
I really Like This Property

Here is what happened last time on Licensed to Kill

We take a few photos with Marcus before he leaves. We all stand and make general conversation with one another. I ask everyone if they want to celebrate with us. Charlotte says that she is tired, but we can go on and enjoy ourselves. Anna leads us to a nightclub around the corner from the hotel. Once we arrive, I find out from Francesco that Anna is angry at Madison for doing her shoot. I lead Madison outside and tell her what I heard. We walk back to our hotel room and lie in bed. 

As Madison rolls over to me again, I feel her naked body touching mine. I ask her;

"I thought that you are tired?"

Feeling her breath against my neck as she answers me;

"I am never too tired for my husband."

We get under the covers and make wild passionate love. After the spectacular night together, we get dressed and fall asleep. Madison wakes me up with coffee again and says;