every death, birth, this is all because everyone comes in here to eat lunch or talk to them selves.

I just want to scream to everyone to tell them to get out and leave me alone I only want two people in here with me but they've only been in here once and never again.

I want this life to end already! Just pull the plug for goodness sakes! I want to be in peace not here where I can hear everything from the outside world and inside my body.

Hopefully they'll go on their promise to my mom and just let me go already. I always see black or red it's a pain!

I don't know how long it has been but usually when it's this quiet I guess it's night and no one is allowed in the hospital except the doctors and nurses.

You would think that would make me happy, no one hear, but me, my heartbeat and the sound of the ventilator connected to me.

Suddenly there is the sound of a door hitting a wall. "You can't pull it please don't do it!" Someone shouts their voice full of broken-heartedness and hurt.

I know the voice but it has changed a lot. I never thought I would hear it again. I'm guessing they found out or it's morning either way I just want peace, to be relieved.

"Sorry but we have no more say in this, she's not going to wake up you're only going to hurt yourself keeping her in this state and staying in the past." Jeanine says to him, I like her she's my favorite nurse. I'm going to miss her sassy personality.

The next moment is quiet. I feel the pipe I got use to being pulled out of my throat. The monitor next to me spikes. I have been waiting for this for so long but I'm suddenly scared.

The monitor beeps like an annoying alarm next to my ear. I have to make a choice now. I'm I going to fight for my life or let go.

What's there to fight for? It feels like time has stopped and it is giving me time to think, but I know thats not true time is still flowing like a waterfall never drying up.

I have people that still care for me and there is still those that could still meet me and love me. Those I knew do they even want me back?

The beeping feels like it's going louder and it's scaring me. I hear sobs and think of all my good and bad memories of life. It hurts to think about it. If I fight I might still not be strong enough to beat this.

It's quiet it's never been this quiet in my life. I know I have a deadline but I can't decide if I want to fight or go. Do I hurt other by leaving or choose myself over them. My head hurts and I could feel my breath being taken away from me.

I wish they would just put the damn beeping off. My ears hurt, then I know I have decided already, I have known for a while now and I could only hope it's not to late and that I made the right decision.

To choose if you are gonna live or die isn't a easy choice to make. Those people I that I heard of, those depressed people that takes their life's. I now know how they feel. It's not just for the fun of it. It's a life or death decision and that may depend on your situation.
