
Cooking Up Twists

I got ready for my date with Felice and smiled in the mirror. I hummed a little tune then left the bathroom. Snowflake had already left to hang out with Kokoro and Ishido. I left my hotel room and made my way down to the lobby where Felice awaited.

Felice looked at me and blushed. "S-Sera! You actually made it."

"I wasn't going to miss out on this chance to take you out and be a great spouse." I said and held Felice's hand, gently. "Now let's go, we have lots to do today~"


"So tell me more about yourself." I said as I walked down the sidewalk with Felice, holding her hand.

Felice looked at the ground as we walked. "Well I am an Angel. Not your typical Human Realm Angel, but an Angel of even more supernatural prowess. Actually I come from the Sacred Realm."

I nodded and looked at her. "A Sacred Realm Angel. That means you're one of the best in your race?"

"Something like that. I don't really like fighting as much as the other members do. Surprisingly Asuka and Snowflake like to fight more than me. I've always loved the art of cooking. It brings peace and joy to those who taste it. Kinda like what happened to you at the Diner." Felice smiled and her cheeks became rosy.

"It was delicious beyond my belief and I've tasted food from across the multiverse. Nothing can beat the Human Realm food though despite your food being Legendary." I said with a smile.

Felice looked up at me. "It is hard to compete with the chefs of the Human Realm. Most of the cooks are trained by Legendary Chefs like Grodon Rayshin."

I laughed a bit and looked at Felice. "Grodon? You mean Gordon Ramsay?"

"Y-Yeah! Sorry I am a bit bad with names." Felice said.

"What made you want to join the Eden Corporation?" I asked.

"Well...They were looking for chefs since no one could cook food good enough to raise the morale of the organization. Food is very important for an army. There are times I won't be able to cook food in the battlefield so the night before I cook a lot of food and turn them into these little consumable pills that has all the nutrients one needs to be happy and full." Felice said and smiled at me.

I could tell she was happy with talking about her profession. Everyone was extremely skilled in something in the Eden Corporation. Snowflake is an expert at scouting and hunting, Scarlet is a Battle Expert, Asuka is a Supernatural Battle Medic, Tohra has craftsmanship of a Deity, Ataraxia is literally an Infinity Council Member, and Felice was a Natural Chef.

"Cooking has helped me train myself in battle as well. I was able to master speed cutting and iaijutsu, I'm an avid user of Clear Mind, I have Infinite Resourcefulness, Enhanced Response Time, Enhanced Memory, plus I've also acquired Enhanced Multitasking. Everything I have is from Cooking..~" Felice said.

"Maybe you can make me a homemade meal one day. I'll reward you greatly for it..~" I said softly.

Felice blushed from my words and became bashful. "Reward me how..?"

"Oh you know...maybe a night with me in the bedroom, maybe a romantic bath that'll lead into a night with me in the bedroom. Screw it, I'll definitely have sex with you if you make me a meal worth craving for." I whispered in her ear.

Little did I know that whispering my usual sweet nothings would enable Felice. It was like she became lovestruck just from my words alone. I smirked as I noticed then chuckled.

"Do you talk like this to the others..?" Felice asked.

"I do.." I smiled and looked ahead. "All of you will receive the same lust as one another. With my Sex Magic that transcends even Shiro's, I can do things to you and for you that no other entity could ever do. I don't love...I lust until I can't lust anymore."

"L-Lust..?" Felice looked at me then noticed my Lust Aura.

"It is only unrestricted dark love from me. My Lust empowers you all. I know you noticed how easily Snowflake dealt with that guard." I said.

Felice blushed even more and looked up at me. "You had sex with her?"

I nodded. "She feels nice as well." I said, knowing it would enable Felice even more. I noticed her heart shaped pupils and smirked.

'Come on. Snowflake and Ataraxia are already all over me, I know you want to accept it. Show your true colors..' I thought to myself.

Felice closed her eyes and looked away, trying to keep her composure. Her hand began to feel sweaty as she was extremely flustered. "W-Would...Would you like to...do that with me someday?"

'And there it is..~' I thought to myself.

"You know I will.." I said and smiled.

Felice became even more embarrassed and just stayed silent. Her hold on my hand became even tighter.


We walked around the wall, window shopping. I bought Felice a few gifts while we were walking around. We were now heading to a restaurant, but we noticed there was a huge line.

"Eh? What's the hold up?" I asked.

"There was an incident with the chefs. An oven blew up.." A man answered.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" A woman cried out.

"Sigh...Saya, why did you think it was a good idea for you to cook?" Another woman sighed.

"Saya?" I asked then shoved my way through the line with Felice.

Felice grunted as she bumped into a few people. "S-Sorry! Coming through! Hey, cute dress- Oof! Sorry!"

I hurried to the dining area and looked around quickly then spotted three women. "You! Saya! Miyuna! Kufka!"

Saya turned around slowly and her eyes shined brightly. "Seraphim Crimson..."

Miyuna looked at me and her ice aura slowly formed around her body. "We meet again...To think Hisumi spared your life. The Nightmare Assembly will be the ones to end your life."

Kufka smirked and summoned her demon claymore. She rested the sword against her shoulder. "Get ready! The Big Three of the Nightmare Assembly are coming at you with full strength!"

"A fight in the diner?! Hell yeah!" One of the women cheered.

"Let's go finally some action in this boring ass city!" A man cheered.

Felice looked at me then at the three women. "Who are they?"

"These three..." I said then my smile turned into a wicked smirk. "These three are some of the strongest in their universe. Multiversal if I may. Saya, the Godly Assassin. Known for assassinating Gradron, God of the Land, Tsutsu, Goddess of the Waters, and Quazetu, Ruler of the Skies also known as one of the Sovereigns Knights in the Realm of Destrym."

Saya had a new appearance. Her hair was now rose gold due to a Godly Transformation. Her eyes shined a bright gold due to her godly state. Her body was notably more matured and she looked better than her age which was, 27. She had her Divine Weapons in her hands named the Arcanian Daggers, she killed the ancient Arcania Dragon, Boshiryu, obtaining his scales and crafting it with the help of Stella.

"Miyuna, a cold hearted killer known for her Misdirection Ability due to her killing Yuki-Onna in a one on one fight and obtaining her abilities. It doesn't stop there, in the Realm of Sactem, she killed the Goddess of War, Athen, The God of Wrath, Orion, and the God of Infinite Creation, Gilmesh! She obtained their abilities and now she's the strongest Ice User in the Omniverse." I explained.

Miyuna also went through some changes. Her hair was an ice blue and was really long. She had it styled in a single braid. Her eyes were grayish purple color. She wore a kimono and wielded her Divine Weapon, Itachizuki, a katana crafted from the scales of another Ancient Dragon from Arcania named Itachizuki. Her body matured the most between the two. She looked like she was in her 20s despite her being 30.

"And finally...the little runt herself. The daughter of Stella...Kufka Bushi." I said and my eyes shined brightly.

Kufka chuckled and her eyes shined as well.

"She's killed so many Deities that she's become number one target of the Divine Force. Her tyranny is why I am appointed her guardian. She is a Dark Lord trained by the Original Dark Lords themselves." I said.

Kufka was 20 now. As one of my students I made sure to teach her Delayed Aging so she could be in her prime at ALL times for the next time we fought. She had teal hair, purple eyes, and wore a purple and black Dark Lord outfit. Her aura was purple and green. Her Divine Weapon, a blade crafted from Hell was named Decimation. That is only one of seven divine weapons that she owns.

"These women...They are exerting aura that are beyond the Gods. Are you really going to take them on yourself?" Felice asked.

I walked forward and smiled. "Yeah. It was unfortunate that we ran into them. These three have been trying to kill me for years. Maybe this year is their year."

"Wooo! Let's go!" The crowd cheered.

"I don't want to destroy the Diner so let's go to an actual battlefield." I said then warped reality to teleport us to a battlefield. I put all the spectators in a safe barrier. "Are you three ready to accept reality?!"

Saya smirked and looked at Miyuna and Kufka. She looked back at me then her aura surged powerfully around her body. "Accept reality...yeah we're ready to accept the reality where we kill you!"

"Then come forth. Show me your conviction...Heroes." I said.

Saya bellowed then propelled herself toward me at ground breaking speeds. She went for a punch, but I parried then struck her stomach. Saya groaned then grunted loudly after I blasted her away.

Miyuna appeared behind me and went for the assassination, but the attack phased through my body. I smirked then crossed my arms. Lightspeed attacks began to hit Miyuna then I turned around and elbowed her stomach. She coughed blood then was blown away.

I chuckled then laughed. "More...I need more!" I bellowed and red lightning crackled around my body.

Kufka smirked and readied herself. "Master Seraphim! The student always surpasses the teacher and I will show you right here!"

Kufka launched herself toward me and slashed with her sword, only to be blocked by Falgami's sword. She looked surprised then grunted as she was knocked back.

"Is that...Falgami..?" Felice asked in shock.

"It is a three on one. I am allowed a little assistance." I said. "But I don't need it."

Falgami disappeared and I closed my eyes, sensing Saya and Miyuna. The three surrounded me and I chuckled.

"Come at me with all your might!" I bellowed.

Saya and Miyuna dashed toward me and began to synchronize their attacks with each other to try and hit me. I dodged their attack then parried Miyuna then grabbed her arm. A lightspeed strike struck her stomach and she groaned.

Saya bellowed and slashed at me. I dodged her first attack then a clone of her appeared on the side of me, catching me off guard. The clone blew me away with a powerful strike. Kufka appeared above me and slashed down at me, striking me and sending me to the ground.

Miyuna appeared behind me and slashed upward, creating an ice spike to stab me and raise me in the air. She created a dome of absolute zero ice around my body. She exhaled and her eyes shined. "Sub Zero Burst."

The dome of absolute zero ice exploded and a powerful blizzard was summoned. Saya cheered and laughed. Kufka smiled and stuck her sword in the ground.

"You thought it would be that easy?" I asked and revealed myself sitting on a magic platform in the air.

I hopped down then smirked. "Now it's time for me to start trying."

"Her Sub Zero Burst didn't work..?" Saya asked in shock.

I bellowed and my ruinous aura surged powerfully around my body. I propelled myself toward Saya and struck her gut with a power blow. Saya coughed blood and her eyes turned white then she was sent crashing through multiple mountains.

Kufka roared and began to rapidly slash at me, but I flawlessly dodged every one of her strikes. I jabbed her stomach then ten more lightspeed strikes hit her then I used gravity to pulled her back to me then struck her with a one inch punch, blowing her away.

"The Nightmare Assembly are losing terribly against the Crimson Overlord. They managed to get a few good hits in but it's like it doesn't matter." One of the spectators said.

Miyuna grunted and held her hand to the sky. "Arcanic Hail!"

A magic circle appeared in the sky and she summoned a barrage of meteor sized orbs of ice to rain down toward me.

I looked at the sky. "Allow me to show you why no one can stand against me." I said the held my hand toward the sky.

Felice grunted as she felt aura that was Omnipotent. "Is this really her..?"

"Reality Rift." I said then curled my hand into a fist then reality began to shatter then rebuilt to build the scene before Miyuna used one of her skills.

Miyuna looked devoid of hope. She fell to her knees and lowered her hand. "She...she just broke reality and created an entire scenario."

"There's only one other Overlord that is equal to me. That is my brother. As you see, my power is beyond the scale of even the highest deities of the Sovereigns' Hierarchy. I am the Ultimate Overlord. The Omega. There is no one in this Omniverse like me." I said then warped reality to bring us back to the diner.

"You really beat the three of them alone. You even shattered Miyuna's willpower. I've always knew you were strong, but that was amazing!" Felice said in awe.

I smiled at her then looked at the three. "I have to hand it to them. They are resilient. That's what I like the most about them."

Kufka looked at me then smirked. "You might've beaten us this time, but next time we will win!"

I smiled and chuckled. "I'm always ready for another challenge."

Felice smiled at us then held my hand. "Let's go to a different restaurant. I'll pay."

I looked at Felice and nodded. "Let's go..~"

To Be Continued...