
Life At Serena High

What's it like to be a famous teen attending the same art boarding school as your similarly famous twin sister? Having roommates and getting to know folks from various countries? One is the introverted, reserved kind, and the other is the gregarious, crazy type. As their time at Serena High School begins, Kiara and Hiara Obi-Anderson are in for an exciting experience with the dramatic atmosphere of high school itself and a ton of friends, fans, and anti-fans. Cue the fangirl squeals when there are boys on the other side of the wall and the fanboy screams when the girls are just within reach. Could boarding school ever get any more interesting, amazing, traumatizing or crazy? The girls are in for a surprise.

Milleran_Jackson · Sports, voyage et activités
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12 Chs

CHAPTER 3: Dark Witch Vs Candy Queen 1

CHAPTER 3: Dark Witch Vs Candy Queen 1

Diana's POV

"Seems like the place has cleared up a bit," I say to myself as I make my way to the now empty part of the hallway where there was a bunch of students squashed together like sardines in a can.

"Now time to check that list..." I trail off running my index down the glass case caging the hard copy.

"Room 3 and everyone's in section singer that's great!". Oh my gosh, we are like gonna have some much fun!

I still can't believe I ran into DJ Kiara earlier it's like a dream come true. Yeah call me crazy for obsessing over my age mate but still, she's like popular and I am yet to be popular. Well, I want to be.

I wonder what the girls are gonna be like. Being in the same school as your twin and you both are famous and happen to have clashing fans. I mentally cringe when I try to imagine going to the same school with my brothers.

"Well I abandoned that life recently and am I grateful that-"

"Step aside loser!"

I turn around and come face to face with a blonde who has a smug look on her face and an eyebrow raised. I look around and mentally facepalm when I realize she was talking to me cause no one else was present.

"Excuse me?!"

"Urgh! Are you like deaf...step aside now!" she said louder than expected causing my eardrums to ring and I swear I heard her voice echo.

I sigh and take my time to examine her critically from her straightened blonde hair to her perfectly manicured tootsies.

The bell rings and I wonder what it's for as some students begin to fill the hallway that was deserted.

"Do I have to repeat myself?!" Blondie sneers.

I don't get it. Why is it that every time I try to get past that stereotype of blondes being all stuck up and all I am always proved wrong cause they are like-

"Oh, swap! Did I say that out loud?!" I ask and earn a death glare and it seems she's red.

Did I say seems? She is red!

"Pretty much" a brunette pops up from behind the blonde and nearly scares the life out of me.

"Just move!" Blondie says with her jaw clenched.

I sigh "Make me!"

Some 'ous!' are heard from the already forming crowd. Don't these kids have classes to go to?

"Um, Val people are watching" the brunette says giving me a small smile.

"Let them cause I'm about to take her down to loser town!" Yep, blondie or Val- whatever ends her name said.

She seems like the type to get mad easily so let's have some fun.

"Well, it seems I disrespected the Queen..." I say with a curtsey and look up to see a smirking Blondie before adding "...of Losers, my sincere apologies".

It seems like I lit a match cause Blondie goes redder with anger and nope I won't stop there I am having way too much fun.

"I shall now step aside and allow you to discover your..." I give her a sweet smile "...stupidity".

Bowing again, I say, "Namaste" I wave sweetly before walking off in the opposite direction.

Was I too harsh?

"She's gonna regret that!" Blondie yells.

I guess I was. Now I gotta find my way to my room.


Trea's POV

I'm too lazy to start arranging my things so I go for watching funny clips on my phone.

There are like four beds and they all have bright sheets except for one which just happens to be grey. I sigh in relief cause there was no way I was gonna sleep on something with pink or red sheets.

Now to relax in perfect solitude. I kick off my sneakers and sit cross-legged on my bed. Yes, my bed cause I arrived first meaning I got to choose and in case you are wondering it's the bed with grey sheets.

I put on my earplugs and insert the end into the hole thing in my phone with Black Magic by Little Mix on full blast.

It's so loud I almost don't notice a girl walk in emphasis on almost. Ok to be honest I just chose to ignore her cause I am not a social person and if she happens to be my roommate which I think she is since she is pointing at the other available beds and chattering, then she is in luck cause I won't get in here way as long as she stays outta my way.

Ok, now she's standing in front of me and my bed with a weird smile plastered on her face which I consider fake.

I sigh taking out my earplugs. There goes my solitude and the chorus of Black Magic fading away.

She has dark brown hair almost black which falls in curls past her shoulder to her back. She clears her throat but I'm too busy examining her features to answer her.

"Uh...hello!" I still say nothing staring at her blankly yes I am terrible at first impressions so I rather let the other person talk first before I say something stupid and I mean really stupid.

"I'm standing right in front of you" she says again waving her hands in front of my face. I draw back startled still unable to say anything. Before I know it a scoff escapes and the girl looks at me with this shocked expression that morphs into a glare.

Why did I even do that?!

You see I suck-or at least that's what I've come to find out about myself- that's why I don't have friends and this chic seemed nice but I'm not so sure anymore with the scowl she has on her face that's directed at me. Geez is it hot in here?

She folds her arms across her chest and stalks away "Hmm I just found myself a new enemy".

I shrug there is nothing I can do about that so, I just sit there watching her every move.

"Let's see..." she trails off walking to the bed in the far corner with pink sheets.

Ok, this room is like really spacious with four beds in each corner. There is a large walk-in closet where four wardrobes are for each person and there are reading tables and nightstands positioned at each person's bed with their signature colour.

"This one" she says pointing at the bed in front of her "has pink sheets....that one" she looks at the other side of the room "has red".

Ok, so she knows her colors what's new?

She suddenly gasps "Omg is that... purple?!" she exclaims and I roll my eyes.

No, it's the look on your face after I shut you up-

"You know I wasn't talking to you" she sneers sending me a glare.

Oh, swap! Did I say that out loud?!

"Hmm...I guess you're deaf".

Oh no she didn't!

She looks around one more time taking in the other beds which have red and purple sheets before setting her things on the bed with pink sheets.

"Who're you calling deaf Candy Queen?!" The words came out before I could stop them. Oh well, I guess it's time for Lights Camera Action!

She gasps placing her hand on her chest "Candy Queen! I prefer Fashion Diva!" she says and strikes a pose.

"Right," I say stressing the 'i' so she knows I'm being sarcastic. "And with that pose, you could knock out Lady Gaga" Trea shut up, please.

She shrieks in fury. Oops, I guess I struck a nerve. Now all I have to do is keep quiet while she rants cause at some point she'll get tired and shut up.

"And with those clothes, you could shut down a fashion industry" she snaps.

I forgot to mention I suck at fashion. Well, now you know.

"I've not got time for all this so if you could just zip it I'll be really glad," I said waving her off.

"And why would I want you to be glad?"

I shrug "I don't know...maybe it's because..." I trailed off playing with my fingers to frighten her.

I saw this in a movie once and the guy played with his fingers while sorta threatening the kid who got scared. I know, it was a kid who was being threatened so of course the kid got scared but seeing her wide eyes made me want to go on.

Now I'm sitting on the edge of my bed swinging my legs and she is like a few feet away from me. When did she even get so close?!

"...you might not...want to...end up let's say the um...hospital?" I bat my eyelashes at her.

"You're a witch!" she says with her index finger pointed at me accusingly.

Well, that's not new.

"True true...whatever you say," I say rolling my eyes at how dense she can be "Just shh okay" I put my finger to my lips and give her a megawatt fake smile.

She scoffs "So rude...anyway I've got better things to do like um...pick a closet". She sashays to her bed.

"Call dibs on the grey!" I yell.

"Sure Dark Witch," she says making her way to the walk-in closet with her bags "It's not like it was even an option".

"Whatever you say Candy Queen...now shh!" I say as I resume my position cross-legged on my bed with my phone and earplugs.

She sure got me talking a lot which is not what I intended to do. It was kinda fun though... I guess.

I watch her closely as she eyes the closet area muttering something about choosing the pink closet cause of the pink sheets on her bed.

"Pink it is!"

"Shit it Candy!" hey I don't know her name ok.

"I'm trying so hard to ignore you right now..."I murmur as she eyes me.

"I need my headphones although it's not gonna be enough to block her out" Now I'm just trying to rile her up.

Ok, I admit I am bored and I decided to continue our little fight.

She's still silently glaring at me. If looks could kill...well, you know the rest.

I'll just leave so she can have peace to herself and I really wanna check out this school's surroundings.

A dirty blonde-haired girl our age enters. And our gaze shifts to her.

"Hey girls I'm Kylie Jackson it's nice to meet you guys," she says with a smile.

Well, this is gonna be fun, I smirked inwardly.


So how was chapter 3? It's a pretty long chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please don't mind any mistakes:) 

I look forward to your comments and suggestions. The next chapter is gonna be long:) 

*Trea is pronounced as 'Tray-a' and not 'Tree-a'. So, don't get it wrong but if you do *shrug*.

Also, no offence to Lady Gaga fans I am sorta a fan too that part was just a joke.

One more thing... I hope you guys are okay with the switching of Povs.

Thanks for reading!

Milleran_Jacksoncreators' thoughts