

Marcos is one of the best scientist in the world. He is also one of the youngest researchers at age 25.

One day, he finally complete his project the "Dimensional Gate". He only need to run some test to check if his project doesn't have any effect.

That day, his colleague Sophia, one of his partner in creating this project tried to kill him.

Marcos was standing in front of his project the "Dimensional Gate". He heard a footstep behind him. He turned to looked but....


Marcos saw Sophia standing beside her is a tall man.


Marcos looked at his chest a saw a small hole. Blood drip from his wound continuously.

"Huff... Huff..."

He felt hot sensation coming from his wound. He felt his eyelids getting heavier.

"Cough!! Cough!!"

He coughed a mouthful of blood. He saw Sophia seemed to be activating the "Dimensional Gate".


He heard a sound from his back. He knows that the door of the "Dimensional Gate" opened.

"Sorry, Marcos" this was Sophia's last word before she pushed him inside the "Dimensional Gate" and closed the door.


A blinding light shoned through the whole laboratory. Sophia and the unknown man covered their eye's with their arm.


Marcos slowly opened his eye's and looked around only to saw an endless white space.

"Where am I?" He muttered.

He couldn't see anything except the seemingly endless white space.

"Is this the heaven?" He said under his breath as he curiously looked around.

He remembered that Sophia tried to kill him after he finish the "Dimensional Gate".

He noticed a ball of white flame floating in the air. Marcos couldn't notice the floating white flame when he didn't focus in that place as it was completely blend in the surrounding.

He felt a hot sensation in his chest. He looked down and saw a small hole in his chest. He saw his lifetime project the "Dimensional Gate" was broken in to pieces as it scattered in the ground.

"What? The Dimensional Gate?" Marcos exclaimed in shocked when he saw this.

"It means I'm in another dimension or world" Marcos said excitedly. He remembered Sophia activated the project before he fell unconscious.

"Well, there's nothing here except for this floating white flame" Marcos looked around and focus his attention in the floating white flame. There's an intense desire in his mind that telling him to touch the white flame. The more he looked at the white flame the more he felt attracted to it.

He slowly walked towards the white flame. He slowly lifted up his hand and reached the white flame.

When the tip of his finger touch the white flame, it immediately engulf him.


Marcos was about to screamed suddenly noticed that the white flame was not hot. His whole body was burning but this flame didn't harm him like he thought.

Suddenly, a wave of information surge in his mind that cause him to feel a slight headache. The information tells him that this dimension was the core of the universe.

Words pop up in his mind.

{Do you want the universe? Yes or No?}

Marcos clutched his head with his hand and kneel down due to pain was getting stronger. He gritted his teeth and answered, "Yes"


{Congratulations you have earn the right to become the owner this universe}

{As you are too weak right now to become the owner of this universe. You will be sent out in a random world}

Marcos could vaguely heard a voice in his mind but he used all of his will to keep himself conscious and looked at the message that pop up in his mind.

{Searching memories.....}

{Searching completed}

{Do you want to convert the Universe energy in something called "system" in your world?Yes or No?}

"Yes" Marcos could only answer subconsciously as he was on the verge of loosing consciousness.

{The Universe energy will be convert to a thing called "system"}


{Converting completed}


A bright light engulf Marcos. After the bright light dimmed down Marcos was nowhere to be found in the white space.

{Transferring to a world called "Magus World"}


In a far away land, a blinding light shone down in the middle of the forest.

Many people got scared when they saw the white pillar of light in the forest. Even some powerfull existence felt threat when they saw that pillar of light.

Marcos slowly opened his eye's and observed his surrounding.

"Where's this?"

Then, he again felt a pain in his head. It was like his brain was about to explode.

"Again.." Marcos said as he gritted his teeth. New memories flooded his head.

Memories of this body he inhabited. He discovered that he was in another world and another body. The name of this body is also Marcos. His only family was his little brother and his aunt. His mother died after giving birth to his brother and his father was nowhere to be found after a dungeon break.

The owner of this body was killed by the son of the mayor of the neighboring city because of jelousy. He was handsome that a princess of a large clan got interest in him. Due to that the son the mayor envy him and that lead him to kill Marcos.

"Huff... Huff.." Marcos took a deep breath before he continue to analyzed the memories.

This world was called Magus world. Magus was also called immortal by ordinary folk. Currently his memories doesn't have any information about Magus. He only know that these people was powerful than a hunter.

Hunter are the people who raid the dungeon and prevent the dungeon break. A dungeon are a very mysterious thing in this world no one know where/when it appear. When a hunter couldn't destroy the dungeon core in a month the dungeon break will occur. A large amount of demonic beast and sometime a demon will enter this world.

Magus and hunter was not the only powerful existence here in this world. There's also spirit beast and other races such as elf, dwarf, giant, fairy, etc.


{System integrating with the host...}

{Integration completed}

{Welcome!! Host can now use the system}

Marcos finally remember the message he heard in his mind when he was in the white space.

"System, tell me what can you do?" Marcos said.

{There are two function in the system that are currently available, the shop and status}

'I want to see this status' He thought.

Marcos saw an interface appeared in front of him. He curiously looked at it.

Name: Marcos Rein

Level: 1

Job: ‹none›


Strength: 3

Agility: 4

Vitality: 3

Intelligence: 4


Mana: 0

Battle Qi: 0


Stat point(s): 0

Point(s): 1000

Skill: ‹none›

"So it's like a RPG game I play when I was a child" Marcos murmured.


"System what us the average stats of a normal person in this world" Marcos asked when he saw his stats.

{The stats of the average adult human in this world is 5}

'I'm basically a normal human' Marcos thought when he heard the system's answer.

"So, how come I have a 1000 points" Marcos asked.

{After creating the system there still a little bit of Universe energy left and system converted it to free points and a free package}

"Let's see the free package" Marcos said.

{Do you want to open the free package?Yes or No?}


{Basic hand to hand combat, Beginner Qi gathering technique, and Basic Qi controlling technique gain}


He once again felt a headache as the information about those three techniques flooded in his mind.

"Huff... Huff... " Marcos was kneeling on the ground as he breath heavily.

"Do I have to suffer this every time I bought a new skill?" Marcos said between his breath.

{Host level and intelligence is too low to fully absorb the techniques in his mind without experiencing a headache}

I hope you enjoy this guys.

lord117creators' thoughts