
Chapter 1 - SMALL OR BIG?

I just got done finishing school now I have to pick a university and the problem I'm having is a more private one or a public one. Let's be honest me a single male, black hair, clear face with dimples when I smile and a jawline flex when I don't, that's somewhat cute or so I've been told by many girls in the past the only thing I think I got going for me is the fact that I gym I have a muscular body which many comment on but wait that's not the problem. If I go to a private university they is only about 300 to 500 people in the place and chances of me finding that one girl who I can really love is as small as what's under my friends pants over there how do I know? you ask well that's because he was running out of the school showers when he saw a Roach and stepped on it, I know eww is in your head but the feeling he described was worse, the crunch under his feet and the face moving around in last attempts to breath under your skin, the wiggly feeling I'm sure it was in his head but... He ran out the showers in the hall without even realizing it and yep I happen to be with my group of friends whome I have different categories of but I'll explain that later and we all saw, yes even the girls there saw sigh...

If I attend a public university they are thousands of students and the place is alot more bigger and the possibility of girls is endless. I know it's hard to believe but they are still guys that believe in finding that one girl and staying loyal to her but till then we have to search and explore the kinds of girls they are and yes that means at times I do end up sleeping with them sometimes when I feel lost in an abyss. I do this but deep down I don't want a relationship just for sex I want one for love and care someone I can care for...

So I will decide tomorrow what I want to do

So I went with option two, I will either lose myself there or find what I want of course all while studying and what am I studying you ask?, Ahem well I'm studying an editor course and music basically I'll be an editor for some company or I can even become a disc jocky (DJ) now this I would really love because I like music and festivals as much as I like to read or nextflix and chill, I'm sure you do too it's just a good vibe to be around. Onwards to my first day of university where things will really spice up I'm hoping.

Hope you enjoy it, it's simple words that will hit you hard but don't worry I will throw in a mix often. Hope you enjoy it I will publish more as often as possible possibly every 2 days Thank you for enjoying this with me :)

Max_xRajahcreators' thoughts