
Lies of this Hellish World (CANCELLED)

This is just like any other world of magic and monsters. That includes a useless boy named Lunis. Lunis's sole dream is to be a 'Strite'. A Hero who uses magic to save the people from monsters. However, our useless Lunis can't use magic or even has any skills or talents. So Lunis uses Magic Tools. While training to achieve his dream using magic tools, Lunis learns something he shouldn't have, changing his fate forever. Will Lunis be a Hero, or will he succumb to Fate's plans?

RayLamenta · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Lies Of This Hellish World - Chapter 3

After defeating the cyclops I was treated by some of the Strite Medic's.

The medics actually came bursting through the doors of the training room once the cyclops went down and disappeared. When they saw me though, they panicked and ran over to where I was at.

I'm not sure how bad I looked but I do know I hurt all over, and when they were done healing me, they used a wet towel on my face and arms. It looked like it was covered in blood. I didn't care at the time though. I guess I was too beefed up on adrenalin to care. I did end up changing my clothes to the ones they provided, they even lent me a brush. I bet I look spip-and-spam again!

"Lunis Shaa."


"Yes Mr. Gunn?"



"If you know your body can't keep up with what you're doing or planning to do, THEN DON'T DO IT!"

"This was a practice fight. To see how you'd do in a physical fight."

"But all I saw you do today was be reckless with your body"

"While you might have had the right idea, you should have known your body couldn't keep up."

I get what he's saying but, that was the only way to beat it. I'm fast and only a little strong. I know that I wasn't born with an enhanced body, but I trained, I trained forever, and yet, I still could only do THAT much to an easy monster like a cyclops, and I still wound up in pretty bad shape.

Maybe I'm not a physical combat fighter. I might just be a magic user. Well, thats fine too. As long as i'm a powerful Strite in the end!

"I'm sorry, Sir."

"I'll think of another way to beat the cyclops next time."


"Very well, keep that in mind kid. I'm tired of seeing young kids like you die because of your'lls carelessness!"

Mr. Gunn smiled and gave me his hand. I accepted it and helped me to my feet from the chair I had been sitting in.

"Now, let's go check your final scores!"

I'm excited, so excited that I can barely contain myself. Maybe it was obvious because Mr. Gunn gave me a smirk.

"Yes Sir!"

*Dun Dun*

This feels weird, I'm so nervous that I can't keep my heart rate down. I might pass out from the suspense.

The room I'm in doesn't help either. I'm sitting in the center of a room with a big arched table in front of me with all 3 examiners sitting at it. I can't even make out their expressions either.

I clenched my fists to pants harder in an attempt to calm my nerves. At one point I even started braiding my hair.

*Tick* *Tick* *Tick*

I feel a bead of sweat coming from my forehead.

I really wish they'd hurry up!!

I close my eyes and try to keep as calm as possible.

Think Lunis Think! Think of cute puppies and foxes, yes all the cute foxes. Soft foxes! fluffy foxes! Cute baby foxes! Ooh, maybe even a whit-

"Lunis Shaa."


I sit up as straight as I can. The lady in the middle who did my magic test seems to be the main speaker. You see, Mr. Yun is on my left, while Mr. Gunn is on my right, and the mysterious magic lady is in the middle. She has such a cold voice.

I look up and see Mr. Yun open his mouth and read from a piece of paper.

"Mr. Shaa"

"Yes sir?"

"Ahem, Lunis Shaa, you have passed the written Strite exam. Congratulations!"

I see Mr. Yun with his eyes closed and a bright smile on his face.

Mr. Yun is actually quite handsome. His smile looks good with his soft brown hair too. There are probably a lot of women after him.

I'm a little jealous, but all that aside, I passed the written exam!

I'm so happy I feel a smile spread on my face. I hope I don't look too stupid.

"Lunis Shaa!"

Oh, It's Mr Gunn's turn.

"You beat the cyclops while tactfully using a spear. While you did get severely injured I do believe you'll improve over time."

"You aren't particularly strong though. It's obvious that your strength is gained through sheer effort, and while that may be admirable, it can be a drawback for Strite work."


I'm scared. Did…did I fail the physical?


"Lunis Shaa, you pass the physical exam. Try not to use your body as fighting collateral, ok."


I feel another smile come out! I can't help it, That's 2 out of 3 Strite tests!! I'm almost there! This is the most important test result of the bunch.

"Lunis Shaa."

Here it comes!!!

"Lunis Shaa, for the first time in my life and as shown in records, your test is truly strange and unique."


Does that mean I'm magically overpowered?!!!

"Lunis Shaa."

"Your test results for the magic and skill exam."

She's looking at me! I think, It's hard to tell with the hood over her head.

"Are nothing at all."


What, I don't get it?

It looks like no one else gets it either. Everyone is looking at the mage lady.


"Lunis Shaa, you have no magic or skills what-so-ever."

"And because you have no magic, you automatically fall underneath the required amount to become a Combat Strite."

"However, with your high test scores and the slight ability to defend yourself, you may be able to join the strategy team."

"Though the strategy team -"

What, I can't become a proper Strite?

But that's impossible, I've worked so hard.

I've studied till I got sick, I worked out in all kinds of weather until I couldn't do it anymore, I trained with every kind of weapon I could get my hands on until my hands were torn and bleeding.

Now- now it's all for nothing? I can't use magic?

Why, why did this happen? It's not fair.

It's not fair.

It's just not fair.

"I see, thank you."

"Mr. Shaa, you could still be a Strite in the strategy team. It would be a huge help to have someone as intelligent as you on the strategy team!"

"Thanks, I'll think about it."

I can't see properly. I can't even look Mr. Yun in the eyes.

"Uhg, and here I thought we would have someone useful show up."


…Someone useful?.....So I'm…..Useless.

Right….I'm always…..useless.


I'm dizzy. What was that 'thud' just now? I can't see anything. Did I run into a wall or something?

If I did. That would sure make sense.

End of Chapter 3

Sorry for the late update, I was a tad busy.

RayLamentacreators' thoughts