
Life between love and fate

My hero sacrifice with his happiness to make the others happy .. who is he ? and why he did that? let's read to know ....... " She loved me for the dangers I had passed, and I loved her that she did pity them."

EsraaOElshreef · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Chapter 30: The marriage

Months passed faster than lightning. It's the time to return back to his village. It's the time to his marriage. How can he will face his fate?

      We will know together..

He returned back to his village and waited for his fate. Nothing else will happen and nothing will change. He didn't have any choice. He was put in in front of  the reality and he must surrender.

Finally, he gave up and married with the girl that his family chose for him. He sacrificed with his happiness to make the others happy. Maybe he will love her one day. Maybe he will get used to see her every day. Maybe and maybe , but what is real that he will never forget that one day he fell  in love with another girl and his country's rules separated them. 

At this moment and while he looked at his mirror, he decided to be the begging of change. He will never be like his parents and the citizens of his village because of ridiculous rules.

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Sometimes we have to sacrifice with our happiness to make the others happy and because of rules, we have to lose people who we love too much and be with people who we don't love.

Because of our strict rules, we forgot that we are humans and we have feelings also that we cannot control it.

So if we find that the rules will ruin us ,we have to face them and say "No" to it because simple your life , your rules. So begin with yourself and start to face the bad rules and bad habits . Nothing in this world can control your fate because simply people who put the rules, not the rules will make you a human.

At the end:

Don't be a victim to the wishes of the others. You have a heart and you also have a mind ,so you can think and choose what is the better for you and your life.

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                               The End

Life between love and fate