
who he is.

When I first met him I was in middle school a casual boy named Loki he was the only person that would make eye contact with me the only person that was not afraid of me he made the piercing girl. standing down my neck but the person who stands down my neck is the old me is me he wants my true self back but I reject it like I reject liking anyone but him I love him but he mustn't love a fool like me. he is the reaper but he has a girl he loved he showed his true form to her and killed her

I am the remake of her the one that refuses to be the reincarnation of a ded person I hate im being looked at like im some type of autopsies or someing thing the deal was that I have the person that is not me on my shoulder also known as the previous me. but will no longer love him today I will make my body permanently forget its old self cause she may be dead but she keeps trying to get her body back but it is my body no longer hers I have my memories if she wants a body take someone else which I will no longer be his bride of love I will use my powers to get rid of her.

I'm sorry today's was short but I have no excuses

reminder: rates= more episodes=knowing what you like.

Nisagamicreators' thoughts