

Ethan puts down his tablet on the bed.

The took off his clothes for a shower.

Meanwhile Aunt Jenna did not know what to do so she switched on the television and turned it to the entertainment gossip channel.




In the shower Ethan remembered when he went for shopping with Aisha for their wedding.


" Ethan!!! Umm... What do you think??? " Aisha came out in a fairy tale ball gown.

Ethan started laughing!!!!

" Is it hilarious!!! " Aisha looked into the mirror.

It actually was funny to look at her.

She looked as if she was stuffed inside a huge puffy white ball.

Aisha looked sad as well as unsure.... Disappointment was clear in her face.

" I'm never going to get a wedding dress??!!! "

"Ma'am you should try this!! " The girl beside her holding three huge gowns said.

"No!!! I don't wanna try any of them.... I am tired... I just want to go home... "

Aisha was really half hearted.

She looked at the man sitting next to her.

It was almost four hours since they entered the shop.

Even the help assistant was tired.

She did not find a single dress for herself.

She was just too unlucky that day.

The girl with sad face said " Ethan!!! We can come here the next day... Let's go now!!! "

Ethan happily got up and patted her head.

Then he went up to a rack and picked a dress... He went back to Aisha...

"Try this" Ethan wrote.

Aisha did not wanted to try anymore clothes.

She pouted and stared Ethan.

Ethan kissed her lips and handed her the dress.

Aisha was left with no choice... She had to try it...

10 minutes later....

A girl with a beautiful mermaid dress came out.

She was looking like a goddess.

The beautiful white lace and the fit of the dress was so perfect that it seemed like as if it was made only for her.

The girl did not have any makeup on but still carried a natural blush.

Her hair even though small matched the dress perfectly.

Her dress had a sweetheart neckline but was not modest at all.

In all.....it was perfect!!!

The assistant was shocked.

"Ethan how is it??? " Aisha was not sure with his reaction.

Ethan got up.. Held her shoulder from one hand and her waist on the other...turned her around and made her look in the mirror.

Aisha was shocked when she looked at herself.

She never imagined that she would look this pretty.... What was more happy for her was the reflection of Ethan on the mirror.... It satisfied her the most...

She smiled and looked at Ethan.


Suddenly there was a knock.

Ethan came back from his dream.

He went out in a robe.

"Ethan...!!! Do you think you can keep the girl safe here??? "

don't you think Ethan is too sweet???

Btw... thanks for reading...

Aaliyah_lovecreators' thoughts