
Life After Reincarnation

This story follow the man name Takanashi Ren as he die and Reincarnate to another world with a new name and story more info on the story.

BrightFlare · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

chapter 4. 3 year timeskip and motorcycle (cancelled)

celestial year 352

[Ren's mind] I'm now 3 years old and a great mage.

[Rise] Ren, come on and eat now.

[Ren] sure mom coming.

[Rise] are stuck on your research again? do you need any help?

[Ren] no mom.

[Ren's mind] using my skill i create another skill Alchemy and it's really helpful in my research. What is my research you may ask. It's weapon from earth. i now have a 20,000+ of mana capacity and many other skill.Things have gotten more easy.

at the dinner table

[Ren] umm. mom, dad.

[Sieg] what is it?

[Ren] when can i go to school?

[Sieg] your still to young. wait until you 5.

[Ren] ok dad.

[Rise] do you want other than that.

[Ren] then can we go shopping?

[Sieg] what do you need now?

[Ren] more metal and rubber.

[Sieg] do you plan to make those mass killing weapon again?

[Ren] no.

[Sieg] then what?

[Ren] i wanna try making a vehicle.

[Sieg] sounds interesting. ok then. is tomorrow okay?

[Ren] Yes.


[Sieg] i didn't expect Mayura and Silva to be in Ren workshop today. Are you guys will help Ren in this project.

[Mayura] yes sir.

[Sieg] ok I'm gonna leave now. i still have work to do.

[Silva] so what are we gonna do?

[Ren] a motorcycle.

[Mayura] really?

[Ren] yes. why not.

[Silva] because if you make a motorcycle in this world it would be considered as edge cutting technology therefore making it wanted by the high rankings nobel.

[Mayura] That won't be a problem.

[Silva] Why?

[Mayura] it because...

[Silva] it because what?

[Mayura] ummm...

[Ren] that won't be a problem.

[Silva] why?

[Ren] father is the commander of the king's knights.

[Silva] yea. i forgot.

[Mayura] see.

[Silva] you also can think of a reason earlier.

[Mayura] let's get to the topic. let's start.

[Ren] then carry the the rubber and put it above the workshop table.

[Silva] heavy.

[Mayura] what do you even expect when you been asked to carry things instead of just us carrying it.

[Ren] that's enough.

[Silva] why do you even ask me a Mayura to help you?

[Ren] because you can drive a motorcycle.

[Mayura] and how about me?

[Ren] you gonna get jealous.

[Mayura] you know me well. but how can i at least help?

[Ren] then go try the bow that i made outside.

[Mayura] where is the bow?

[Ren] out side.

4 hours later.

a maid knocked on the work shop door.

[Maid] young master. it's time to eat. and for the 2 guest as well.

[Ren] sure

after dinner

[Ren] let's continue.

[Silva] it will take us a long time just doing the magic circle.

[Ren] all we need to do now is to connect them.

[Silva[ although i never thought that your gift skill is to make magic stone from any king of stone.

[Ren] it work by converting the item into a state that it can flow mana inside it. therefore it will also work on any item not just stone.

[Mayura] what is this blueprint.

[Ren] that's the laser burner.

[Mayura] can i see the finished product.

[Ren] well...

[Mayura] well?

[Ren] it break.

[Mayura] how.

[Ren] it surpassed the limit heat that i expected and melted.

[Silva] can't you make any adjustments.

[Ren] we would need a material that has high melting point.

[Silva] Can't be help. let's just continue the motorcycle project.

6 hour's later

[Ren] damn it's been a rough day.

[Silva] yea the motorcycle is finished.

[Ren] where Mayura?

[Silva] did she go home?

[Mayura] ahhhh.

[Ren] so she's sleeping.

[Silva] well it's 2:am

author's note: Silva know the time bc at the age of 5 they are given a dashboard and in the dashboard there is a clock. As you already know the goddess also given them a dashboard. Those 2 dashboard are a bit different but look like the normal dashboard and the difference is that the dashboard that is given to them from the goddess is the dashboard from the goddess can sent and received message unlike the normal dashboard. Normal dashboard are given by the church. Other difference of the regular dashboard and the dashboard that given from goddess will be shown in the future chapter

[Ren] i didn't expect we would finish the motorcycle in 1 go.

[Silva] Let's wake up Mayura and go to your room.

[Ren] is the bed in the workshop is not good for you?

[Silva] wait. there are bed here?

[Ren] where do you think Mayura is sleeping right now.

[Silva] well. you got a point.

[Ren] Let's Just sleep I'm tired. let's just test the motorcycle tomorrow.

[Silva] you mean later?

[Ren] yes.

[Silva] Ren... well... he's asleep...

later that morning

[Mayura] uhh hmm aghhhhhh

[Mayura's mind] what is this thing wrapping me. it's like hugging me. is it hugging me? then who? i remember we were making the motorcycle and i don't remember. let me open my eyes. wait isn't this Ren hugging me... okay... wait... Ren is hugging me. why.

[Mayura] ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

Mayura screams wake's everyone and maids came in rush.

[Ren's mind] what is that sound? what is this soft thing? my pillow never this soft... wait don't tell me... no... maybe I'm just dreaming... okay then... let's just continue sleeping.

the maids and Ren's parents burst into the workshop and saw Mayura face all red while Ren's face is buried into Mayura's thighs

[Sieg] Ren wake up now.

[Sieg's mind] good job son.

[Ren] ugh ahh haaaaa

[Mayura] Lord Sieg, ahhh, Ren's breathe tickle me aghh.

[Sieg's mind] okay so my son is face is between a girl thighs and his breathe tickle the her... that means...

[Rise] darling, why your face turn red all of a sudden.

[Rise's mind] well... I'll just wake him up.

[Ren's mind] Rupy why is it so noisy?

[Rupy] umm well...

[Ren's mind] what? just tell me.

[Rupy] well... your face is in between Mayura's thighs and your breathe is tickle the thing between her legs.

[Ren's mind] what do you mean?

[Rupy] just open your eyes.

[Ren's mind] okay fine.

[Ren] ummm... pink?

[Mayura] ahhhhhhhhhhh

[Silva's mind] what even the hell are those commotion.

[Silva] do any of you mind telling me what's up.

[Sieg] well just look at them.

[Silva's mind] what the hell are they even doing.

[Silva] your to young to that.

Silva grab Ren move him away from mayura and check his dashboard.

[Silva] well look at that its 5 in the morning.

[Maid 1] Lord Sieg, please excuse as and we will prepare the breakfast.

[Maid 2] Lord Sieg, there is a letter from his highness.

[Sieg] wait this is a.

[Rise] what is it?

[Sieg] they request Ren to meet the princess and be the princess friend and be one of the princess future knights.

[Silva] Ren your damn lucky.

[Ren] what is that supposed to mean

[Sieg] we will talk about about it on breakfast.

to be continued