
Letters from bruises 4

More pen paling fun and mayhem that will either will make you laugh or cry either way, there will be more wisdom and insight to the world by my eyes and world enjoy reading the book. Think 3 was the end ..........no way. It was just the beginning

pinkhairandbruised · Sports, voyage et activités
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Salaam aliekum fateme 

How are you doing.

I am doing good thank you for asking

I am also interested in Kurdish culture as well as Iranian.  I am proud to have a friend that I can talk to.   I I have read about your culturenand find nothing wrong with it as we are all human in this world.  Canada on the other hand has become racist towards Asian our people except for me I am not racist either.  Wish I could say the same about my countrymen.  But i can't I was getting a bag of chips one day 2 years go and called called all these ethnicity and racists names in from of my mom.  Haven't been to that store since.

I am also a author and artist as well as a photographer.     Incan show you may art and photography.   I like doing digital art  and as photography I do water reflections and nature scenes.   I also take pictures of man made stuff but rarely.

The leaves on our treats are changing colour.  Its autumn now.  I live when the trees change colour because it reminds of this beautiful ball called earth and the humans that reside on it.

Hope to hear from you soon
