
Life Being a Gremory (HIGH SCHOOL DXD)

I died with no memories of my previous and ended up meeting someone who claimed to be ROB. He gave me a chance to be reincarnated with some wishes if I let him peek in my new life let's see how my new life goes and what its brings to me. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys it is my first time writing a novel so forgive me if you find any mistakes.

Ghost_otaku2425 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

3rd POV

In Gremory territory present in the underworld, in the Gremory Household, the atmosphere seems to be very tense midwives rushing, and servants were not daring to breathe very loudly as Venelana Gremory, wife of Zeoticus who is current and mother of current Maou Lucifer is in labor and everyone is helping her.


"Push madam push"

"fuck! I am not getting pregnant ever again"

"oh! lord satan let everything be all right" her husband Zeoticus prayed outside the room waiting for his children to be born


"Uwaaa.....Uwaaa!" A sound of a baby crying could be heard after a huge push Venelana.

"It's out! it's a boy! congratulations!".everyone sighed in relief that the baby was born but then suddenly.


"Quick! Quickly hand him over and tend to madam, there is still one more"A nurse hurriedly to everyone present in the room

Everyone again tensed up for one more baby to be born but this time delivery wasn't that difficult and in about 5 minutes a baby girl was born.

"My babies, let me see my babies," said Venelana in a tired voice full of love, after 6 hours of continuous pain her two children were final here

"Here ma'am. It's a boy and a girl"

Venelana opened her arms to take her children and looks at them lovingly. She subconsciously got a smile on her face which was covered in sweat as she notice her baby boy giggling at her and started to poke his cheeks a little and play with him after some time she said to a maid in the room"hurry up call everyone in the room we have to name the kids" one of the maids nodded politely and went outside the room to bring everyone in immediately.

A few seconds later, the door was opened with a bang and a voice was heard "MY KID! WHERE ARE MY KIDS GIVE THEM TO ME IMMEDIATELY IT IS AN ORDER!" the owner was the voice was Zeoticus who look happy and shouted but as soon as he looked at his wife who was glaring at her start sweating.

"Bastard! can't you keep it down do want to scare the kids." she said angrily then saw her son, daughter in law and her sister who entered after Zeoticus and were looking at her expectantly her face gradually softened as she looked at them with a smile "Its a boy and a girl," said Venelana as she gave her children to Zeoticus begrudgingly who looked really excited while Taking them is his arms

After looking at them for some time he finally spoke"okay let's name the kids as we agreed at the time you named Sirzechs that I will get to name we get in future, so the boy will be named Rubus Gremory and the girl will be Rias Gremory" he said with a wide smile on his face as he got the nod in appreciation of the name he chose for them.




Rubus POV

I was right now adapting to my surrounding as I am a newborn and, my body is experiencing air and light for the first time seems I came into this world, strangely enough, I don't remember what and how was I doing in my mother's womb.

The first thing I looked at in this world was a nurse looking at me as if I were some treasure. I don't know why but the moment I came out of my mother and so I did but I calmed down the moment I realized I was born before rias 'ohhhh I can't wait for her chibi version to call me oni-chan cutely' I thought to myself as I was grinning in my mind I suddenly heard a voice

"My babies, let me see my babies," and the owner of the voice was Venelana Gremory who was now my mother. I got to admit she is really sexy mil...cough cough woman as I was thinking all this stuff I notice her loving gaze as she looked at both of us which made my heart melt for reason and I started giggling after playing with us for some time she called everyone else in our family into the room.

after a wait for a few seconds, the door opened with a loud bang, and in came an overexcited Zeoticus who is now my father whose face immediately got pale as he looked at mother's glare who scold him for shouting but luckily for him she calmed down as she looked at three other people as she calmed down and gave us to our father. the people who entered the room were Sirzechs who was now my brother, Grayfia, and another beautiful woman who has some resemblance to Grayfia but still she will behind if compared I guess she would my sister-in-law.

after holding us for some time he decided to give us our names Rubus was the name I was given immediately after I got this name I got sleepy and slept next to rias who was also started to sleep as she snuggled closer to me.