
you have been found

Im Hanna Ju it has been a whole year since I have fled my home town. in hopes to run from the one that I fear the most yet love the most the one that no's me for what I'm and who I was or should I say who she was that is not me. I changed I look nothing like her. well ''I guess I should stop talking to myself in the mirror don't want to sound like a psychopath." I should get going I tell myself as I grab my suitcase and move rapidly to my car quickly. suddenly I get dizzy then I fall into a man's arms to my surprise it is Loky. I try to say something but I could no longer speak. Loki is going to the top floor of the hotel as someone passes us and says "is she fine?" Lokey replies " you know how wives are right before the wedding" and laughs it has been a while since I heard him laugh. and here we are Loky slides the card to the hotel door opening it. once open he in a rush closes the door and rushes to the bed throwing me on it he began taking his clothes off and said "you might have changed your appearance, but you will always be my love.'' and then continued to take off his clothes till he was in nothing then he began to unclothe me taking off my dress, bra and finally my underwear, he said "and here I thought you hated, me yet your dripping with lust." I just turned my head in embarrassment. and then unexpectedly he put one finger in me hitting the right spots I tried not to moan but a year without sex was so long too long. still unable to move he spreads my legs wide and plays with me a little more telling me how I'm not allowed out of his sight again he starts putting the tip in me and taking it out teasing me but now I can feel my legs again so I wrap my legs around him shoving him inside me until I hear him hiss with enjoyment .