
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · Anime et bandes dessinées
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508 Chs

[156] The Establishment of the Service Club

Chapter 156: The Establishment of the Service Club

"Please come in," with permission granted, Yukino entered the office.

Glancing around, she found Shizuka and walked over to the woman.

Since it was already after school, the teachers were engrossed in their own tasks. Some were preparing lessons for the next day, while others were scrolling through blogs on their phones.

As for Shizuka, she was holding a manga. Judging by the cover, it appeared to be JoJo's.

Surprisingly, despite being a female teacher, she enjoyed reading hot-blooded manga.

"Hiratsuka-sensei," just as Shizuka was engrossed in her reading, a cold and clear voice sounded in her ear, nearly causing her to drop the manga in her hand. She turned to see a long-haired, delicate-faced young girl standing beside her.

"You are... Yukino Yukinoshita, right? Haruno's little sister," Shizuka spoke.

"Yes," the girl nodded.

"Well then, Yukinoshita-san, what can I do for you today?" The teacher remembered that Haruno had asked her to look after his sister.

"I came today to ask about how to establish a club," Yukino stated her purpose for the visit.

"A club?!"

This took Shizuka by surprise. She had some understanding of the girl's character from their time at the beach, but she never expected that this rather distant girl would be thinking about starting a club.

"What kind of club do you want to create?"

"The Service Club," the girl uttered those three words.


Hearing that name, Shizuka's mind went in a different direction. As an older single female teacher, she had naturally come across certain materials, and the words "service" often appeared in them.

Looking at Yukino's cold demeanor, Shizuka couldn't help but entertain a bold idea. A beautiful girl, dressed as a maid, providing service... the plot seemed almost too fitting. However, to confirm, she decided to ask once more, "What is the primary purpose of this Service Club?"

"The club is dedicated to providing compassion and assistance to those in need, often referred to as volunteers," Yukino explained.

"Oh, I see. It sounds like a club with a very noble purpose."

Upon hearing the girl's explanation, Shizuka felt relieved. It wasn't what she had initially imagined.

"Yes, helping others is indeed a meaningful endeavor," Yukino smiled as if she had received approval.

"Well, establishing a club is quite straightforward," Shizuka replied with a smile. She reached into her drawer and handed Yukino a form.

"Start by filling out this form."

"Thank you."

Yukino accepted the form and began filling it out. Shortly after, she handed the completed form back.

Taking a look at the contents, Shizuka nodded. "Everything seems to be in order. Next, you'll need to recruit five members and find a supervising teacher to make it an officially recognized club."

"I can be the supervising teacher, but for club members, you'll have to manage that yourself."

"Do I really need other people?"

Yukino frowned at Shizuka's words. She wasn't fond of communicating with others. In her original plan, she only needed herself in the club, helping those who actively sought assistance, rather than those who did nothing and simply waited for others to help them.

Seeing her reaction, Shizuka understood. It seemed that Yukino was the type of person who acted on her own accord without consulting others.

"That's fine. You can find members later. I'll help you get the club approved for now."

With that, Shizuka stamped the club application form.

"Thank you, Hiratsuka-sensei. By the way, where is the club's activity room?" Yukino expressed her gratitude and proceeded to ask. After all, having an activity room was crucial for a club, and she could worry about recruiting members later.

"The activity room? No problem."

Shizuka patted her ample chest as if giving assurance.

Perhaps she exerted a bit too much force, as her generous bosom subtly jiggled a few times.

Witnessing this scene, Yukino couldn't help but feel a bit irritated deep down.

"Thank you, Hiratsuka-sensei."

Even though she felt a tad annoyed, she still had to express her gratitude.

"No problem. Follow me; I'll take you to find an available club activity room," Shizuka waved her hand and stood up, walking towards the door.

Yukino followed her out.

They made their way to the club activity area down the corridor.

"Art Club, Light Music Club, Tea Ceremony Club... Ah, here we go, this one is vacant."

As the door swung open, a faint layer of dust filled the entire activity room, causing both of them to cough.

*Cough... Cough...*

Once the dust had settled, Yukino got a full view of the activity room.

Could this even be called an activity room? It resembled more of a storage room filled with tables, chairs, and benches.

Seeing this, a hint of distaste appeared on the girl's face, and she looked at Shizuka with a slightly incredulous expression.

"Hiratsuka-sensei, can this really be considered an activity room? Are there no others available?"

Hearing the girl's words, Shizuka, who wasn't thick-skinned, felt a bit embarrassed.

Haha, even though it's a bit dirty and messy, a little cleaning up will make it fully usable.

"And considering your club has only one member at the moment, technically, you shouldn't even be assigned an activity room. So, getting you one is already quite generous. Don't be too choosy," Shizuka remarked, with a look on her face that suggested, "You've already hit the jackpot."

"Alright, I understand. Thank you, Hiratsuka-sensei," Yukino replied. At this point, she had accepted her situation. She knew that for a club with just one member, like hers, it was impossible to secure an activity room. Shizuka had been a great help.

"Hahaha, no problem, it's the least I could do. Now, why don't you clean up a bit? If you need anything else, feel free to drop by the office," Shizuka said as she hurriedly made her exit, as though she were afraid the girl might keep her company in cleaning up the room.

Watching her leave, Yukino found the situation a bit amusing. She hadn't intended to ask the teacher to help her clean. Cleaning was a simple task; she just needed to clear the dust and, as the sole member of the club, she only required a table and a chair. That would suffice.

As the day wore on, the late afternoon cast long shadows, and the setting sun painted the sky in a brilliant hue.

Once she finished tidying up the room, the girl left the campus alone. With this, the Service Club was officially established.



I haven't been feeling well for the past two days. I've had occasional headaches, which I suspect might be due to stress, especially since our exams are approaching. Today, I've been experiencing stomach discomfort and had to use the toilet several times. I'm hoping that I'll feel better tomorrow.

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