
Life Always Ends In Death.

A story about what the trauma of one's childhood can do to the mind, of how it can torment an individual to the point where they can commit horrible acts, slowly driving themselves to insanity.

freefall_kp · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Cabin in the woods.

I looked at the digital clock near the speedometer. It was almost morning now and it was freezing. Despite it being covered in blood I threw my blazer on. The heating in the car was on although only a slight difference was made. It was so cold that white mist could be seen every time I exhaled. If I was this cold in a car, I had no idea how I'd survive outside without essentials for even a month. The car was low on petrol so I had to park quickly. I could already see some trees in the distance so I drove over there and parked on the side of the road, which clearly had a sign reading, 'No Park Zone'. The sign was old and withered, so I'm sure nobody would notice. Quite oddly, it was silent. No sound of birds, no sound of leaves rustling...nothing. It was as if I was alone in this empty world. I found it somewhat peaceful.

I rubbed at my arms in an attempt to make me feel warmer but nothing worked. Although it was morning, it was still dark. After all, it was a winter's morning. It didn't get bright until at least 9am. Luckily, I had parked just in time, as the petrol container was entirely drained by now. The only problem was...what on earth was this place? I looked around, the only thing to be seen was trees. Trees that spread for miles down the land, blocking the view of the sky because of their towering heights.

However, although the sky was blocked, the land was not. The blanket of darkness grew lighter and a small glistening of something peeking through the corners of the tree barks intrigued me. It seemed like some sort of light. It seemed I had no other choice, after all I couldn't get anywhere with a worn out engine. Sighing heavily, I set off into the woods. It was odd, although it seemed spacious, the pathway was narrow and the trees were grown so close together, almost bursting at the seams. Unfortunately, I had no access to some sort of weapon to shield myself from the long edges of plants and trees. The branches bowed down and the twigs beneath my feet poked at my soles. It seemed time had passed quickly, as the sun could already be seen slowly rising from the horizon.

It seemed like I had been walking for an eternity, my knees could no longer hold up my weight and my arms would longer actively swing from side to side near my waist as I walked. However, if I was to be tired, this was the right time. After following the light, I had eventually found its original source. It peaked through the cracks of a solitary building surrounded by murky water. Vines decorated the splintered wood that formed the roof and a layer of dust could be seen covering the windows as the sun shone through it. A cabin, it seemed. What was a cabin doing in the middle of the woods? I attempted calling inside the house to ask for help, but nobody- nothing responded. Although the idea of light shining through from an abandoned cabin concerned me, what irritated me the most were the footsteps leading right into the door of the cabin. They were new, the water from the small pond surrounding the cabin was still glowing from inside the patterned footprint.

It was a human. Somebody was inside the cabin.

I immediately looked around me, scanning every inch of the forest. I was still alert and listened carefully into the distance. 'Trudge.' I let out a stifled gasp. The trudging of boots grew louder...and closer. I turned around, bracing my fists and bringing them up to my chest. I was ready to fight. But as I turned around, what I saw left me bewildered.