
with all

Aldy then with all my strength I gave Aldy a slap in the face, because I was already disappointed in him. I didn't think that he would do this to me, it turns out that he really has kidnapped me from my family.

 "Hey..!! girl!! What have you done to our BOSS! Do you know that our boss has actually protected you and taken care of you! why do you even think bad of him!! What a woman who doesn't know herself.... !!" Rezky said to me with angry eyes because he didn't like my treatment of Aldy.

 Suddenly Aldy who was wincing in pain because of my slap shouted at Rezky who also wanted to give me a slap in return because I had slapped Aldy. I really didn't want to do that to him but because I was panicking and afraid my mind was going to be messed up because I didn't know what to do and how I should be right now. Honestly, actually in my heart I still trust Aldy, because after all I feel that Aldy never plays with me and he really wants to always take care of me.