
Chapter 149 Splitting

"Before deciding anything, what are the guild masters that you brought thinking about all this?" Zack asked.

"They find it hard to believe, but they realized that the dragons disappeared, and when I told them that you dealt with them, they readily believed," Amanda said. "They will be moving their members over the next few days to the base."

"We only have a couple of days, you need to hurry them up," Zack said and then rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I am thinking of a way to make them see the horde of enemies, but nothing comes to mind."

Zack considered the idea of constructing a tunnel to link Amanda's base with the nearby city. This tunnel would serve multiple strategic purposes: facilitating faster movement between locations and providing a vital escape route in case of emergencies or attacks. The practical benefits were clear: it would streamline logistics, enhance communication, and ensure swift evacuation if the need arose.