

'They really went above and beyond to find the recruits, didn't they?'

Mathew stood on the broken end of what used to be the central stairway of the school's compound.

Looking down, he could see a crowd of exactly twenty-three people, two more than he expected to see.

'It looks like he brought two more too,' he thought after making a quick count and ending with his eyes on Kasper.

He brought two girls with him before Mathew even ordered the hunters to bolster their ranks and now, he brought what looked like a couple too.

'So he didn't want two more girls but was scared of competition if he were to invite recruit single guys?' Mathew thought, trying to figure out what was going on in Kasper's head.

Still, it was just a meaningless tangent. If anything, Mathew had the right to be angry and put Kasper down for going beyond the scope of what was ordered.

"Carol," Mathew turned his head to the side where his wives waited for the end of the mission briefing.
