
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · Anime et bandes dessinées
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502 Chs

[132] The Wall Slam In Elevator

Chapter 132: The Wall Slam In Elevator

After breakfast, Hachiman had intended to continue with the dishes, but he was intercepted by Yui, Kotonoha, and the others.

In their words, while their culinary skills might not measure up to Hachiman's, they assured him they could handle the dishwashing.

Watching these capable girls at work, Hachiman felt a sense of contentment. His gaze then shifted to Shizuka, who was lounging on the sofa like a boss after her meal, and he couldn't help but shake his head inwardly.

Why was there such a stark contrast among people?

Once the dishes were cleaned, Komachi approached Hachiman.

"Onii-chan, what should we do today?"

"What should we do? Let me think..."

In reality, there were only a handful of activities one could enjoy by the seaside: swimming, playing in the sand, and maybe some beach volleyball.

"How about all of you head to the beach for a while, and I'll explore nearby stores to find some games we can all play together?"

"Sounds great! But, Onii-chan, are you going alone?"

Upon hearing Komachi's question, the nearby girls' eyes sparkled with anticipation. This was an excellent chance to spend some one-on-one time with Hachiman.

Sensing a few pairs of eyes on him, Hachiman let out a small sigh and cast a gentle glare in Komachi's direction.

Yet, Komachi remained entirely unfazed, merely sticking out her tongue and playing the cute card.

Taking a deep breath, Hachiman shifted his attention to the other girls and inquired, "Who would like to accompany me?"

"How about having Yui come with you? What do you think, Hikigaya-kun?" Yumiko suggested before anyone else could voice their opinions.

"Yes, that's a good idea. Yui, you'll go with Hikigiya-kun, and make sure to grab some drinks for me," Hina chimed in from the side.

The advantages of having allies were now clear. Some matters were simpler to address with the support of your friends.

Utaha and Kotonoha, who hadn't had the chance, couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment.

Kotonoha was content with the arrangement; her personality didn't incline her to demand much, and merely being able to stay by Hachiman's side sufficed.

However, Utaha held a different sentiment; being denied the opportunity to be alone with Hachiman left her with a slightly somber expression.

Hachiman remained indifferent to the decision, open to having anyone accompany him. He turned to Yui and inquired, "I'm okay with it. Yui, what do you think?"

"I'll pass this time. Let Kotonoha-san go with you, Hikki."

Yui, instead of joining Hachiman, shook her head and chose to give this opportunity to Kotonoha.

She had learned about Hachiman's feelings earlier that morning and wanted to provide him with more time to discuss things with the other girls.

It's fair to say, young lady, you're quite trusting.


Yui's decision took Yumiko and Hina by surprise. They had put in a lot of effort to secure this chance, only for Yui to offer it to someone else. Naturally, they were perplexed.

Even Hachiman found himself a bit astonished, but he didn't protest. Instead, he directed his attention to Kotonoha, who was nearby.

"Kotonoha, what do you think?"

"Of course, I can. Hachiman-kun, wait for me. I'll go change my clothes."

Kotonoha readily accepted Hachiman's invitation and headed upstairs to change her outfit. Hachiman, on the other hand, saw no need to change, as he had already donned beach shorts and a short-sleeved shirt earlier that morning.

"Is there anything you'd like from the store while I'm out?" Hachiman inquired of the girls.

"Could you grab me some snacks, Onii-chan?" Komachi requested.

"Oh, and there's no beer in the fridge, kiddo. Could you buy some beer for me?" Shizuka asked.

"Then, Hikigaya-kun, please pick up some drinks for us."


Taking note of their requests, Kotonoha descended the stairs, now clad in a pristine white dress with transparent crystal sandals gracing her feet.

Her innocent countenance, combined with the immaculate white attire, bestowed upon her the aura of an angel. However, her curvaceous figure was undeniably alluring, especially her ample bosom, which swayed enticingly with each step, drawing the gaze of onlookers.

"Apologies for the wait, Hachiman-kun," she said, offering a radiant smile.

"No need to apologize. Shall we proceed?"

Hachiman nodded, and the two of them left the villa, embarking on a journey to a nearby store.

During their leisurely walk, they engaged in conversation and shared laughter. Hachiman's conversational prowess proved valuable, eliciting smiles from Kotonoha along the way.

Before long, they reached a nearby department store.

As it was a holiday, the mall was bustling with people. Hachiman naturally took Kotonoha's hand, ostensibly to ensure they wouldn't get separated. She didn't object, and they proceeded together through the crowd.

Walking hand in hand, they eventually entered an elevator.

To avoid making Kotonoha feel cramped, Hachiman extended one arm and pressed it against the elevator wall, creating some extra space for her. However, their current positions seemed a bit...

Seeing Hachiman's arm braced near her ear and the less than a foot of distance between them, Kotonoha's cheeks flushed with a subtle shade of red.

Is this... the renowned "wall slam"? Isn't this a pose typically reserved for confessions or kissing scenes in manga?

Could it be that Hachiman intends to...

Their posture unintentionally led Kotonoha to reminisce about the romantic manga scenes she had come across, causing her thoughts to meander aimlessly.

In that moment, she could almost hear the nervous rhythm of her own heartbeat resounding in her ears.


Hearing Hachiman suddenly call her name, the girl was taken aback.

Could it be that Hachiman truly...

"Kotonoha, we..."

"I agree..."

Before Hachiman could finish his sentence, the girl spoke first.

"Huh? You agree with what?" Hachiman looked puzzled upon hearing her words.

"We should leave the elevator."


At this point, Kotonoha also snapped back to reality, realizing that the elevator had already come to a stop, and other people had begun to exit.

"Um... let's go, Hachiman-kun."

After all that, it turned out she had misinterpreted the situation. Kotonoha blushed with embarrassment, and ultimately, she allowed Hachiman to lead her out of the elevator, hand in hand.

"Snacks, beer, drinks..."

The girls had essentially completed their shopping, and now it was time to choose a game. When it came to games suitable for multiple players, tabletop games were the preferred option.

With the girl by his side, they made their way to the board game section.

Hachiman immediately noticed a game box prominently displayed in the center.

"Life Simulation Monopoly?"

Seeing the title, Hachiman's eyes lit up.

This is an excellent choice. It has no player limit and is ideal for a large group to play together.

"Kotonoha, what do you think of this?" Hachiman inquired of the girl at his side.

"Sure, I'll go along with whatever you decide," but at that moment, Kotonoha still appeared somewhat dazed from earlier events and simply went along with Hachiman's suggestion.

"Great, let's go with this one."

After making the purchase, they retraced their steps toward the beach.

At that precise moment, a black car was slowly approaching the stretch of beach that Hachiman had reserved.