
Life After Death by Ice Cream

Nothing ruins your day like getting hit by an ice cream truck. For Amara Lyselle, a 24-year-old history professor tired of her routine, life comes to an abrupt end just when she decides to indulge in some luxury chocolate. But instead of a peaceful afterlife, Amara finds herself thrust into an alternate world that looks a lot like hers except she’s now one of the rivals vying for the affection of the world’s dashing hero. As if being dead and reincarnated as a romantic antagonist wasn’t bad enough, she has to navigate a confusing new reality with the help of an annoying "system" that seems to have a personality of its own. The good news? She has a second chance at life. The bad news? She has no idea how to survive in this strange world, avoid falling into ridiculous romantic drama, or even get back to her old life if that’s even possible.

LuLU888000 · LGBT+
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45 Chs

next-level villain plotting

I couldn't believe it. They were actually listening to me. Me the walking disaster they thought would tank the company the second I stepped foot in here. The room was full of people who were clearly questioning reality, looking at me like I'd just pulled a rabbit out of a hat. Some looked confused, others stunned, and a few outright suspicious. As if at any second, I'd reveal I was playing an elaborate prank. Honestly, I kind of expected it too.

"Well," Gerald said, clearing his throat, "it sounds like we have a plan. Let's give it a try."

The murmurs of approval that followed were slow, hesitant. Almost like they couldn't believe they were agreeing with me. I could practically feel their brains short-circuiting.

The system, of course, had a field day. [Oh, this is priceless! Look at their faces! They're waiting for you to light the whole company on fire, but nope you actually didn't screw up. Amazing!]

I rolled my eyes, trying not to smirk. "Thanks for the vote of confidence," I muttered under my breath.

[Seriously, you handled that like a pro! Okay, maybe a confused pro who's still trying to figure out what's going on, but hey, progress is progress.]

My parents exchanged a look one of those "Are we actually impressed right now?" looks. I could hardly believe it myself.

"Good work, Amara," Helena said, a bit more warmth in her tone. "Let's see how it unfolds."

I nodded, trying not to look too smug. "Thanks." Inside, though? I was doing mental gymnastics.

[So, what's the next move, Captain Genius? They're actually listening now, so no pressure or anything.]

Before I could answer, Gerald clapped his hands together. "Alright, let's break for lunch. We'll regroup afterward."

Thank. God. I needed food and a moment to process the fact that I hadn't spontaneously combusted in front of the entire board.

Sitting in the cafeteria, I was mostly pushing food around on my plate while my brain spun in circles. Sure, I had handled that meeting without falling flat on my face, but Elara was the bigger issue. If I didn't figure out how to get her on board, all my "corporate success" meant nothing.

[Oh no, I know that look,] the system chimed in, interrupting my thoughts. [You're scheming again. That's the face of someone about to try something clever.]

"More like the face of someone who's making it up as she goes along," I thought back.

[Same difference. What's the plan for our dear Elara, anyway? You gonna win her over with your charming personality?]

I snorted. "Yeah, because that's worked out so well so far. She hates me. But I need her, so... I'll have to be sneaky about it."

[Sneaky? Oho, I love sneaky. What are we talking? Bribery? Threatening her with spoilers from her favorite show?]

"No," I thought, stabbing a piece of lettuce. "I'm going to recommend her for a position here at Lyselle Media. And she won't even know it was me."

[Whoa, that's some next-level villain plotting. I'm impressed. But you realize you actually have to prove yourself first, right? You can't just be like, 'Hey, I saved the company from one mess, now let me recommend people,' without everyone thinking you've lost your mind.]

"I know that!" I snapped in my head. "That's why I've got to keep up this 'competence' thing. Make myself seem like a valuable asset. Once I've done that, I can drop Elara's name without anyone raising an eyebrow."

[Smart. You're actually starting to sound like you know what you're doing, which, for the record, is a little terrifying. What happened to the girl who was about to alphabetize her way into obscurity?]

I groaned internally. "She's still here, just trying not to screw everything up."

[And doing a fine job of it so far, might I add.]

"Thanks," I thought sarcastically. "But this isn't a cakewalk. I've got to make sure this plan works without anyone finding out I'm orchestrating it. If they catch wind that I'm pushing for Elara, they'll assume it's just more drama."

[Ooooh, I see. So, you're playing the long game. Build up your rep, sneak her into the company, and sit back as everyone marvels at how brilliant you are.]

"Exactly," I thought with a mental smirk. "And no one will even suspect I had anything to do with it."

[Well, damn, look at you. A full-on corporate puppet master. I'm so proud.]

Back in the office, I sat at my desk, staring at the files I'd already alphabetized. Okay, organizing things was one thing, but how was I supposed to jump from that to fixing major projects? It wasn't exactly a smooth transition. And, oh yeah, there was still the whole "Elara hates my guts" thing.

You got this, Amara. Fake it till you make it.

I drummed my fingers on the desk, thinking. If I could keep the momentum from that meeting and throw out a few more decent ideas, I'd have some leverage. Then, I could subtly slide Elara into the conversation without raising any suspicions. Like a corporate ninja.

[So, you're really going for it, huh? Playing the corporate chess game, building trust, and then bam! Elara's in. I'm kinda proud.]

"You should be," I thought. "It's not easy being this devious."

[It's also not easy when half the company still thinks you're gonna crash and burn.]

"Thanks for the reminder," I replied dryly. "But hey, if they're already expecting me to fail, I can only go up from here, right?"

[That's... one way to look at it. Or, you know, you could still fail spectacularly, and they'll be like, 'Well, we saw that coming.']

"Gee, you're such a motivator."

[Hey, just keeping it real.]

I sighed, leaning back in my chair. Elara would never see it coming. She'd be walking into the company with no idea that I was the one behind it all. And I'd be one step closer to not completely tanking this weird reincarnation game.

[You're definitely scheming now. I can practically feel the evil laugh brewing.]

"Oh, it's there," I thought with a smirk. "It's just waiting for the right moment."

[Well, don't let me stop you, Dr. Doom.]

With a deep breath, I straightened up and mentally prepared myself. This was going to be one hell of a ride, but if I could pull it off... well, maybe I'd stop being the disaster everyone expected me to be.

"Let's do this," I thought, half to myself, half to the system.

[You got it, evil mastermind.]