
Leveling up with my Harem

Logan, a mortal from Earth is reincarnated in the body of a young man from another world by the Harem God, one of the most powerful Gods in the universe. His only goal in this cruel world where powerful monsters roam every corner is to find the woman he loves and become strong together with his harem to survive in this new world, but the Harem God has totally different plans for him. Warning: There will be incest in future chapters. Tags: Romance, Harem, Level Up, System, Beasts, R-18, Smut, Adult, action, martial arts, adventure, dominate, male protagonist.... 20 Power Stones: 1 extra chapter 40 Power Stones: 2 extra chapters 60 Power Stones: 3 extra chapters

Fabiooorr · Fantaisie
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69 Chs

Trying to be Severe but, it's impossible

"Why are you laughing?"

Logan asked with a frown, the women saw him confused and stopped laughing before looking at him with soft smiles making him even more confused. Allura cleared her throat and smiled.

"Silly, if it weren't for you taking us as your wives we wouldn't all be gathered here at this same table like sisters who share the same husband."

Her words left Logan stunned, he looked at everyone and saw them nod with happy smiles and passionate looks even Mahina and Eliane are looking at him in the same way. He stayed speechless and didn't know what to say to them.

Ana, sitting next to his, gently held his face with her hands and said with a beautiful smile: We can argue and sometimes fight, which is quite normal in a Harem, but we will never hate each other because we know you would stay very sad if any of us do that."

The women nodded with very serious expressions leaving him shocked and surprised, he thought he would have to intervene and have a serious conversation with all his women after all, he didn't want there to be fights in the family like what happens in an Imperial harem.


"Okay, I'll trust you guys but if I see any of you fighting I'll take you to bed for a day or two without caring if you get tired or not." Logan sighed and said leaving the women pale with fear, even Sabrina stayd a little scared after all, none of them would be able to bear having sex with him for a day or two.

All the women nodded quickly, Hecate and Gabriel were confused listening to the adults' conversation but the two didn't say anything and closed their eyes to enjoy Big Brother's pats on the head.

"Okay, now let's eat." Logan said with a beautiful smile, Mel, Hecate and Gabriel's eyes lit up after hearing his words.

The women laughed seeing the three excited gluttons and some of them got up and went to the kitchen, Sabrina looked at her husband and said with a mischievous smile: I thought you had already eaten your breakfast~."

Kate blushed violently and lowered her head with her lips trembling in embarrassment, Logan laughed and licked his lips: It was delicious~ but I'm still not satisfied."

Sabrina winked her right eye at him and licked her lips, the women around blushed with embarrassment and Mahina clicked her tongue seeing that Logan became more perverted than before. Four minutes later Ana, Rya, Natália, Arvina and Allura returned to the dining room carrying several plates of food on many trays.

The women placed the plates on the dining table and soon everyone started eating, Mel returned to her normal form and devoured a large piece of fried meat in ten seconds, leaving everyone perplexed. Logan laughed and gave her more meat making the Panther happy.

Hecate and Gabriel demanded that Logan help them eat, making Ana very angry, she didn't like seeing her children acting spoiled, but Logan didn't let her scold them and helped the two spoiled children, making them very happy.

Logan asked about little Luan as he hadn't seen him since the night before, Gabriel told him that Kyra and Atlas took him to train in the forest making him smile as he also had plans to train Hecate and Gabriel.

After having breakfast all the women put on their armor and grabbed their weapons and left together with Logan, as soon as they left the house they saw Garry waiting in front of the door.

"Young sir Logan.." He bowed to Logan and the women behind him.

Hecate and Gabriel smiled happily when they saw him and went to greet him, Logan nodded slightly and said to him: Gather all the villagers, we will travel to Tinfan City in two hours."

"Yes!." Garry nodded with a happy smile and a grateful look.

He and the others already knew that if they stayed here they would be killed and eaten by monsters but they couldn't escape the Village because the monsters outside had become much more aggressive and stronger than before.

If they left without any protection they would be devoured by monsters. Logan watched him leave and looked at the women: Sabrina, Rya Natália, Arvina and Mel you come with me, Ana, Elisa, Kate, Allura, Eliane and Mahina all you stay here to protect the village, we will be back in two hours."

"Where are you going with them..." Mahina asked with raised eyebrows.

The women were very curious, especially Natália and those who were going with him, Logan whistled and said to her: I'm going to take they her to reduce the monsters around of Village."

The women were surprised, Natália and Rya were worried as they had never fought monsters before and were still only at level 3 making them the weakest in the harem.

"Isn't it too dangerous? Take me instead of the older sisters.." Eliane said with concern, Rya, Natália, Sabrina and Arvina are very weak.

Sabrina and Arvina are only at level 8 and 7, Logan shook his head and got on Astrid's back: You don't need to worry, I won't let them Fight, they will just watch along with Astrid."

Everyone nodded but some like Natália, Rya, Mahina and Eliane were curious to know what he was planning. Logan smiled but said nothing and looked at Atlas and Kyra: Protect my family, if the General Orc attacks, take them away from here without caring about the lives of the other inhabitants of Storm Village."

"Yes Master!" Atlas and Kyra nodded quickly.

Logan smiled and nodded in satisfaction before asking Natalia, Rya, Sabrina and Arvina to climb onto Seraphina's back which they did after hesitating for a bit. Mel shrunk down to the size of a cat and snuggled inside Logan's clothes.

"Big brother! Let us go with you!"

"Yes! I want to go too!."

Hecate and Gabriel ran towards Astrid and spoke loudly with wet eyes making him sigh, Logan shook his head and said with a firm expression that couldn't be seen because of the mask: No! You two will stay here with your mother and older sisters."


"No more! Do as I ask and I'll take you two around the city later, I'll also buy you anything you want." He interrupted Hecate and said sternly but after realizing that they were going to start crying he decided to cheer up the two spoiled children which worked very well.

"Um~ let's listen to Big Brother!"

"Yes! Big brother come back soon!"

Gabriel and Hecate nodded quickly with bright eyes and happy smiles, Logan winked at them and looked at the women before nodding and patting Astrid's head who roared and flew into the sky followed by Seraphina.

Everyone watched them disappear little by little and sighed, Ana and the women went to pack their things and the belongings of Sabrina and Arvina, Natália and Rya decided not to take anything from their old house with them after all, the two women decided to start their lives over together with Logan.

Mahina and Eliane looked at each other and went to help the guards kill the monsters that are trying to sneak into Storm Village. Atlas and Kyra decided to patrol the skies above the village with little Luan.