

(First Draft, read at your own risk) Diana was just an average student, she had big dreams and had your typical teenage goals. Until a boy named Day, claiming to be her twin brother, comes into her life and takes her away from her normal life and into the glitz and glamor of a noble society filled with political rivalries, scandals, and conspiracies.

Dayeetus · Romance
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40 Chs

Anxiety and Comfort


Over the next few hours I was met with a constant barrage of questions by the Acolytes and menyotts. To be honest, it felt uncomfortable and they couldn't even take a hint. I've been responding to their questions with the rudest and the simplest answers I could think of, and they still kept asking. I was nearing my wit's end until Thomas came to my rescue and took me somewhere to collect my thoughts. He took me up to the surface and we took a stroll around the streets.

"Thanks for getting me out of there," I said, "I would've lost my mind if they asked one more question."

"You could've told them you were tired instead of answering them with one word sentences," Thomas said.

"I... it didn't occur to me at the time..." I mumbled.

"Don't worry about it, most Levelians are like that; we're inquisitive and curious most of the time," He replied.

"I still have a lot to learn about my people..." I sighed.

"You don't have to worry about learning everything at once, you can learn at your own pace and then learn some more," He said.

"What is this, an academy?" I joked.

"Well, life is technically an academy," He chuckled and continued, "You learn more things by experiencing things in life."

"That's true, and I guess this experience is something I can learn from; although, I honestly have no idea what I can learn from this..." I replied.

We stayed silent for a while as we walked down the streets of the undercity. We weren't that far from a ventilation corridor* so we could see the fading rays of sunlight as it was slowly replaced by the glow of holo-ads and hovercraft. We continued strolling through the walkways next to the ventilation corridor until we stopped at a circular, plaza-esque area. The place opened towards a wonderful view of the sky.

"Have you ever been to this part of Cragholven?" Thomas asked.

"No, it's my first time being here; I've only heard stories and the occasional warning to go down here," I replied.

"It reminds me of Puritia's undercity," He paused as he leaned against a railing, "They're both the same, albeit the people here are tougher and smarter."

"Really?" I asked, "How so?"

"Simply put, even the poorest people on Luminaris Prime live in relative luxury as compared to those here on Cragholven," He replied.

"So, are you flaunting your nation's wealth in front of me?"

"N-No! That wasn't- I'm simply... Well, maybe I am flaunting, but that was not my intention!" He said as his cheeks turned bright red, "That was not my intention, I promise you!"

"You look cute when you're flustered," I said as I laughed.

"I get that a lot," He scratched his neck as he averted his gaze.

I stood there laughing at him for quite some time, it felt good letting loose. By the time we had calmed down it was already nighttime, the streets were getting crowded with hungry workers and laborers filling into any restaurant they could find.

"Let's head back," Thomas said.

I nodded in response and we made our way back to the hideout.

"Hey," I paused midway, stopping at a walkway overlooking the abyssal levels of the undercity, "What's the Imperial family like?"

"Why did you have to stop and ask that?" He joked.

"Oh, well, I guess it just hit me that I didn't really know them..." I responded.

"Hm," Thomas thought, "Well, they're what you would expect from any family, but they have more restrictions, duties, and responsibilities placed on them. Not to mention, they're also viewed as the model for all the Great Houses so they have to set an example," He answered.

"Sounds... rough..." I looked down, somewhat wishing I could fling myself off this bridge and into the unending depths.

"It's not that bad," Thomas said as he walked up to me, "There are always those moments of calm and relief. The members of House Levochtoch do live in luxury, they are by far the most modest. Heck, I've been friends with them since I was kid and I know how they truly act."

"It's just, I don't know, they're portrayed as gods... unattainable, untouchable," I replied.

"Well, they aren't," Thomas responded, "They're mortal, like you and me. They commit mistakes; they have their wants and needs; feel emotions; and keep their own secrets."

"Didn't help much but I'll take it," I answered.

"Whatever makes you feel better," He chuckled, "Now, let's get back to the base, Samina's probably wondering why we haven't returned."

I nodded and followed him back. As we walked on, I couldn't help but think of how my life would change if I had not been rescued. I'll just let my thoughts be, for now we need to take a break and prepare ourselves for tomorrow's operation. Anxiety started building up inside me as thoughts of how the operation would pan out flooded my mind.

Calm down, Diana, you guys can do this. We'll get Mom and Dad and Alexei out safely, then we'll live somewhere more peaceful, safer, and far from the reach of anyone… Creator or any god up there, please help me.

Hello, hello!

Chapter Fourteen is up. WOOOO! Hehe~

So... I planned to cut off the volume at Chapter 15 but that won't happen anytime soon... SO! I'll prolly stop at Chapter Twenty and then continue after that.

Anyway, thanks for reading and stay safe and healthy y'all!

Dayeetuscreators' thoughts