
Letters from bruises 4

More pen paling fun and mayhem that will either will make you laugh or cry either way, there will be more wisdom and insight to the world by my eyes and world enjoy reading the book. Think 3 was the end ..........no way. It was just the beginning

pinkhairandbruised · Sports, voyage et activités
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Hello there

How are you?

I am married to a beautiful woman who I met and talk to on imvu (3d chat app) the only I use and I also am an artist and photographer, author and musician.  I am also a web master for the site pen fiends if you ever want to join its like pen pal world.  I am also on spacehey.

I have hour of bytcoin but am not interested.  I write for Amazon ebooks just for hobby and fun I am working on my fourth book.  Letters from Bruises 4.   Sorry if I was a little cert with my last response.  I like yoga, martial arts and art and photography and writing and stargazing.  I just watch a cool show on Netflix about how the universe works. 

Hope to hear from you soon
