
Saved By The Bell

Here is what happened last time on licensed to kill

We fall asleep on the plane. Autumn wakes us up and tells us to buckle up, we are flying into a storm, and we could experience turbulence. We land safely at the airport and get a shuttle to take us to our hotel. There seems to be a double booking with our hotel rooms. Madison gets angry at them, and they give us the second-best rooms in the hotel for no extra expense. We walk into our hotel room, and we get stuck on the balcony with a view overlooking the Eiffel Tower. 

With Madison on the phone with her friend, I notice Charlotte seems a bit off. I try to talk to her to find out what is going on. I find out that she misses Daniel. I tell Charlotte;

"It is not easy knowing that someone special is not there anymore. I do not know what I will do if something happened to Madison and that she is no longer here."

Charlotte staring into the distance, she tells me;