
Lex Talionis: My Own Way

He, a scrappy street rogue, struggles day and night to survive in a world that's as cruel and merciless as a lion's den. Despite his best efforts, his luck runs out, and he tragically meets his demise. But fate has other plans for Ace. He is reincarnated as Ace, the only son of a peaceful and happy family living in a rural paradise, where the sun shines bright, and the birds sing melodies of joy. At first, Ace revels in his newfound bliss and spends his days chasing butterflies and enjoying the serenity of the countryside. But his happiness is short-lived when bandits raid his village, leaving Ace with nothing but a shattered existence as a slave. However, Ace's spirit is not one to give up easily. With steely determination and an unbreakable will, he vows to fight his way to freedom, no matter the cost. At first, he wanted to become a mage. But now, an opportunity to become a swordsman has presented itself. With every passing day, Ace discovers that this world is a cauldron of the bizarre and the fantastical. Martial arts masters, mystical creatures, and unimaginable powers abound in this strange land. But nothing can stop Ace from achieving his goal of becoming the greatest warrior and conqueror the world has ever seen. He will stop at nothing to reclaim his freedom and become the ultimate champion of this strange and wondrous realm.

Elriccen · Fantaisie
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As Ace entered the bookstore, the boy couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the rows and rows of books that filled the shelves. Ace made a beeline for the section on magic, as he wanted to grab a book.

Ace swallowed nervously, feeling intimidated by the man's gruff demeanor. "Uh, yes, I'm looking for books on magic," he said, his voice trembling slightly.

The clerk snorted. "And what would a commoner like you want with books on magic?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Ace's face fell, feeling the weight of his social status pressing down on him once again. "I just want to learn more about it," he said quietly.

But before he could, the clerk slammed his hand away. "Commoner, you have no business touching books like that," the clerk said coldly.

"I can't have you dirty a book and make it seem used", the clerk added.

Ace recoiled, hurt and confused by the clerk's attitude. He had never experienced such treatment before.

"The books are so expensive. I wonder where dad buys my books from", Ace puzzled.


As Ace was about to leave the bookstore, feeling dejected from the clerk's treatment, a well-dressed nobleman entered. The clerk's demeanor immediately changed, and he rushed over to assist the nobleman in finding the books he was looking for.

"Are all the books I ordered here?", the noble asked.

"Oh my head butler, you are here. Of course, they have arrived. How should I ring you up for them?", the clerk asked.

Ace watched from a distance, feeling a pang of envy as the nobleman was treated with respect and deference. He wondered if he would ever be able to rise above his common status and command the same kind of respect.

Ace took the opportunity to browse the shelves and found a book on magic that caught his eye. He started reading it, fascinated by the stories of wizards and sorcerers.

For a few precious moments, he forgot about the clerk's attitude and his own social status. He was lost in the world of magic, and it was as if nothing else mattered.


Disappointed, Ace closed the book and put it back on the shelf. He had been hoping to learn something new, but it seemed that this particular bookstore didn't have the kind of advanced material he was looking for.

"This book is the same, there is not much in it", Ace pondered.

But eventually, the nobleman went into a separate room to check the books. The clerk's attention returned to Ace, and he was reminded once again of the limitations imposed upon him as a commoner.

But then he shook his head, realizing that he didn't need to be a nobleman to be worthy of respect. He was determined to prove himself through hard work and dedication.

With renewed determination, Ace left the bookstore and headed back to the inn where his father was waiting. He knew that there was a long road ahead of him, but he was ready to face whatever challenges came his way.

"To think reading books would be so difficult".


As Ace was leaving the bookstore, the nobleman he had seen earlier emerged, carrying a small, ornate box. Ace was curious about what was inside and decided to follow him at a distance.

The nobleman didn't seem to notice Ace as he made his way through the streets of the city, but Ace stayed close behind, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Finally, the nobleman stopped at a corner. Ace hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should follow, but his curiosity got the better of him.

He proceeded.







Sorry if it's still slow. I made the pace faster, but not too fast. I won't be dwelling too much on his young life, though.

Just keep going with me.

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