
Chapter 246 Necromancer

Soon enough, Zack left the arena after shocking everyone with his abilities once more. He was forced to show a new skill, but he didn't mind.

"Hmmm… this is kind of hard to say, but…" The golden fox lady hesitantly said when Zack returned.

"Yeah, yeah. Register for my next match, the opponent is already waiting for me, right?" Zack asked. "No problem."

Zack found the act of pretending to be increasingly annoying. Despite his frustration, he had to endure this façade because it provided him with a crucial advantage: his enemies became complacent around him. 

As they let their guard down, Zack was able to slowly but steadily grow stronger. This gradual increase in his power was essential, especially since he was unsure of just how formidable the overlord truly was. By maintaining the pretense, Zack not only avoided drawing unnecessary attention but also positioned himself to be adequately prepared for whatever challenges the overlord might present.