
Night Night

I'm just laying here, doing my bench presses. When Officer Pierce starts pushing the bar down on my chest. I feel my heart starting to race. I look him in the eyes and start to push back. The bar slowly lifts. I push as hard as I can, just to show him that I won't give him the satisfaction of pushing me around.

I push the bar to the right so I can get up from the bench. I stand up and just stare at Officer Pierce. Then I say to him;

"What is your problem?!"

"My problem is with you. You should be glad that I'm not kicking your ass around"

I snort out loud and then say with sarcasm;

"Ah, you noticed my ass? I'm flattered but your not my type, sorry..."

He starts getting red in the face with anger and says;

"I'm going to-"

"You're going to do what? If your planning on doing something, do it and shut up. I don't have time for empty threats..."

He just stands there.

"...yeah, I thought so. As the saying goes...put your money where your mouth is, but it seems that you're scared"

While I'm laughing and start to walk away from him. I look up and see Captain Taylor and Madison standing at the door. I think they've heard the commotion between the two of us. On the other hand, I think the whole station heard it. All of a sudden, Madison screams;

"Watch out!"

I quickly turn around to see what she is screaming about. Then I turn and see Officer Pierce swinging a right hand at my head. I duck and move away.

"Don't do something you might regret"

It is clear that I have pushed him over the edge and he loses it. He tries again to punch me. He swings another right hand and I duck under it. He tries a quick left and hits me in my face. I hear Madison scream;

"Stop it!"


The Captain turns to me while I stand in horror at what is unfolding before my eyes and then he says;

"If you don't want to see this you better go now. They are either going to do it here or somewhere else. Rather here so that we can atleast stop it if it gets out of hand"

I can not help but secretly hope that Tom will win this fight but I do not condone any of this behavior at all. But there is something that is attracting my attention and it is the pure muscles that are displaying themselves so aggressively on the arms of the man that has caught my attention. It is strange how I suddenly feel even more attracted to him than ever before.


I wipe the blood off my lips and smile;

"You asked for it"

I walk up to him with my hands up covering my face. He tries to swing a right hand again, I duck and counter with a left hand of my own. My fist hits him under the jaw, his head goes upward with the force of impact. I do a quick left and right in his stomach, then I say;

"Had enough yet?"

He walks up and tries to kick me on my legs. I grab ahold of his leg in the air. Then I push him against his chest so that he loses his balance. He falls down on the floor.

"Just stay down man..."

He gets angry and runs into me. He picks me up and we both fall to the floor. He's sitting on top of me while he punches me, three or four times in my face as I try to duck. I move my weight, counter an incoming punch, and roll him over. Now I'm on top.

I hit him with two quick punches, one on his cheek and the other on the nose. I stand up and kick him in the stomach so that he can stay down. He's is just laying there, trying to get up. I turn and start to walk away. I get a few steps away. I see the horror in Madison's eyes and I know what she is going to say next;

"Watch out!"

Officer Pierce picked up a weight and is running towards me with it in his hand. I know I have to do something to stop this now. As I focus everything goes into slow motion. He gets closer and he swings the weight towards my head.

I duck and hit him in the ribs. He stumbles backward and drops the weight. I walk up to him, give him a quick left and right punch, and a kick to the chest. I watch as his head hits the wall. I hit him as hard as I can in the stomach. He bends down in pain. I grab the back of his neck, lift my leg, and hit him squarely in the face with my knee. He stumbles and goes down to his knees. I look at him and say, breathless;

"Night, night"

I do a roundhouse kick to his face as hard as I can. Officer Pierce falls to the floor and doesn't get up again. The Captain runs towards us and says;

"That's enough Marks...now walk away"

I knew if the fight started, he wouldn't stand a chance. I had the best Muay Thai trainer when I was younger. He taught me that everyone has a fight, you just need to make sure that whatever it is...it's worth fighting over.

I start to walk out of the gym. All the other Officers that are standing around just moves out of my way. I get to the door where Madison is standing. I look into her eyes and I see a hit of proudness hiding in plain sight. I can't help but give her a slight smile while I continue to walk out.

I walk to the bathrooms and clean myself up. I wash the blood off my face. I gather myself and walk out the door. I start to look for Woodi so that we can get the footage of the crime scene. We still got a case to solve. Woodi is standing with the Captain, talking. I walk up to them and say;

"I'm sorry for that, things just got out of hand in there."

Captain Taylor looks at me and says;

"Did we make a mistake giving you the job? I know you have a temper, but what were you thinking? You put a fellow Officer in hospital."

I look at his surprized and say;

"I didn't start it, Captain. From the get-go, he was on me. I warned him to stay down, I warned him to stop."

"And when he didn't stop? You decided to put him in hospital"

"Sir, with all due respect. He came at me with a weight. Should I have just stood there and let him put me in the hospital? He was coming at me with a weapon in hand that could've caused serious bodily harm. I gave him numerous opportunities to stop, he just kept on coming. I'm sorry, but I did what I had to do."


I walk around the corner and see Detective Marks talking to the Captain. I gather from his body language that is defending himself to the Captain. Of course, it must be about the fight that he just had in the gym. I can't help feeling a little bad for him.

I stop walking towards them so he can have his privacy but he spots me walking towards them. I watch as the Captain walks away and I know that I only have a moment to let him know what I think. As I follow the Captain just walking away without a word, I make sure to lock eyes with Tom and then give him a shy smile.


I see Madison smiling at me and I feel a shade of red starting on my cheeks but I shake my head and then I ask Woodi;

"Hey man, let's get back to work. We've got some footage to go through. This crime isn't going to solve itself"

I follow Woodi to our desk. The DVD is on the table marked "CCTV". Woodi then says;

"The techs already worked their magic for us. They cut the footage for us to make it easier to look at. It seems that we have three cameras to work with. You take one and I'll do the other."

I start looking at the footage, trying to see if I can pick up something to help us solve this case.

"Wait, what's that? Woodi, we have movement, look..."