
Liam's vow

Liam's vow is for Revenge. On Liam's journey he will have to face unmeasurable odds and survive. Can Liam redeem himself, and rise? or will he fail to rise to his potential for redemption?

Creepthewriter · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Feeling powerful

Sweat drops ran off Liam's forehead as he struggled to remain perfectly quiet. The patrolling group will arrive within seconds, and it's important to catch some of the group off guard so Liam can thin the herd as much as he can. In his left hand he held one of the bowls that he hurriedly snatched off the counter before hiding behind the door leading inside the house. Scattering feet moving toward the door could be heard, as Liam heard the footsteps he began to spring his plan into action. Moving the hand he had resting with the bowl in it he flung the bowl towards the open bedroom door in the house. 

Watching as the bowl hit the wall hard enough to shake the wall, a loud "THUNK" could be heard.

 Hearing the noise the group stormed into the house and located where the noise came from. Liam peeked from behind the door watching each of the five silhouettes walking toward the bedroom that he threw the bowl towards. Liam's muscles began tightening as he prepared to dash toward the straggler in the group. Having analyzed the group Liam already knew who to watch out for. The seemingly leader of the group was a muscled orc holding a massive blunt weapon of who knows what. The rest of the group looked untrained and held farming supplies and cooking utensils as weapons. Liam narrowed his eyes as he stepped toward the straggler of the group and placed his sword to his neck and dragged across with quick finesse as he began preparing to kill another. 

Hearing the sounds of struggles, the group began to turn around and as a shout reached Liam's ears he slashed his sword across the chest of the unprepared Cambion in front of him. As shock of their two dead companions spread among the rest of the group Liam settled his eyes on the leader. Kicking the Cambion that he just slashed toward the group of untrained enemies Liam attempted to move to kill the leader. Grabbing the hot food cooking on the counter as he moved toward the rest of the group, Liam tossed the pot off the counter toward the person who fell over because of their dead companion.

 Watching as the hot liquid splashed and steamed the members of the patrol, Liam felt pleasure watching them scream. Feeling adrenaline Liam was determined to keep the pressure on the group. Strengthening the grip of his weapon in his hand, Liam dodged a pitch fork moving towards his chest by deflecting the weapon away from his core. Watching the weapon lodge into the floor Liam lowered the sword against the long wooden handle and ran his blade across, cutting the Cambion's fingers off the hand gripping the pitchfork. As blood hit the wall and nauseating screams rang through the room, the leader finally made his move. He began to swing toward Liam. Liam heard the weapon whipping through the air and quickly dropped under the swing. Watching the weapon splintering the wood of the wall it smacked into caused a nervous look to appear on Liam's face. 

Leaving no time to rest, the Orc Stepped closer to Liam and again raised his weapon to swing at Liam.

 Liam watching the Orc moved his body into a stance; lowering his sword into the sheath once again and stared hard into the eyes of his opponent. He watched as the Orc savagely swung down the massive chunk of weaponry toward him. Clutching the hard metal he stepped forward dashing to the left as the orc dropped it toward him. feeling the wind from the impact that missed him, Liam pressed his knees against the floor and jumped off the ground.

 Time seemed to slow down for Liam as he watched the savage orcs' eyes. Moving smoothly, Liam Drew the sword as he saw his target, Focusing his eyes they rested squarely on his enemies neck. Spinning as his body followed the slash. The steel ripping through its target, cutting deep into the neck, drew a waterfall of blood to spill over the Orc's own body. Hitting the floor Liam pushed his body up to stand and looked over at his adversary. Panting hard Liam tried catching his breath, looking around at the scene in front of him.

Still towering over Liam sat the dying Cambion. Liam decided to walk forward to get a look at the Orc's face. Having stopped three feet away from the dying creature Liam looked forward. Watching as acceptance spread through the Cambions face. Running his vision towards the enemy's eyes he caught a glimpse of the beautiful fading dark blue eyes in front of him becoming blank. 

"Finally a chance to breathe" huffed Liam.

Panting hard Liam tried catching his breath, looking around at the scene in front of him. What once a place of safety has turned into a resting place for the ones it kept safe. The irony of it resonated with Liam a little more than he would like to admit.

Walking toward the counter Liam snatched up a rag he spotted earlier and wiped the thick purple blood of his blade. Hearing a moan of anguish Liam ears perked up as he turned to the Cambion who's fingers had been sliced off and began walking towards him. 

"Please stop" Choked out the Cambion through his tears running from his eyes.

Looking back at him was Liam's Murky eyes. Emotionless, deep, and vacant. As if whatever light rested within them had been snuffed out a long time ago. Hearing the pathetic man, The flame in Liam surged, and if the fire had been stoked began to boil Liam's body. Tired of hearing the creature's annoying pleas, Liam swung his sword toward the Cambion. Slashing through the man and the wall behind him as gore spilled out the cambion.

 Feeling heat consume his whole body Liam dropped to his knees writhing in pain. The sensation of his body burning as if he was torched alive caused Liam to drop to the ground and convulse. Thankfully after what felt like lifetimes, the pain receded and Liam could think again. Feeling the worst pain in his life caused Liam suffering unknown to him before, but what remained when the pain receded was a new strength.

 His vow imbued him with strength beyond humanity. He was able to endure more, strike harder and think faster. Clenching his fist he felt the fibers of his muscles and the power of his muscles. Finding this power invigorating Liam smiled, for what was the first time he felt in control of his life. Glancing down at his blood stained hands he looked for signs of burns from the scolding pot he threw. Finding nothing, Liam found it unusual but he didn't have time to experiment on something out of his comprehension and connected it to with the unnatural power of his Vow.

 Liam having pushed back unimportant thoughts, happily walked toward the door with upbeat steps. Having looked through the house Liam knew he didn't have everything he needed. The need to still find a map and more supplies began to motivate him. So Liam feeling better than he ever has walked through the door of the house with light steps and consuming flames in his eyes.