
Leylah maleek

Hauwwahjasminah · Urbain
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50 Chs


Suraj was surprised when he saw Mrs Karina entering into his office. This was the first time she is visiting him at the hospital. He quickly stood up from his seat and greeted her.

"Hello Aunt,welcome. Please have a sit" Suraj said nervously. He felt uncomfortable because she had called him severally earlier and he didn't pick or even return her calls. And now she was here in his presence,what excuse will he give her now? He was still contemplating on what to say to her when she spoke and broke his thought.

"Why didn't you pick my calls when I called earlier and don't even tell me its work because I won't buy that silly excuse" Mrs Karina said as she sat down on the sofa in his office.

Suraj didn't want to lie to her,he knew he had ignored her calls intentionally. he took a deep breath and hung his head down. "Am sorry Aunt" ,he said.

"Its alright" Mrs karina said as she sighed in relief.

"Come sit with me son,what's happened? I thought you were starting to get along with Leylah? What changed?" She asked with curiosity in her eyes.

Suraj was quiet for a while,he knew she must have heard of what happened from Leylah but he didn't understand why she was asking him this, ' didn't Leylah tell her that she didn't want anything to do me?' He pondered.

"Nothing Aunt, am just letting Leylah live the life she wants" Suraj said as he felt a surge of emotion brewing inside him.

"What do you mean son?I don't understand"Mrs Karina asked in confusion.

"Didn't she tell you? Leylah told me that she doesn't want to repeat the same mistake twice. and that she loved her fiancé and they'll get married soon, so I should leave her alone" Suraj explained painfully,he still felt hurt. He was trying so hard to control his emotions in front of Mrs Karina.

"I don't believe this,Leylah said all these? Why?"Mrs Karina asked in bewilderment.

"Here Aunt,this is the text messages from last night" he said opening his phone and showing Mrs Karina the messages.

Mrs Karina read them and was amazed,how comes Leylah told her a different story? Her daughter wouldn't lie to her. She looked very hurt when she had forced her to say her own side of the story earlier.

'Maybe Leylah got angry and sent all these when she learnt that Suraj had a pregnant girlfriend tha must be it'. She thought in her mind.

She took in a deep breath and asked Suraj, "Do you have a girlfriend Suraj?

Suraj was quiet surprised with her question but he answered "No,why do you ask Aunt? "

"its just that.....uhmm....you're sure you don't have any relationship whatsoever with any other girl?" Mrs Karina asked cautiously.

"Of course Aunt,if I did you would know"he said as a matter of fact.

"I know Suraj and I trust you".

"One more question,Do you love my Leylah? Do you still love her?" She asked.

"Aunt why.....a....are you asking all these? Its not important right now" Suraj said feeling nervous as he stood up from the sofa and walked around the room.

He had already come to the painful conclusion of letting Leylah go. If he wanted to have a peaceful life,they had to just become strangers. because he can't even pretend to be friends with her.

"It is Suraj,I want to know. Have you forgiven her? Do you still hate her for breaking up with you the way she did years back?" She asked and waited in anticipation of his response.

"I can never hate Leylah even if I want to. And I already forgave her. Aunt you know this about me right?"

"Yes Suraj I do and I trust you. which is why I want to know and be sure" she said as she breathed heavily before she asked him another question.

"Do you still love Leylah? Are you willing to love her with all her flaws and childishness forever?" this time,she stood up and walked to the window,where Suraj was standing.

Suraj eyes widened in bewilderment. Why is she asking this? "But..." He wanted to say something but Mrs Karina beat him to it

"Just answer the question Suraj"she said again and waited anxiously for his answer.

Suraj took a deep breath,wiped the bead of sweat on his forehead and rubbed his beard. he had a conflicting look on his face. He stayed silent,seemingly battling with his thoughts.

"yes...yes Aunt....I love Leylah. I've always loved her. and always will" he answered after a while

"But she is..." ,he wanted to say that Leylah doesn't love him and is in love with ibraheem but Mrs Karina stopped him.

"That's all I want to know,you don't need to worry about a thing. I'll fix everything, I promise". Mrs Karina said and smiled at Suraj before leaving.

The next day was a Saturday,and Mr Al-kaseem was coming back home. Mrs Najma was busy in the kitchen preparing her husband's favourite together with Nabeela.

She had invited Mrs Karina and Leylah because when Mr Al- kaseem heard that Leylah was back in Nigeria,he was so excited and couldn't wait to come see her. He had always been fond of Leylah.

Whenever he tells his jokes that are not even funny,Leylah will be the only one to laugh at his jokes and even makes others start laughing too.

Suraj worked all through the night and didn't go back home the previous day. His mother had to call and beg him to come back home,at least for his father who was going to arrive home soon before Suraj agreed.

Leylah didn't want to go to the kaseem's house. Even though she missed Mr Al-kaseem and wanted to see him again, but she didn't want to be any where close to Suraj.

She told her mum she wasn't going but Mrs Karina started emotionally black mailing her so she agreed.

At dinner everyone was happy and they ate happily,chatting and laughing. Mr Al- kaseem cracked one of his dry jokes again and as always, Leylah started laughing uncontrollably with tears coming out of her eyes. It was such a funny sight, that everyone at the table too started laughing.

Then suddenly Mrs Karina stood up abruptly,she was going to fall backwards but Mrs Najma quickly held her so she doesn't fall.

Every body was puzzled, Leylah stood surprised and unmoving. Mrs Najma and Suraj moved Mrs Karina to the sitting room and lay her on the couch.

"Wha....what's wrong mum? What's hap....happening to you?" Leylah asked confused as she knelt down and held her mother's hand.

"Calm down Leylah,let me examine her" Suraj said as he took out his stethoscope and started examining Mrs Karina.

"What's wrong Suraj,what's happening?" Leylah asked petrified with tears in her eyes.

"Nabeela quickly get the first aid kit. mother please get some water for aunt. Leylah calm down I think her blood pressure went too low"

"I'll just give her some Fludrocortisone and she'll be alright I promise". He said trying to calm Leylah who just nodded at him as she wiped the tears from her face.

Nabeela brought the first aid kit and Leylah help Suraj look for the drug. Mrs Najma brought the glass of water,and Leylah was about feeding it with the drug to her mother,when Mrs Karina pushed her hand away and said

"don't touch me,I don't want it. You both have been troubling me a lot,just let me die already I can't take it anymore" Mrs Karina said slowly not opening her eyes and breathing erratically.

"What mum,what are you saying? Why are you calling death" Leylah asked in shock.

"Aunt you need take this to raise you blood pressure a little you're not going to die" Suraj said calmly.

"And I said I want to die. Let me go so I'll go rest already"

"There's nothing to stay alive for. My children never want to see my happy and always stress me out"

"Am tired,i can't do it anymore. So just let me go already".Mrs Karina said dramatically.

"Mum please,stop talking like this. Tell me whatever you want me to do to make you happy,and I'll do it right away. But please don't talk about dying,I won't let you leave me" Leylah said crying.

Mrs karina opened her eyes and asked cautiously "you Promise to do anything?"

"Yes mum,i Promise".Leylah nodded frantically.

" And you too Suraj,say you promise"

"I promise Aunt" Suraj agreed without any hesitation.

Mrs karina squinted her eyes and looked at them before she slowly let the words out of her mouth,

"I want the two of you to get married"

"WHAT???" Both Suraj and Leylah shouted together.

"You don't want to? that's the only thing that will make me happy now"Mrs Karina said and closed her eyes

Leylah looked at her mother in amazement and wondered why she was doing this. She decided to just agree with her mother's wish for now,so she'll agree to take the drug.

"Okay mum,but please have your drugs first. we'll take about this later"

Mrs Karina nodded in understanding before she turned to Suraj and asked


"Uh....okay Aunt"

"Okay aunt what?" Mrs Karina asked getting frustrated already. 'why are this children so stubborn' she wondered inwardly.

"Okay we'll get married". Suraj answered

Leylah gave the glass of water to her mother and waiting for her to drink it when Mrs Karina asked again

" In three days"

The both of them wanted to refuse but decided not and just continued to look at the woman

"Promise?" she asked again

"Promise mum"

"I promise aunt"

"Okay mum now please drink it. I've agreed to your conditions" Leylah begged desperately.

"Okay" Mrs Karina agreed and swallowed the medicine. She looked at Mrs Najma and winked at her and she smiled.

'I never knew Karina was such a great actress. She easily convinced them with just this acting. wow! I must say Karina you deserve an award' Mrs Najma laughed in her mind.

Mr Al-kaseem was aware of their plan too and he was glad that the plan worked.

Suraj wanted to give her the full medication but Mrs Karina said she feels sleepy and wants to go home.

"Leylah will take care of the remaining procedures when we get home" Mrs Karina used that as an excuse. she was scared not to raise her blood pressure to high and land herself in real trouble.

When they got home,Leylah helped her mother to her bed. she put the covers over her and sat close to her,holding her hands she said "mum do you still feel dizzy? are you sure you're okay? Should I get something for you?"

"No Leylah am fine. I've had this attacks a few times while you were away. Suraj had always took care of me,so don't worry,I'll be fine".Mrs Karina assured her daughter when she saw her worried expression.

" Alright Leylah,Aunt will be just fine InshaAllah. don't make her talk too much,let her rest okay"He said as her pulled Leylah slowly out of the room.

"Okay mum,just let me know if you need anything or feel any discomfort okay?" she said and kissed her mother on the forehead.

"Okay". Mrs Karina answered smiling faintly at her daughter. she didn't want to worry her daughter but things won't go according to plan if she doesn't put up this act.

Leylah closed the door slowly and when they were away from her mother's room. She removed her hand from Suraj's violently

"don't you dare touch me again". She shouted at him.

" Thank you for all you've done for my mum but I don't want you here anymore. So please leave" Leylah said folding her arms together and giving Suraj a disgusting look.

Suraj felt hurt but he didn't say anything,he just took his leave quietly.

Leylah ensured that he has left before she went back to her mother's room. she climbed the bed,got under the covers and hugged her mum tightly then slowly fell asleep.

The next morning,Leylah got up really early,she prayed,then checked her mother's blood pressure. When she saw that it was normal,she quickly went into the kitchen, made breakfast for her mother and brought it over before gently waking her mother up.

Mrs Karina slept deeply probably because of the drug she took. she finally woke up and prayed before eating break fast with her daughter.

"Mum,how are you feeling now? Tell me if you don't feel well anywhere. I'll stay with you today"

"Why? No don't bother my baby. Am fine,Alhamdulillah(praise be to God)"

"Are you sure mum?"

"Of course my darling"

"That reminds me,you just have 2 days before your wedding with Suraj from today. We need to do some planning and a lot of shopping" Mrs Karina said excitedly as she took a sip of the juice.

"What mum? Are you serious? I thought you were joking when you said it yesterday" Leylah said genuinely baffled.

"It looks like you want to go back on your promise Leylah? You know that's a bad thing right? If you won't keep your promise,then don't worry about me from now on. Whether I die or not" Mrs Karina said and started coughing profusely.

"Here mum,have some water"

"I don't want it" Mrs Karina said as she held her chest as if in pain.

"Mum don't upset your self,please I beg you"

"Suraj already has someone he plans to marry and she's preg....."Leylah wanted to say but her mother stopped her.

"Did he tell you that himself, someone lied to you and you just believed it. So you believe that person's word more than your mother's?"

Leylah was was speechless, 'but why will Nabeela lie to me?she has even forgiven me and wants us to be friends again'

"you are my only child Leylah,i can't make a wrong or bad decision for you. I won't force you but don't also force me to do anything. Its my health I'll take care of my self" Mrs Karina said and pushed the tray of food away from her.

"Stop overreacting mum,If that's what you want then fine. So don't worry and please take care of your health". Leylah said after deliberating for a long while.

"Are you sure?" Mrs Karina asked again.

"Yes mum,come on. Let's eat our breakfast".

Leylah wanted to stay with her mother but Mrs Karina insisted she goes to work.

Immediately, Leylah left,Mrs Karina called Mrs Najma and they started making plans for their children's wedding.

"Don't you think three days is too small to plan the wedding Karina?" Mrs Najma asked as they were making the lists of all the programs and events for the wedding.

"I know but I don't want them to prolong it and then risk this opportunity we have of finally reuniting them together".Mrs karina

"True,but how do we go all about these?" Mrs agreed.

"Don't worry we'll take care of it some how. I've called a friend of mine,he owns an event planning company. He'll help us with the planning of the wedding" Mr Al-kaseem said easing their worries.

"Wow! That will take a huge load of worry off our head" Mrs Karina said.

"I've also contacted an agent,he'll help them get a nice apartment close to the hospital where they work" Mr Al-kaseem added.

"That's a good idea dear" Mrs Najma said.

"So all we need now is to go shopping with the soon to be bride and groom. We have a lot of things to buy,Nabeela should come with us too" Mrs Karina said excitedly.